
  • i wasn't a breakfast eater either but i have started having two eggs which i spray a cereal bowl with pam break the two eggs and stir them up put in microwave for about a 1 1/2 minute take out put 1 slice off cheese on an orwa wheat thin slice bagel and that is what i have had every morning for the last two month and it keeps me satisfied until lunch.
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    1. 1/2 cup of lowfat, reduced sodium cottage cheese and 8 spears of sauteed asparagus (it takes about 5 minutes in a frying pan) - it has no sugar to make you feel hungry quickly...

    2, Sauteed vegetables - about a cup or two (bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, zuchini, etc... - I use a combination of extra virgin olive oil and a little butter to sautee my veges) with 1 fried egg on a low carb pita pocket or 2 slices of toasted reduced calorie bread.

    3. Hard boiled egg and reduced sodium cottage cheese

    4. 1 slice of reduced calorie bread (Nature's Own Honey Wheat 40 calorie bread) with Smart Balance Peanut Butter a banana and 1 cup of milk

    Stay away from the sugary, simple carbohydrate foods - they make you hungry.

    Snack on celery or cucumbers or raw peppers. I also snack on grapes and bananas.
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    I can't eat oatmeal either, it's a texture thing. High fiber + high protien + a little bit of fat is going to be the most filling.

    My staple breakfasts are - eggs, low sodium ham and whole grain toast; 2% fat greek yogurt with lots of fruit mixed in; Wasa crispbread with hummus and a side of grapes; chocolate milk and a banana; banana and peanut butter.

    When I first started out I ate GoLean Crunch cereal, which has great numbers and tastes pretty good, but my body cannot handle chickory root (bad cramps) so I gave it up. I eat Honey Nut Cheerios every once in a while.
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
  • I wish I could find something filling at night. I end up being water logged and still hungry. I have tried varioes nuts, prtein bars shakes and nnothing works. Especially when I am watching tv with the wife.
  • I like to put 2 Tbsp. ( 1 serving) of natural peanut butter in a cup of oatmeal, it adds 200 calories and flavors it so I'm not tempted to add anything sugary as I also have the sweet tooth problem.
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    I wish I could find something filling at night. I end up being water logged and still hungry. I have tried varioes nuts, prtein bars shakes and nnothing works. Especially when I am watching tv with the wife.

    Popcorn is one of my favorite snacks for tv at night. I save some calories for it, I get Angie's Artisan Kettle Corn Lite and for 120 calores I can have just over two cups of it and it has 3 grams of fiber and even a smidge of protien. I also save up for a SkinnyCow ice cream bar - 100 calories, 3 grams of fiber, 20% of your calcium for the day and protien too - and they are delicious with no artifical sweeteners. They do contain inulin as the fiber source but for some reason the inulin in the SkinnyCow doesn't bother my tummy like it does in other products.
  • My Hunger Fighting Staples:

    Plain Greek Yogurt (I mix mine with Splenda and fresh berries)
    Low-fat or non-fat cottage cheese
    Eggs or egg whites
    All-Natural Almonds
    Lots and LOTS of water

    *These are just some things that work for my body type, and not intended to be all-inclusive. I am trying to stay away from quick-fix sugary items, but I also know that most of the time I am not awake enough in the mornings to make a big deal out of breakfast. Hope this helps :happy:
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    A really filling dinner that I love is 4 ounces of chicken breast cut into small pieces, skillet cooked with butter flavored spray and lots of seasoning, then tossed in 2 tablespoons of barbeque sauce. For the side I sautee 2 cups of fresh sliced mushrooms in 1/2 tablespoon of real butter and a bit of low sodium worcestershire sauce. On the plate the sauces mix together from the mushrooms and the chicken and it is so yummy and very, very filling.
  • Srdking
    Srdking Posts: 84 Member
    I agree about Skinny Cow ice cream, seriously good stuff and low on the calories. In Nov and Dec I ate it a lot and it didn't hurt my weight loss what so ever. I noticed Skinny Cow is coming out with new products here and there. The other night I saved some calories so I could eat low fat popcorn when watching tv, that worked out well for me.

