50 lbs down! with pics :)

My journey is far from complete but I've officially lost 50 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight! I never imagined I could lose 50 pounds - I'd decided I was just a chunky girl. After having my daughter in July, I started losing weight with little effort due to breast feeding/little chance to eat/being more active via mommy duties. In October, my husband joined mfp and started losing weight so I jumped on board and haven't looked back! Reading the success stories of others has kept me motivated and MFP has helped keep me honest. ;)

When I started, I thought my body would look better at this milestone. So, I've decided to focus more on shape & tone instead of weight - although I'm sure I'll still keep a very close eye on the scale. Last week I started a strength training program from bodybuilding.com. Hopefully soon I'll have progress pictures from that and some more pounds dropped.

Now - on to the progress pictures!

Before (pre-pregnancy weight 214, size 18):

Now (164, size 12):


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