High Intensity Interval Training for old folks

martinarant Posts: 6
edited November 2024 in Fitness and Exercise

I'm new to the forums. Any middle-age or seniors here doing HIIT as a regular part of their exercise. I'm 64 yo and have been doing it 3 times a week for now 2 years. It has helped reduce my body fat from 20% to 12% and has drastically increased my running speed in 5K races. I'd like to hear from anyone else doing the same. :happy:



  • dport7
    dport7 Posts: 123 Member
    Hi Marty

    i do a tabata, 38 minute HIIt workout five time a week. Very good calorie burner. I'm just starting to take body measurements, although I have lost 28 pounds, doing this and other workouts.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    Hi and Welcome - Just wanted to say hello!!
    I'm not long turned 40 and it's hard work doing HIIT so kudos to you!! Having seen runners of more senior years and even my motorbike instructor was 70 something I have great respect for people doing what they need to to feel good and keep fit too.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,229 Member
    I'm 58 and started working HIIT into my program about a month ago - it is amazing, and I will keep working up the intensity. I feel great, and know I'll get to my goals if I use HIIT, and probably will not if I don't. A no-brainer!
  • Pickles11
    Pickles11 Posts: 310 Member
    Can you guys tell me a little bit about what your hiit and tabata workouts look like ? I am just starting to get into this type of workout.
  • dport7
    dport7 Posts: 123 Member
    I googled tabata to try and find the one I bought and downloaded, I like it because it's a good beat for your routines and a coach, which is a voice that tells you when to start and stop you intervals. I'll go back and search some more for you, If I find it I'll link it for you.
  • dport7
    dport7 Posts: 123 Member
    Can you guys tell me a little bit about what your hiit and tabata workouts look like ? I am just starting to get into this type of workout.

    Found it. http://www.workoutmusiconline.com/ you can try the intervals on his web site. He has a info on tabata also. Check it out. We really like it for our workouts.
  • dport7
    dport7 Posts: 123 Member
    Can you guys tell me a little bit about what your hiit and tabata workouts look like ? I am just starting to get into this type of workout.

    Just did the tabata HIIT I linked you to.
    Duration, without warmdown, 33:04
    Calories burned, 448
    Average HR 148
    Max HR 172
    It will work you.
  • I do HIIT 3 times a week. I rotate between a stationary bike, running uphill on the gym treadmill, and running outside. When I do the bike it's a 3 minute warmup, then 30 second intervals separated by 90 second recoveries. On the treadmill running I run at a 3 degree incline at 9 mph for 45 seconds with a 2 minute recovery. IMPORTANT: I do the treadmill HANDS FREE... without touching or holding onto the bars. This is really important. Holding on "de-trains" your brains sense of balance. The bike workout takes 20 minutes for 8 sets and the treadmill takes 30 minutes for 8 sets. In addition... on Saturdays I run with a group for 5K in a local park. I do intervals here while running but without actually worrying about start/start times. I just run as hard as I can (sprint) until totally exhausted (usually about 1 minute) and then jog or walk until I recovery (about 1 or 2 minutes). HIIT intervals has made a huge difference in my running time. When I started running 2 years ago I was running a mile in about 12 minutes. Now I'm running it in a little over 8 minutes.

  • Thanks for the welcome. HIIT is the hardest thing I've ever done... but well worth it.

  • Hi.
    Yes me I am 68yrs old 5 times a week I go out on my bicycle, to this small hill, I ride up it as fast as I can (maybe 3 minutes) turn around coast down and slow cycle until I have my breath back, and start all over again several times.
    I haven't lost weight doing this but I sure am fitter, and feel really good, I also have a kettlebell which is also good for hiit but I don;t seem to have the same motivation as I do for my cycling so I don't do it often enough.

    Regards Stuart
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