
bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
Hi, I'm Angie. I'm 32 years old and way overweight... blah blah blah! Just wanted to pop in and say hey to everyone. I'm a little down today because I've been dieting for two weeks (again!!!) and not seeing any results... But I think I may have cut out too much. My BMR is like 3300 calories, and I've been eating about 1100... Is that possible? Or am I just destined to be huge?

I'm glad a found this place, though... I look forward to being a contributor and a success!



  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi, I'm Angie. I'm 32 years old and way overweight... blah blah blah! Just wanted to pop in and say hey to everyone. I'm a little down today because I've been dieting for two weeks (again!!!) and not seeing any results... But I think I may have cut out too much. My BMR is like 3300 calories, and I've been eating about 1100... Is that possible? Or am I just destined to be huge?

    I'm glad a found this place, though... I look forward to being a contributor and a success!

  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    HI! hunny you need to eat more! my BMR is around 1720 and I am losing weight eating about 1200-1400 cals........ including excercise cals of course. Your body is likely in starvation mode :indifferent: not good! So up your intake to what this site tells you and you can get back on track! Good luck! AND WELCOME! :drinker:
  • Phatmomma
    Phatmomma Posts: 204 Member
    We make our own destiny! Just keep eating healthy and working out. Plus riding is a GREAT workout for the calfs, thighs, and tooshy and arms. Don't get on the scale. I'm sure I posted that a zillion times. But I really think it is the enemy, especially to women. Buy the next size down pants and use those to check your loss. Plus if you have been overweight for most or all of your life, your body will go into starvation mode the first 2 weeks. You will be living off fat (or that is what the body thinks) I have read and learned that people who have always been large loose faster but at first their bodies go into reserve. Once you make it past this your body will wake up and say "hey she isn't starving me, she's just etaing better and less" and you will start to drop and I will be so jelaous!:blushing:
  • sandy317
    sandy317 Posts: 6
    Welcome and good luck! I'm sure you'll find this site to be a big help.:smile:
  • ToTheLove
    ToTheLove Posts: 357
    From what I've heard the lowest you should go is 1200 and from what alot of people say on here you shouldn't create a deficit larger than 1000 calories a day (which comes out to about 2 lbs a week, which is what most dr's agree is a healthy rate to lose). Me, I have, on average about a 800 - 1100 calorie deficit and I've been losing... okay. If i were you, I'd eat at LEAST 1900 calories a day... when you're not exercising. I know that sounds like a lot, but going down so quickly and so much could easily shock your body into starvation mode. (which could explain the lack of results so far). Also, I would get a measuring tape and measure your progress (it's alot more rewarding :smile: ) ever 2 - 4 weeks.

    Good luck and I'm glad you're here! MFP is great and everyone here is soooo supportive!!!
  • heatther
    heatther Posts: 227 Member
    Welcome! You can do it! My dr always says this is not a sprint it is a marathon!:flowerforyou: I want to kill the skinny $&*%@ lol kidding I love my dr!
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hey y'all, thanks to everyone for the kind words, I feel better! :happy: I do have another question... I've come within 35 cal. of my recommended intake today, and I do feel hungry, oddly enough. Will my body still think it's starving? Do I need to eat till I'm full, or stick to the numbers?

    Thanks again.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Try to stick to the numbers if you can..... if you're really hungry have some veggies or fruit. And remember, if you want, you can do some cardio, burn some calories, and earn yourself some calories to use on a snack! :drinker: ahhhhhhh I love MFP
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Welcome and best of luck to you!