MFP Loner!!!!!

Hey everyone! I just got MFP about a week ago... I wasn't liking the app I had before and find this one to be MUCH better!!! :) I love reading all the blogs and logging in my info everyday... The only thing missing is I don't have any friends!! :( ok that sounds sad... I do have FRIENDS just not on here! LOL. Anyway, does anyone want to change that??!?
I'm a 27 year old teacher and soon to be bride in just a few short months! Eek!!! I currently weigh 144 (used to be 135... Damn you Christmas and all your deliciousness!!!) I'm wanting to get down to 120-125. I LOVE going to the gym and workout 5-6 days a week, alternating between strength and cardio every other day.

I'd love to no longer be a MFP loner anymore! Please help!! Hehe :)


  • CMXL
    CMXL Posts: 54 Member
    Friend me! I am 41 but 144 lb now. And want to to 110. Even pregnant, I was only 120 so can't even blame my kid. Adding insult to injury, he is already 9:) I have been on MFP for over twenty days but active in the last two and found some very wonderful people who are supporting and motivating me. You can do it too!

    By the way I am a shortie, only 5'2".
  • StatHaldol
    StatHaldol Posts: 414 Member
    Welcome, and congrats on the impending wedding!!
  • Mayreni
    Mayreni Posts: 31 Member
    I love making new friends! I'm 26 years old, currently weigh 185 lbs and my goal is to get down to 110. I'm only 4'10 so that's why my goal weight seems a little low. Having friends on MFP is a really great way to keep up your motivation. Congrats on your wedding, you can do this girl!
  • Congrats!
    I'm also looking for some MFP buddies. Add me up and I will encourage you on this journey.
  • phoebenaiman
    phoebenaiman Posts: 12 Member
    Congrats on the upcoming wedding!! :smile:

    I could definitely use some more friends on here! I'm new at this too. I'll add you!
  • traceracer
    traceracer Posts: 303 Member
    If you like sick sense of humor but serious fitness benefits, add me
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    add me add me! :tongue:
    sorry, first coffee of the day, gets me a bit hyper...
  • Go ahead and add me. I am new to adding friends on MFP as well. The few I have have been a great motivation.