Tired of oatmeal! On the go breakfast ideas?



  • dhencel
    dhencel Posts: 244 Member
    Kraft has some "milk and granola bars" in different flavors....I love the peanut butter... 140 cal.....in dairy section
  • amyreafleng
    amyreafleng Posts: 69 Member
    I try to switch it up...I will do the flavored weight control oatmeal, yogurt and fruit, cereal and milk, one egg 2 slices low calorie toast and salsa or Mayo, nutragrain eggo waffle with sugar free syrup or yogurt.
  • alyson820
    alyson820 Posts: 448 Member
    I love slicing a banana in half and spreading all natural peanut butter down the middle. It's really delicious and filling.
  • westdove
    westdove Posts: 174
    Fried egg whites are great. Or your fav bran cereal. I eat Raisin Bran some mornings.
  • emfilomena
    Luna Protein bars!! I love the cookie dough flavor, and it's only 170 calories per a bar. They are targeted for women, but I'm sure either gender can enjoy them :) Perhaps adding a piece of fruit such as a clementine, apple, or banana and a cup of tea would definitely fill you up!!
  • amberinco
    I hate trying to come up with breakfast ideas. I am in no mood to prepare anything amazing.

    I stick with yogurt mixed with cheerios. It's filling, it's good and it's not a budget buster.

    I also like whole wheat toast with Whole Food Fresh Ground Honey Roasted Peanut Butter (OMG, it's delish!)

    On the mornings that I'm actually willing to spend a few minutes, I'll toast a bagel and cook up some turkey sausage and eat them together.

    Or another ideas is a piece of whole wheat toast with a couple of fried eggs or scrambled eggs.

    Not sure about the calorie count on all of these, but those are generally my breakfasts.

    Except for my cheat day when I have whole wheat, blueberry pancakes. I like to freeze those and then reheat them for a quick breakfast as well.
  • 2011kjb
    2011kjb Posts: 7 Member
    I pack portions of 1/4 c blueberries and 1/4 c kasha crunch to add to my 70 calorie carton of Dannon yogurt. I layer it I to a bowl and it makes a satisfying breakfast for under 150 calories. I also keep some Shaklee Cinch powder on hand for mornings that I forget to pack food, only I increase the milk to 14 oz. and use one scoop (instead of 2)- can't remember how many calories, but under 250.
  • Mandarz
    Mandarz Posts: 50 Member
    I do peanut butter and banana on whole wheat bread- smoothies ( just bought vega whole food- but have used pure pumkin seed protein and whey protein, and also made without added proteing ) always use chia with them, sometiems GNC maximum fruits powder - eggs on toast- oatmeal with fruit..
    You can make eggs in the microwave easy- you can even buy those egg creations- i think 1/4 cup is equal to an egg, and like 70ish calories- come in flavors, can microwave in a bowl and have on toast??? good luck
  • crudd123
    crudd123 Posts: 244 Member
    Try plain greek yogurt with some blueberries or some other fruit and then I put some stevia in it too! It's good and has lots of protein!
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    PB and Banana on Toast
    Avocado on Toast (with garlic salt)
    Scrambled Egg in a Pita Pocket
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I did not read the entire thread . sorry if duplicated.

    Breakfast burritos

    10 medium wraps
    10 eggs slightly beaten
    1/8 cup of milk or cream
    1 cup shredded cheese
    1/2 cup chopped ham, sausage, or bacon (cooked)
    1 TBSP butter
    1/4 - 1/2 cup chopped bell pepper
    1/4 - 1/2 cup chopped onion
    salt and pepper to taste

    Saute onion and bell pepper in butter. Add milk and salt and pepper to eggs .Pour in pan. Cook until done. Remove from heat. Add cheese and meat. Divide mixture onto 10 wraps. Wrap each burrito with a paper towel then aluminum foil. Place in freezer baggie. Freeze up to 3 months.

    * To reheat remove foil and place in microwave for 30 second intervals. 

    Calories 241
    carbs 24
    fat 12
    protein 15

    Of course, that depends on the burrito wraps you use. If you use the whole wheat low carb the less carbs and calories it will have.