Dinner ideas

I have no idea what to cook for dinner anymore. I'm on a low calorie diet but my husband isn't and he needs meat with every meal. Any ideas of things i could cook that the two of us can eat? Were not picky at all. Any recipes or websites would be a great help.


  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    meat and veg - just watch your portion size. give hubby double your amount of meat or fish and throw in some carbs for him eg potatoes, rice or pasta.
  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    I eat basically anything.. just smaller portions and don't use any fat. Chili is good. Turkey sausage is good. My hubby enjoys a good steak.. I have 3-4 ounces of steak, baked potato and veggies.. nothing wrong with a lean steak.
    Chicken is excellent.. Does he like fettucini? I have a small amount with grilled chicken and mushrooms and hubby has a bigger portion with cheese.
  • KateeBugg66
    I have this problem with my son. I am eating light & he is a football payer with a 16 year old's metabolism. Just the two of us. I found brown rice noodles at the health food store (like Whole Foods or LifeSource). The brand name is Tinkyada, they are not mushy at all & cook fast. I use Foster Farms turkey meatballs & buy sauce with no added sugar. I'm making these changes slowly & he hasn't even noticed.
  • CrazyHedgehog
    CrazyHedgehog Posts: 30 Member
    I have been really good this week, tonights meal was about 600 calories all in and that included a whole tablespoon of full fat Lurpack butter on new potatoes!! (chicken breast with onion, redpepper, garlic and lemon juice and loads of black pepper, covered dish, in a fairly hot oven with new potatoes, butter, brocolli and carrotts) it was yummy! and as I have been cutting the butter it was an extra super treat!! (500 calories with no butter)
    But then I ruined it by making sweet pear pie and custard...which was also yummy... but very naughty.....and I had loads and loads!! (but weighed all ingeredience and tracked it fairly) one hour dog walk later and I managed to sneak back under my calories!!

    My diary is open, so you can see how I have been eating like a pig this week, but still under....but probably not the best role model!!
    I have tried a few recipes off www.skinnytaste.com and they have been yummy and low