MFP lied!



  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    Did it also say that based on your daily calorie intake, you may be eating too few calories?

    As you know, it's important to eat fewer calories than you burn in a day in order to lose weight. 3500 calories is supposed to equal 1 lb., so that's where MFP gets that magic "in 5 weeks" number.

    But... your body uses a different formula. Think of it as saying, "At this rate, in 5 weeks this gal is going to completely deplete my energy stores and I'd better hang on to this hunk of fat here to snack on later!" So while it's important that you don't eat enough calories to make your body store the extra as fat, it's also VERY important that you eat ENOUGH calories to convince it that it doesn't need to hang on to the fat it's already stored.

    If I were you, I would try to make sure that the calories you eat minus the exercise calories you burn equal at least 1200 calories. Give your body a few weeks to notice the difference, because you've been telling it that it needs to hang on to every calorie for dear life.

    Once you raise it up that far, you might find that need to raise it even further, based on your current weight and daily metabolic rate.

    Good luck!
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    I'm not a believer in eat more to lose more, but your diary appears nutritionally deficient. As people have said, the protein is low and the starches are high. Pancakes are not dinner. Where is the iron? The vitamin K? The calcium?

    Your body needs the calories in your basal metabolic rate calculation to carry on essential processes. But it needs more than just calories. It needs protein, vitamins, and minerals. Without sufficient amounts of ALL of the raw materials for a given chemical reaction, it can't use ANY of them. But it can always make fat with the leftover calories.

    You know those disposable plates that have one section that is half the plate and two sections that are 1/4 the plate? Think of that for EACH meal. Protein in 1/4, starch in 1/4, veggies in 1/2. That's the proportions your meals should look like.

    Poultry is healthy as far as fat, but the birds are bled upside down after the heads are removed or the arteries severed. (Apologies to the vegetarians, but that's just how it's done.) The iron level is much lower than "red" meats. It's not just the difference in the iron in the meat itself. You'll need another source.

    Go to and do the full nutrition analysis for the daily food you've been consuming, so you can see where the gaps are.
  • MizCJ84
    MizCJ84 Posts: 335 Member
    I agree with most everyone else. You are not eating nearly enough. Your body doesn't want you to starve yourself to death so it is hanging onto the fat. Also, you may want to watch your sodium intake, and get most of your calories from clean foods. For example, instead of eating candy, eat fruit when you crave something sweet. You won't even miss the junk food after a few weeks of eating clean. I was afraid to increase my calories when I first started, but I listened to the advice of very fit people on MFP and my body is so happy for it. I eat close to 1700 calories a day now because I eat most of my exercise calories back. I'm losing weight at a slow and steady rate now, and the inches are melting off. You have to be patient, but if you don't start eating more calories you will continue to be stuck where you're at and may get frustrated and quit. Good luck to you!
  • kerrymh
    kerrymh Posts: 912 Member
    You aren't eating enough. And are you drinking any of your calories. As another poster said try to find more nutrient dense foods, I see alot of chocolate and chips and processed foods, start trying to eat alittle cleaner, less processed. More protein when you have snacks ad a protein and a carb together. But most people should not need to eat below 1200 to lose wt.
  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    I log those numbers on my calendar every so often and with all due respect I have *never* hit it. I have been an angel sometimes, a devil others and mostly in between. I have been here since August.

    Don't take it as gospel. So many things like TOM, water retention, etc affect us every day.

    Look at the big picture. Never give up.

    And also, eat more.