    My breakfast is simple, protein powder and usually a Special K bar, or an Atkins bar. I never ate breakfast, and I still don't want too. I stick with those two and I'm fine. If I eat a lot of breakfast I will feel sick, not to mention be hungry a lot the rest of the day. So OP I would just try different things, and see what works for you. Personally I found anything with grains gives me more energy. So maybe you could find a cereal with grains.
  • Krisgren
    Krisgren Posts: 93 Member
    Eggs with chopped veggies and turkey sausage. I'm not a small breaky person, I enjoy a hearty breakfast just took me awhile to realize that it was ok to eat a breaky like that.
  • protein, protein, protein! :) I eat low carb yogurt or greek yogurt; low sugar oatmeal; 1 TBS Peanut butter on high fiber wheat bread; eggs scrambled with skim milk and a bit of cheese

    During the day I eat cottage cheese, string cheese, veggies, high fiber wheat crackers, turkey pepperoni as snacks. I eat lots of soup for meals.
  • A really filling dinner that I love is 4 ounces of chicken breast cut into small pieces, skillet cooked with butter flavored spray and lots of seasoning, then tossed in 2 tablespoons of barbeque sauce. For the side I sautee 2 cups of fresh sliced mushrooms in 1/2 tablespoon of real butter and a bit of low sodium worcestershire sauce. On the plate the sauces mix together from the mushrooms and the chicken and it is so yummy and very, very filling.

    Oh my gosh, that sounds super yummy!! Love chicken and mushrooms! :)
  • Hi!

    I eat 1/2 cup of All Bran with skim milk, 1/2 grapefruit and a green tea for breakfast, and I find this fills me up until my morning snack. Apples a great snack. They are filling and curb the sweet tooth, atleast for me! Also, raw brocolli and cauliflower may be boring, but they are filling too. : )
  • Fruit and oatmeal!

    I find myself loving controlled maple and brown sugar oatmeal with 1/4 cup of pumpkin puree and a little cinnamon (around 180 - 200 cals). It's very filling and I think delicious. Add a fruit to your breakfast such as a banana (70-100 cals) or apple (60-90 cals) with 1 tablespoon peanut butter (90 cals), plain, or maybe even frozen grapes (around 54 calories for 15 red grapes) (really great for that ice cream craving, plus they take a while to eat).

    Also, there are Luna bars, which are targeted for women (although men can enjoy them too). They vary from 170 - 180 calories. I personally love the Luna Protein bars in cookie dough flavor, and there are plenty of different kinds. Very filling, has essential nutrients, low-cal, and protein + fiber. Add a piece of fruit to this breakfast as well. : )

    I have recently discovered Kashi Go Lean cereal and it's divine! I am lactose intolerant, so I add about 1/4 - 1/2 cup of light soy milk to my bowl and it tastes really lovely. Lots of fiber, some protein, vitamins and minerals. It's a wholesome breakfast.

    Add a cup of tea or coffee (try to minimize extras such as creamer + sugar, or substitute for healthier options) and I'm sure you'll find yourself feeling full.

    Sorry if I wasn't much help- I pretty standard when it comes to breakfast foods.
  • Raivynsblood
    Raivynsblood Posts: 68 Member
    my breakfast has been being 3 scrambled eggs (one whole, 2 just whites), with a tablespoon of real bacon bits in a La Banderita (Low Carb Low Fat) Soft Taco Tortilla (only 81 cals).. the whole wrap is about 235 calories and fills me up til lunch :)

    or one cup of cheerios with a half or whole cup of 1% milk :)

    try to eat oatmeal occasionally but the the texture gets to me. usually gets cold before i can finish it
  • anarose13
    anarose13 Posts: 222 Member
    snacks- apricots! they are sweet and six is only 100 cal. also yogurt or other fruits.
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    Egg beaters has some very yummy varieties use for:

    Egg sandwhiches

    Oatmeal: (I buy the big containers of the plain quick cooking oats from publix)

    I use plain water to make mine the do the add ins such as:

    Some type of sweetner (splenda,stevia,etc)
    Berries (strawberries, blueberries,raspberries)
    Bananas (a half of a medium banana goes a long way)
    almond milk (vanilla or regular unsweetened)

    and my favorite especially for thoes days that you just NEED something sweet!
    Unsweetened cocoa powder, splenda and to finish a Tbsp of Jif with omega 3's peanut butter! Yummy

    You can also do smoothies if you are not a breakfast person I did this for a bit and it got me used to the idea of having breakfast

    I use almond milk and add from there. Sometimes I do a berry yogurt smoothie, sometimes a chocolate protein powder with half a frozen banana.

    Good luck! :)
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I wish I could find something filling at night. I end up being water logged and still hungry. I have tried varioes nuts, prtein bars shakes and nnothing works. Especially when I am watching tv with the wife.
    If you like yoghurt, try a yoghurt and a banana. I have it everynight now and it definately fills me right up:)

  • betaleonis
    betaleonis Posts: 176 Member
    Every morning I have coffee, special K cereal (with milk) topped with 4 crushed almonds, and some fruit (berries or a banana). YUM. I wish breakfast time was now :(