How can I get in better shape?

Londyn18 Posts: 5
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm an 18 year old girl. I'm exactly 5 feet tall and I currently weigh 121 pounds.
Before the summer started, I weighed 118 pounds.
And I didn't realize how bad my habits have gotten until I tried to fit in to my jeans. I usually wear a size 9 or 11 in jeans (mostly because of my hip size).
How can I thin out my thighs and my butt without gaining anymore weight?
Also, I'm trying to thin out my stomach and my upper arms.
But, I want to keep my bust size THE SAME.
(NOTE: I am diagnosed with Exercise Induced Asthma, therefore any activity that requires too much movement over a long period of time can trigger it. Heat from outside can also trigger my asthma.)


  • hi,
    i'm seventeen and trying to do the same thing you are.
    i'm 5'7'' and weigh 158 currently. now, that's not bad, but a little extra in areas.
    and i recently realized my habits when i couldn't fit into my favorite jeans.
    so what i'm doing right now, is taboe. i'm not sure with your asthma how it would be, but its not an activity that is equal to running so it might work. and for my stomach, i looked up ab exercises and have been doing them daily and am hoping for results. i'm also watching my calories on here and it helps. especially when you can see how many calories you've burned.
    if you look online for exercises, there are a ton of all different levels that you can try for legs and arms.
    i hope that helped :)
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Really, cardio workouts are the best. I have asthma too (not just exercise induced) but that doesn't stop me. It just means it takes longer to get up to doing the same workout that someone would be able to do. No chance of targeting areas unfortunately. You can try squats, lunges, pushups, situps to sculpt the muscles, but if fat is in the way you won't see them. Burning fat usually means cardio.

    Good Luck and caffeine after a workout will help with asthma. I find that in the form of black tea works best for me. Use an inhaler if you have to at the start.
  • Londyn18
    Londyn18 Posts: 5
    My Mom actually suggested Tai Bo a little while ago.
    Is it fun to do?
  • yeahh, and it really is. and you can definitely tell it works because by the end you really feel it. but at the same time its not that intense. you should try it.
  • srtakelch
    srtakelch Posts: 24
    Tae Bo is really fun. It is like kickboxing but you don't hit anything. Makes you feel like you're learning self defense at the same time.

    Zumba is also a fun workout. It is latin and hip-hop music and dance moves. It really helped me get coordinated and learn to move my hips! Good for toning the belly too.
  • Londyn18
    Londyn18 Posts: 5
    Zumba, huh?
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    the elliptical is easiest on my asthma.
    also - biking, rollerblading, ice skating, long walks, etc.
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    someone mentioned the elliptical... it's also easiest on my asthma.
  • Londyn18
    Londyn18 Posts: 5
    What is that exactly? Like a bike-riding machine? :ohwell:
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    What is that exactly? Like a bike-riding machine? :ohwell:
    It is more like a treadmill. However, instead of moving in a line, it has you move your feet in a bycle motion while standing. It is a nice low impact exercise.
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