  • sundropc14
    sundropc14 Posts: 37 Member
    as everyone else said. you are not eating enough food, and you aren't eating enough right foods.
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    You need to eat more, and make better choices. Cut out the snack foods, cookies, etc. The quality of food is as important as the amount. Drink your water and once your on track take you measurements and get a tight pair of jeans. Take your measurements once a month and try on those jeans. You'll see some really great changes in you body that don't always show up on the scale. Also try to do some type of exercise 30 min. 5 days out of your week. Good Luck!!!!
  • How are you not starving? I would be famished with what you're eating! It looks like you're just trying to hit a specific calorie count and not really looking at the nutritional value of the food you're eating. If you focus on nutritional value, you won't have to worry so much about calories.
  • cathylord
    cathylord Posts: 115 Member
    You are starving yourself and your body will hold onto every ounce until you start eating more. You need more veggies in your diet as well as those lean proteins. I have been on MFP for 50 days and have lost 8 pounds so far. It's slow, but it is coming off, It is tempting to eat less, but I have starved myself in the past and that doesn't work. So try to get at least 1200 calories a day. You are really risking your health eating the way you are.
  • Caged_Heat
    Caged_Heat Posts: 1,031 Member
    I have nothing to add to the nutrition comments. But I will suggest that you complete your profile page. I think it will help you to spend some time filling out the About Me, Why I Want to Get in Shape and My Inspiration sections to help you determine why you are here doing what you are doing. IMO, we all need to set goals to stay motivated and achieve them - other than just a number of pounds we want to lose.
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    mfp doesn't help you lose weight, you have to lose the weight, correctly, by eating the right foods and enough of them. The calorie goal is the goal. You need to eat enough to get there, and exercise. You can do this.
  • Broken record, eat healthy meals..not meat and cheese rolls...and I Strongly recommend cardio with some weight lifting..join a gym it will help your weight loss..if something helps you lose weight, ie exercise. Then why arnt you doing it? I actually enjoy going to the gym now and as weird as it sounds there are nights where I'm bored watching tv and go back to the gym for some cardio.
  • Starve much?
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Some days are 600, others 370??? 1200 should be the absolute lowest w./o exercise. You don't want to screw up your metabolism..try to eat more, clean foods. You can totally do this!
  • You need to take your weight and divide it by two. That is how much you need to eat. (calories wise) and Eating all these bread products won't help weightloss but slow your metabolism. You need to eat Fruits, veg, and meat. THAT'S IT! Try that for a week, and I promise the weight will melt off.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    You need to take your weight and divide it by two. That is how much you need to eat. (calories wise) and Eating all these bread products won't help weightloss but slow your metabolism. You need to eat Fruits, veg, and meat. THAT'S IT! Try that for a week, and I promise the weight will melt off.

    Bread does not slow down your metabolism.
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    You need to take your weight and divide it by two. That is how much you need to eat. (calories wise) and Eating all these bread products won't help weightloss but slow your metabolism. You need to eat Fruits, veg, and meat. THAT'S IT! Try that for a week, and I promise the weight will melt off.

    So if I weigh 180 and I cut it in two, then I should eat 90 calories? Or 900? Uh, no.

    What slows down your metabolism is eating waaaaaaay below what your body needs to keep up its regular activities, even if you're in a coma.

    First things first: eat a rational amount of calories daily.

    THEN, start substituting healthier alternatives for the crap.

    Take things one at a time and you may be more successful, but not if you're lying to yourself about what you can actually achieve, or what you want to.
  • Emilia6909
    Emilia6909 Posts: 309 Member
    One of 2 things you're doing wrong:
    1. You're not eating enough
    2. You're not logging your calorie intake correctly

    Looking at your diary, it appears that you are trying too hard. I often eat below my recommended calories, but I eat really well. I'm not sure how you can enjoy what you're eating. It makes me feel stressed just looking at it. It's not WHAT you're eating, but what you're not adding to your diet and how plain it seems. If you really did eat what you recorded yesterday, that is going to do your body and your mental state of mind nothing but damage.
    You need to strike a healthy balance. I don't see much fruit or veggies. Perhaps add salads/steamed veggies to your proteins, sit down and feast on a meal.

    To me it looks like quick fixes just to eat. We should at least enjoy what we eat and make a proper meal of it.

    I would suggest you work out your long term goal and be realistic. There is not other way! But be kind to yourself physically and mentally! You can do it! Planning, planning, planning!!

    *Hope I don't sound harsh.... just honest opinion! :flowerforyou:
  • bcc112986
    bcc112986 Posts: 362 Member
    Are you logging all your food? Because it looks like you need to eat more.

    Try adding salads, more fruits, yogurt, and egg whites. All good sources of energy.
  • rfarinha
    rfarinha Posts: 388 Member
    It's kind of hard to give contructive feedback. It doesn't appear that you are logging all of your food, since there are entire meals and days with nothing. And if you are, you aren't eating very well. Not to mention that you aren't drinking any water! You probably aren't getting enough fiber either. Try and be really diligent about your logging and food choices. Good Luck.