3 lbs in a DAY! AHHHHH

SO yesterday I weighed 146.2 (I got on the scale 3 times to make sure I wasn't imagining things) and today I weighed 149.3. I mean yesterday was my cheat day and I ate HORRIBLY (1/2 basket Chili's chips and salsa and the triple dipper for the day (leftovers for dinner)) so I wasn't expecting to weigh the same but also not expecting to gain 3! WTF? I'm so depressed!


  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    its probably food weight dear, I'd give yourself a couple days of regular eating before you hop back on the scale. I had a cheat meal, that somehow turned into a cheat weekend, last week :blushing:

    I went up from 151.8 to 159, but after a few days of normal eating im back down to 152 lol
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    SO yesterday I weighed 146.2 (I got on the scale 3 times to make sure I wasn't imagining things) and today I weighed 149.3. I mean yesterday was my cheat day and I ate HORRIBLY (1/2 basket Chili's chips and salsa and the triple dipper for the day (leftovers for dinner)) so I wasn't expecting to weigh the same but also not expecting to gain 3! WTF? I'm so depressed!

    I bet alot of it is salt. Drink lots of water, get back on track, and you'll lose it in no time! :smile:
  • sheofthesea
    sheofthesea Posts: 123 Member
    Don't get too distressed yet. Seriously, 3 pounds would mean you at over 10,000 calories too much yesterday, and that would be a remarkable amount of food. Give it a couple of days...
  • 135gratitude
    135gratitude Posts: 364
    It's water.

    Yes, you can hold 3 lbs of water. Easy.

    Restaurant food is SOOOO high in sodium, and the crappy carbs are causing additional bloat.

    One cheat meal a week can actually be good for weight loss, you would never gain 3lbs from one meal.

    Step away from the scale.

    Look at the big picture.

  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Can you say sodium? Drink lots of water and work out... re- weigh in 2 days and it will be gone
  • strawberry25shortcake
    strawberry25shortcake Posts: 183 Member
    Heeeey!!!! It's just water weight- no worries. It'll be gone before you know it! I can sometimes fluctuate up to 5 lbs in two days...yeah, not too happy about it, but if it comes in one day, it will go in one day too.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    2 words- Water Weight.

    You had a LOT of sodium/salt in those foods.

    Drink your water :drinker:
  • castellana
    castellana Posts: 8 Member
    DON'T WORRY! It is IMPOSSIBLE IMPOSSIBLE to gain 3 pounds of weight (FAT) in one day.
    One pound of fat = 3,500 calories. Did you eat 10,500 calories over your usual amount yesterday? Therefore, IMPOSSIBLE to gain 3 pounds.

    You may have water retention, you may be bloated for some other reason, who knows? :wink:

    Like they say: watch your sodium intake. Hot sauce is DEADLY when it comes to sodium. It is one of the things I track here. I try my darnest never to go over.

    Good luck!
  • Dlhigh
    Dlhigh Posts: 72 Member
    Perfect example of why you shouldn't weigh in everyday.
  • christahollis
    Don't forget how much SODIUM can be in all that stuff! It can cause you to retain pounds of water, plus the food you've not completely digested...
    If you counted up the calories...there's NO WAY you could have eaten the 9,000 plus calories necessary to actually "gain" three pounds.
    Flush it out with plenty of water and keep on track, you'll be fine.

    (When I retain water from eating high sodium foods...it's usually somewhere in the neighborhood of 5-7...so be happy you're only holding 3!)
  • loren
    loren Posts: 111
    Thanks everyone! You were all right of course. I'm down to 147.4 today! I'm just getting frustrated because I've worked my butt off the past month and can't seem to stay with my results very long. It's a horrible habit weighing in everyday, but I am so excited to see in the morning I can't help it!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    DON'T WORRY! It is IMPOSSIBLE IMPOSSIBLE to gain 3 pounds of weight (FAT) in one day.
    One pound of fat = 3,500 calories. Did you eat 10,500 calories over your usual amount yesterday? Therefore, IMPOSSIBLE to gain 3 pounds.
    what about them hotdog competition eaters tho?...i bet they could :laugh: ewwwww 68hotdogs and buns *gags*