How to lose weight when I can't seem to stay under the 1200

I just started on this site 5 days ago because I want to lose 10lbs. The sites has my calories set to 1,220 a day and I am finding it very hard to stay under that. I am usually about 300-500 over that and I feel like I haven't even eaten that much. For example the one day I was 500 calories over and all I'd eaten was a 6inch subway sub and a grilled chicken sandwhich (and fries) for dinner. That isn't a lot of food, but still I was way over my mark. It's very hard to eat healthy when my parents plan our meals and we go out to eat all of the time. I try to choose healthy whenever I can (chicken over a burger, subway over other fastfood places, etc) but its hard. Another example, yesterday I was extreamly over my calories and all I'd eaten was a weight watcheres frozen meal for lunch and then pizza and breadsticks for dinner. I mean I know that pizza and breadsticks are high in calories, but it was what was for dinner.

I also try to exercize when I can find time, but thats hard between working and going to school. When I work I am on my feet constantly moving around for 4-6 hrs straight (I'm a cashier) so that has to be burning at least some calories, right? I mean this summer I plan to ride my bike and swim and stuf but until then I feel very limited in the exercizes I can do.

Any tips?


  • Sevio
    Sevio Posts: 181 Member
    How much weight are you trying to lose per week??? 1,220 is not a lot at all. 1,300 to 1,500 is more reasonable. Also track your exercise. People say you should eat your exercise calories back some say don't do it. I do it.
    I had mine set to lose 1.5 lbs per week and it was too low. I switched to 1 lb per week and have more calories.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I think your calories are set too low, especially if your work has you moving so much. I know several of us didn't start losing until we started eating more calories. There's no way I could stick to 1200 calories.
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    If you're only trying to loose 10 lbs then set your weekly loss goal for 1lb instead of 2. The setting you have now gives you a 1000 calorie deficit to allow for 2 lbs of loss every week (am I right?)...setting it for 1lb will allow you more calories.
    Also, part of this site is learning how to eat healthy meals, and while on occasion eating a subway sandwich, or fast food or pizza is ok, it generally doesn't happen all in the same week, let alone the same day.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    For 1200 you will have to cook your own food and not go to fast food. You have to do lean meats and lots of veggies or you will feel hungry all the time. Subway says they are healthy, they don't say they are good for a 1200 day calorie plan. You can make your own pizza, etc. and keep them much lower in cals then anything you can buy. Plus then you can add tons of veggies to fill you up.

    I started here over 3 months ago at 1200 and thought I could keep up the fast food I had gotten used to. I learned very quickly that unless I wanted to be so hungry I could gnaw my arm off I couldn't do that. I hate cooking but it is a necessary evil if you are trying to drop lbs and be healthier.
  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    Ask your folks to buy you some veggies and learn how to prepare them yourself? You can eat waaaaayyy more veg for your calories than the processed stuff you are eating now. If you had a head of lettuce, for instance, you could ate that on the side instead of the fries and that would have reduced your calories. Good luck.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I have been here for 170 days. The doctor, or should I say three doctors, told me 1000 calories a day to lose. It is hard but doable. Stay away from fast food, processed food, soda, white flour and junk in general.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,350 Member
    I think you have your calories set too low. Your job sounds like you should probably be "lightly active" or even "active." Then, if you exercise, eat back your calories. That is the magic of MFP -- if your exercise more, you can eat more. Warning: You are about to be bombarded by all kinds of differing advice. But, I am right because I always am.:wink:

    Good luck and welcome!:happy:
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I just started on this site 5 days ago because I want to lose 10lbs. The sites has my calories set to 1,220 a day and I am finding it very hard to stay under that. I am usually about 300-500 over that and I feel like I haven't even eaten that much. For example the one day I was 500 calories over and all I'd eaten was a 6inch subway sub and a grilled chicken sandwhich (and fries) for dinner. That isn't a lot of food, but still I was way over my mark. It's very hard to eat healthy when my parents plan our meals and we go out to eat all of the time. I try to choose healthy whenever I can (chicken over a burger, subway over other fastfood places, etc) but its hard. Another example, yesterday I was extreamly over my calories and all I'd eaten was a weight watcheres frozen meal for lunch and then pizza and breadsticks for dinner. I mean I know that pizza and breadsticks are high in calories, but it was what was for dinner.

