5'4" females..goal weight? Daily calorie intake?



  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    My goal weight is somewhere between 115 and 120. That's a little on the low end, but I have a small frame. I'm at 126 right now (started at 145), but still have quite a bit of excess fat, so I don't think it a low number for me. I was eating at 1300 a day, but I bumped it up to 1530 recently. I haven't really lost much since, but I think that's more my fault for exceeding my calories... hahaha.
  • Mine is set for 1420, with 3 x30 min exercises every week as I walk at least 2 miles a day.
    I haven't lost.. or gained...since Christmas.
    What am I doing wrong?! Is this too many?!
    I can't give up chocolate but would try anything else!!

    S.P xxx
  • suse33
    suse33 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm 5"4 and 151. I lose weight if I eat 1800 calories or less a day. I workout 5X a week. My goal weight is 130. The last time I was 130 I wasn't exercising or lifting weights, so I want to see what 130 looks like now and then see if I need to go lower.
  • katie133
    katie133 Posts: 210 Member
    Most numbers I do for this height with an activity of 1.5 or Moderate activity fall within the 1600-1800 range.
    This offers maximum lean mass retention, something that is pretty low in shorter people, with maximum fat metabolism.

    ^^ THIS!!

    I'm 5'4 and was on 1200 a day for 25 days or so, i barely ate back my exercise cals because i wanted to lose weight fast! While i did lose a lot pretty quickly, i stalled very fast. I spoke to my trainer at my gym.. and eating this low was is NOT healthy for someone who is exercising (unless you are eating back all of your exercise cals) I currently eat 1500 a day and have been having consistent loss, and so much more energy in my work outs

    http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm Check this out for your caloric needs, but dont go for extreme fat loss, go by what it says under "fat loss"
  • kopmom
    kopmom Posts: 491 Member
    I am 5' 3.5"
    I am at goal with a weight of 120. I do not like to go under 118 and prefer not to go over 120ish
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member

    Goal weight 135, been there before at who knows how many calories, but under fifty full carbs (not net)

    Now, goal weight 135, 1400-1600 NET calories, after workouts. With under 30 full carbs a day, but 158grams protein. It's working quicker.

    Dropping weight like mad.

    How are you getting in that much protein? I am struggling to get 100.
    I lost 40 lbs in 5 months but have been stalled now for 2. Daily cals at around 1500
    My goal weight for now is 160.
  • penney88
    penney88 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm 5'4" I just started MFP 3 days ago but have been working out for about 3 weeks on and off.
    My goal weight is 125 which was my weight before I had my daughter.
    right now im at 147- 3 pounds lost since ive joined :D
    my calorie intake is 1200 which i thought wasn't alot but its actually perfect and I learned some days I was eating less then that- which isnt healthy.
  • FoxWilkinson
    FoxWilkinson Posts: 46 Member
    I'm 5'4", currently 163lbs, and my goal weight is 130lb, or lower when I get that far. I am very curvy, and would like to keep it that way ;P. My calories/day are set to 1340/day, with a cardio work out 5x/wk, and strength training 3x/wk with a sedentary/lightly active lifestyle. I often eat some of my exercise calories, but not always. But if I'm hungry, I eat, simple.

    Hope this helps. :)
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    I am 5'3". Initial goal is 140 but would like to get to 135. I have alot of muscle and medium build so anything less I look gross. :)
  • tfancey
    tfancey Posts: 96 Member
    5'4 - GW: 122 with ultimate GW of 118

    ETA: Oh and I eat 1313
  • DeniseB0711
    DeniseB0711 Posts: 294 Member
    I am 5' 2'' goal is 145lbs. 1200 calories when not exercising, and 1400-1600 when I do exercise.

  • scrappy25
    scrappy25 Posts: 77 Member
    5'4" , SW 135, GW120. For loss of .5 lb a week I am allowed 1250 calories. Not enough for me so I have to stand at my computer desk at work and use a stepper when I can to get a few hundred calories extra to eat. Work out 3-4 times a week ( running a few miles and/or 30 day shred) and eat back most of those calories too. Down 6lb in about 9 weeks., and much fitter than I was from all the additional exercising. Was size 10 now size 8, would like to be size 6 and lose those love handles. On level 2 of 30 day shred and it's killing me, feels like a huge step up from level 1 since arms and abs are my weak points.

