A Question for Those Who Have Lost More Than 25 Pounds



  • wildkatt7
    wildkatt7 Posts: 163 Member
    combining strength training with the cardio allows you to lose the fat from within the muscles which makes it more permanent and healthier... Some fun cardio that uses your body for strength is belly dancing... just an idea to shake it up...
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I lost my first 130 lbs on strictly cardio, next 30 with a 50/50 split of cardio and strength, last 30 with a 75%strength/25% cardio mix
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I've lost 53 from eating right and heavy lifting. Little to no cardio.
  • sbrown9342
    You definitely want include strength training in your workouts to keep your metabolism revved up. Once you stop a cardio workout, the calorie burning also stops, but with strength training you continue to burn calories far beyond the end of the workout. And muscle burns fat. Also don't be afraid to lift. There's a common perception that women will get bulky if they lift weights which isn't true. You can lift light with more reps and get long, lean, toned muscles.
  • tuck1jl
    tuck1jl Posts: 55 Member
    I have lost 72lbs so far and I do a combination of strength training and cardio. I find what works best for me is mixing up my routines. My body seems to work better when I challenge it. I also found that when I hit a plateau one of the only ways I can get out of it is to try a whole new workout routine. Plus it keeps me from getting bored. I got a step aerobics step & video for christmas. It's really hard on my knees so I only do it once a week but it helps me burn monster calories.

    You might want to look into if you are eating enough. I was recently having problems with losing & gaining the same 3-4 lbs. So I read that if I might not be eating enough. Sure enough I increased my calories and have been dropping weight ever since. You just have to find the right combination of calories & exercise that works for you.

    Just remember to not give up. You may not be losing but you are do amazing things for your body. Keep it up:)
  • Its_ali_bella
    Its_ali_bella Posts: 27 Member
    Cardio burns fat. But you also need strength/weight lifting because you need to build muscle to burn fat while you sleep. Muscle increases your metabolism so that you don't regain the weight you are losing. A mixture of cardio and strength is good.
  • Mdelouist
    Mdelouist Posts: 1 Member
    The more you lose the more you need to workout. longer harder more often.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Weight loss is not really a function of exercise. Your diet (calorie deficit) will drive that.

    That said, a mixture of strength training and cardio (mostly HIIT running) is what the majority of my exercise consists of. This is for strength and cardiovascular health and endurance; not so much for "weight loss".
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I stop losing weight every time I start to work out. No joke. lol But I have yet to stick with workouts long enough to see results so what do I know...

    But I suppose the key is to do what you like as long as it's still challenging. Yeah?
  • live4gs
    live4gs Posts: 1 Member
    A little about me, early 2009 I was about 315 to 325lbs. Once I got on a scale and it said 199.8 I never got back on the scale. I knew I was getting bigger since my 3x Hawaiian shirts were getting tight.
    Someone my wife came across gave her a flyer from a “herbal” company that would make “life” better
    (I don’t get paid no free promo’s) much better.
    I just wanted to get down to around 250. The first 50lbs came off easy just sticking to the plan. The plan was the hard part. Once I got to about the 60lbs mark it started getting harder to lose. Also I noticed I was losing muscle. So I joined a gym and started getting back to weights then cardio.
    It is all a balancing act you will need all three things to do good, Weights, Cardio & Diet.
    Last year I did not have a good year. I went up to 225 by December. I have tried to get back to 205
    (200 -205 is my goal) I woke up at 212 on Friday. I seems to be harder (losing & dieting) this time around, but I will make it.
    Hope this helps. Good Luck!!
  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    weight training and cardio.. i lose the most with cardio but realistically the weight training is what will make you maintain it in the long run so do one one day and the other the next....

    i get crazy with mine when i have the time and do them both the same day so i dont feel to bad on my days off
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    I do a mix of Cardio and Strength, I work with a trainer and change my routines up often. At least one of my cardio days I do interval training and I'm in the gym 4-6 days a week, depending on my schedule, anywhere from 30mins to an hour at a time.
  • Jennical
    Jennical Posts: 219 Member
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member

    Thanks! <bump>
  • jdub1011
    jdub1011 Posts: 27 Member
    I lost my first 20 lbs pretty easily and quickly with cardio and modifying my eating habits. Following a plateau of about a month I started an adult boot camp that is heavy strength training combined with interval training (combination of sprints and walking). The workouts are 4 days per week. On the off days I will do interval training and ab workouts. At the most recent testing day my body fat % dropped almost 3% with a corresponding 6 pound weight loss. I am less concerned with my weight loss goal because my strength has increased, my muscle definition is vey noticeable and I have obviously lost inches because I've had to have all of my suits and dress pants altered. I guess what I am saying I like my progress even though the weight loss is much slower than before.