    I also try to exercize when I can find time, but thats hard between working and going to school. When I work I am on my feet constantly moving around for 4-6 hrs straight (I'm a cashier) so that has to be burning at least some calories, right? I mean this summer I plan to ride my bike and swim and stuf but until then I feel very limited in the exercizes I can do.

    Any tips?

    You haven't even been here a week. Give it time.
  • KahuNZ
    KahuNZ Posts: 401 Member
    Its simple really - exercise more if you eat more. I have lost 20pds and I am on 1200 but I exercise daily which gives me more calories to eat. Home cooked meals are a must. Remember weight loss is a slow process but you can get there.
  • I agree, 1200 is just too little! Can you set it to lose 1 or even .5 pounds per week? If you lose more than that, it is gravy!
    The point is to lose the weight and keep it off, which takes time.
    Be more realistic because this is a life change, not a "diet". This is a great tool to get you into a healthier habit.

    Good luck! You can do it.

    Also, work out more so you can increase your caloric intake.
  • HealthyisBeauty
    HealthyisBeauty Posts: 16 Member
    Your calories arent set too low, Im set at 1200 also. You have to have a deficit of calories to lose weight. Its easy to stay under if you eat the right foods. No pizza! I eat a lot of soups, sandwhiches, salads, fruits, veggies, fat free yogurt, etc. Losing weight involves changing your food choices. I also do not have a lot of time to work out so I do 30 min at home workouts, they help a lot!! You can simply go to youtube and find plenty of work out/calorie burning videos. You would be surprised at how many calories you can burn at home.. good luck!
  • PhatAv8r
    PhatAv8r Posts: 150 Member
    I'm on a 2027 calorie count, and I fight to not have 500 calories... almost everyone either works a full-time job, or goes to school, or both... I wouldn't use your job as a calorie burn, unless your a construction guy or doing lifting constantly.

    You asked for tips, I've been up and down, but I've been successful when I need to.

    #1, break free from the 'eat out tyranny'... little things can reduce your calories. the dressing you put on your sub, the cheese (almost 250 calories right there unless your using mustard, FAT FREE isn't CALORIE FREE) Cheese is 70 calores for two triangles. I personally eat the 6" turkey breast, double meat, no cheese, with mustard (300 total).... skip chips 160 calories... diet soda = 0 Calories or water.... there isn't another sandwich you can eat out and survive, nothing from McD or Wendy's is going to let you hit 1200 a day.

    #2, BREAKFAST - EAT IT.... simple things like oatmeal, a banana and slice of cheese, there are lots of those suggestions on the net.

    #3 - LUNCH - take it with you... 1 flour tortilla fajita size 80 calories, 2 oz grilled chicken breast 80 calories, lettuce, 1 tbsp Ranch dressing 60 calories (unless you can get FF Ranch, then 30) but thats 220 calories for a chicken wrap, add an apple and you have 300 calories and should be full.

    #4 - SNACKS - need them, add 12-15 almonds in a small baggy for that mid-afternoon need (160 calories)

    #5 - Dinner - if your eating pizza AND breadsticks, you CAN NOT win. There is more than enough bread in the pizza, and on 1200 calories, if it is a no meat pizza it should be about 200 calories a 12" slice (if you use a napkin to soak the oil off the cheese and bottom).

    You can do it!! but it means taking control, and not letting others determine if you can achieve your goals.
  • i am a diabetic, and I had to learn to choose my carbchoices carefully. I love to eat and trust me there are still times that I feel like I am being punished. However if you want to get under that 1200 per day limit, and I do it pretty much every day- is choose your carbs- If you are going to have a sandwich- that is it- next meal no fried food- have a salad and a protein-

    you will eventually get it- and the good news is that as you train yourself to eat less carbs you will crave the right choice foods that will keep you on the lower calorie bandwagon. You have to eat alot of greens and salad to go over the limit!

    Frankly, fried food is not your friend- good carb choices and fresh foods are!

    Good Luck, I think that loosing ten pounds will be sucessful for you.
  • newlife888
    newlife888 Posts: 83 Member

    I do not like this website's recommendations for calories.