    It's a very slow rate of loss but that's okay. It took me a few years to gain the 15 lb and if I can lose it in a few months without feeling deprived I am more than happy.

    Just a note to those starting out. The weight loss is not linear. It's like watching a hard drive backup. It wiggles a bit up and down (for me there is a max 2lb variance) during the week depending on my carb and salt intake but eventually goes down. At first this was very frustrating but then I learned from someone here to weigh myself on Thursday's since the food intake on a weekend is so variable and by Thursday it will have evened out. That seems to work for me.

    Best wishes to everyone!
  • I'm 5'3.5", goal weight for now 138 (a few pounds under the top range of healthy BMI) and my calorie goal is set at 1200. Less than a week in, I've lost almost 5 pounds (I'm at 177 now) so I'm thinking about upping the calorie goal to 1250 at least. No idea why the weight is coming off so fast, other than I must have been eating a ton before!

    ETA: I AM making sure to enter my exercise in, so I'm talking net calories above.

    Good luck to you.
  • RoughDiamondUK
    RoughDiamondUK Posts: 151 Member
    Goal weight: 116 lbs.

    I had MFP set to a 1 lb/week loss which put me on 1200 net cals a day, but have just changed it to 0.5 lb/week which gives me 1380 net cals a day... I figured since my BMR is 1306 then I'd better net that at least. However, for the next two weeks I'm going to aim for 1300 net and then go to 1380 after that.

    ETA: Forgot to say I am 5' 4", small framed, and I have been averaging very close to 1200/day over the course of a week, since I joined MFP. So yeah... some days I've been over 1200 net and some days under. I'm working on being more consistent from tomorrow, as I'm done eating for today.
  • bj6886
    bj6886 Posts: 60 Member
    5'4" GW 135 which is 10 pounds more than my college weight. I'm so far from that, so will reevaluate when I get closer.

    ETA: 1200-1400 calories
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Wow - I kind of feel like a schmuck now. I was in to see my doctor Friday and told him I need a goal weight both for my TOPS membership and now this and we set a goal weight of 175# for now. I've been as high as 290 (years ago) and worked my way down to about 247 (so over the course of about 10 years!) at the beginning of this year. When I started mfp 2 weeks ago I weighed 237. I wanted a goal that would be attainable by my 60th birthday in September and with BMI and diabetes etc. to consider my doctor and I both thought 175 would be a good goal for now. However, when I approach that, I will consider lowering it but I'm 60 years old and I don't want to be 120# but by reaching 175 or even 150, I will be relieved of my medications and be healthy and that's so what I want!! I marvel at everything I read on this board and am so glad I found this site. I'm trying to stay within 1200 calories a day but still have a problem with "junk food"; however the BIG difference is everything I put in the mouth goes on the food chart!! It's so easy there just is no excuse!

    Do not base your goals on anyone else's goal. I see a lot of women our height who want to be 120lbs or less. There is NO WAY I want to be that thin. I have a larger frame and I would look skeletal at that weight. I don't worry about anyone else's goal. Focus on what feels comfortable for YOU. When you get to 175lbs, re-evaluate.

    Good Luck!
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    My current weight is 134

    Goal is 130lbs

    Calories set at 1680

    But to be honest, I'm not that fussed on weight figures

    I may be more than 134 now, or less. I haven't looked in ages!
  • BrandyontheRun
    BrandyontheRun Posts: 204 Member
    5'5, daily cals 1330 (6days/wk exercise), GW was 120 but I'm now 129 and don't think I need to lose much more than 1 or 2 pounds max =)
  • I'm 5'4", and my goal is 120 lbs. (I'm about 168 now.) But that's according to BMI, and I'm not sure what percent of my current BMI is muscle.
  • gail2207
    gail2207 Posts: 133
    GW: 112
    CW: 118

    Daily intake - between 1200 and 1700 depending on exercise.