Hi, excited to try this site.

I was told about this site from some co-workers and decided to give it a try; I really like the way it's set up and could use
some support. Hope your all having a great day!


  • Peapod57
    Peapod57 Posts: 27 Member
    I signed up about an hour ago ....similar to you, this site was recommended by friends. gotta be worth a go:happy:

    Im planning on using the site daily so perhaps we can motivate each other ?
  • sherrikaye
    sherrikaye Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I am Sherri - I signed up a few months ago but didn't get very far.. going to try it again with some friends.
  • Bre44
    Bre44 Posts: 4
    I plan on using it daily also, it would be great to motivate each other. :)
  • Bre44
    Bre44 Posts: 4
    Hi Sherri, I just signed up today I've been doing weight watchers and decided to leave that site, I can't see paying for something
    that's doesn't seem to be helping me and I like the layout of this site much better.
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    Hello welcome to MFP I love it here I have met so many great friends here it is so wonderful. If you would like to add me that would be great have a great day
  • gbelltx
    gbelltx Posts: 142
    You have come to the right place!! There is plenty of support, encouragement and knowledge throughout this site. You don’t have to be vocal just be consistent!!
  • Hi, I am Wendy,

    I down loaded this app about a year ago, but never did anything with it. I have come back today and realised how good this
    app is going to be.

    I'm looking forward to sharing this journey with you all :) xx
  • slim422
    slim422 Posts: 104 Member
    Welcome to MFP - I think you'll like the site - a lot of great support, tips and information. Go ahead and add me as a friend if you like. It's great to have people all working on the same goal - get healthy, exercise and lose weight!

    Have a great 1st day
  • hi, i started yesterday, heard of this site from a friend. after seeing the layout and how easy it seemed to be, i was really motivated to get started. if you would like a friend for mutual support, im your gal
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 420 Member
    Welcome. I've been since just before Christmas and after years of trying, my weight is finally shifting. I think it's tracking the food and the support. Not the platitudes of Weight Watchers leaders (oh so sickly sweet) but real people with differing views, including some tough love sometimes.

    With the money I would have spent on Weight Watchers I now use for a gym membership and zumba classes.

    Anyone looking for support, please feel free to add me. I log daily.
  • Ash_76
    Ash_76 Posts: 186 Member
    welcome aboard and goodluck with your goals to all
    feel free to add me if you like
  • Bre44
    Bre44 Posts: 4
    I think support is very important to help reach your goals not to mention very motivating.

    I workout about 5 days a week and I've done all kinds of workouts from P90X to Turbo Fire now I workout on my Elliptical mainly because I have a bad right foot and jumping around on it isn't helping me.

    I look forward to being able to meet my goals and also support others to meet theirs. :)
  • Hi im Dave,

    Im Wendy's husband and i am FAT!!!

    We are taking this journey together and this site/app is a great way to keep record and keep motivated. I know pushing each other we can do this.
  • ball858
    ball858 Posts: 395 Member
    Welcome to MFP, certainly the best site i have come across for helping keeping track of calories and people to keep you motivated.

    Feel free to add me