    I use this tool. ... and do not eat back any sort of exercise calories. I've been eating in the 1650 -1850 range for months and consistently losing 1 to 2 pounds per week. I hope this helps.
  • dontdomornings92
    dontdomornings92 Posts: 47 Member
    I have it set to 1lbs a week right now.

    The sites says that I need 1,730 calories to maintain my current weight (119lbs), 1,230 to lose 1lbs a week and lose 5lbs by march 31st, and 1,200 to lose 2lbs a week and lose 5.3 lbs by march 31st. Needless to say I am quiet confused.

    (I'm only 5'3 and im small by nature, and I am usually around 110lbs which seems to be a healthy slim weight for my height).

    I have been eating around 1,700 calories a day, according to my food diary. But I have also cut out at least one serving of pop a day since I started this and replaced it with water. Also before I started this I was having a treat almost every night (candy bar, cookie, etc) and since I started this I've majourly cut back on my treats.

    I've also started exercizing more, when I can. I have the biggest loser for wii that I use when I can (about a 20 minute work out once or twice a week is what I get in). I also have been doing other active wii games and various short workout videos on youtube. I've also been doing a lot of crunches, 100+ a night.

    So does that mean I was eating way more calories a day before I started this and that I'm still going to lose weight because even eating 1,700 calories a day is cutting back from what I was eating a day?
  • chergarr73
    chergarr73 Posts: 59 Member
    Veggies, veggies and more veggies!!! You can eat tons, they hardly have any calories, many are even negative calories and I don't know about your parents, but as a parent myself while I may say "No, I won't buy you a bag of chips." I NEVER say "No, I won't buy you a bag of carrots." !!
  • kschmi24
    kschmi24 Posts: 59 Member
    When I lived with my parents as a teenager I desperately needed to lose weight but it was difficult since none of them ate very healthy. I yo yo'd a lot and didn't do it in a healthy way at all. And there were always temptations in the house. I asked them if we could get rid of all the junk food and start buying more healthy substitutes. My parents were not supportive, but maybe yours will be? Maybe you can have a discussion with your parents about how you want to be a healthier person and you need their support. Maybe they want to do it too!
  • jarredondo
    jarredondo Posts: 284 Member
    My calories are set to 1200. You should never be under that. You body will go into starvation mode making even harder to loose weight. The low calorie base is what I use as my motivation to exercise. If I don't exercise, I don't get to eat very much and have to be VERY picky what I eat. If I exercise, I get to eat more.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    I just started on this site 5 days ago because I want to lose 10lbs. The sites has my calories set to 1,220 a day and I am finding it very hard to stay under that. I am usually about 300-500 over that and I feel like I haven't even eaten that much. For example the one day I was 500 calories over and all I'd eaten was a 6inch subway sub and a grilled chicken sandwhich (and fries) for dinner. That isn't a lot of food, but still I was way over my mark. It's very hard to eat healthy when my parents plan our meals and we go out to eat all of the time. I try to choose healthy whenever I can (chicken over a burger, subway over other fastfood places, etc) but its hard. Another example, yesterday I was extreamly over my calories and all I'd eaten was a weight watcheres frozen meal for lunch and then pizza and breadsticks for dinner. I mean I know that pizza and breadsticks are high in calories, but it was what was for dinner.

    I also try to exercize when I can find time, but thats hard between working and going to school. When I work I am on my feet constantly moving around for 4-6 hrs straight (I'm a cashier) so that has to be burning at least some calories, right? I mean this summer I plan to ride my bike and swim and stuf but until then I feel very limited in the exercizes I can do.

    Any tips?

    well there ya go then, pizza and breadsticks are high in calories, there is your answer. Look, WHAT you eat counts, if all you are going to do is eat fast-food, then you will use up your daily allowance of calories, it's as simple as that.

    I, too, would be hungry if all I ate was what you ate, but I am not because I do not just have those things. Pizza and breadsticks are high in calories, calories that would have been better spent on chicken or fish with vegetables and potatoes, with fruit for dessert. Eggs for breakfast.... There are plenty of foods you can eat, however, if you eat nothing but fast-foods, then yes, you are totally correct, you will be very hungry, most likely break your eating plan within days and lose no weight to boot.

    What's it to be?