I can't diet!



  • 30yearssincebikini
    Just stop eating junk cold turkey. Do it for a week and the cravings will diminish alot. For me, they went away completely. You just have to do it. There is no sugar coating (pun not intended!) a new way of eating. You just have to do it.
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    I can excercise, but I"m the worst dieter ever! I have no self control whatsoever and I eat junk food and drink pop way too much. Since I got my teeth pulled and have full dentures 2 years ago, I have stuck to soft food like cheese puffs, hohos, potatoes, pasta, etc. How do I get started in a way that will stick? Thanks!

    How about baked cheese puffs, fruit with dark chocolate and whipped cream, mashed or lightly buttered cauliflower, whole grain pasta?

    You are just giving yourself excuses. Start by eliminating pop from your diet. Switch to diet, and only twice a week. The best way to avoid junk food(which is "food" only in name) is to stop buying it. Don't have it in the house! Look up recipes online for healthy eating of the things you love. Dieting never means giving up a food, but learning self-control.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    You don't have to diet. You need to change you lifestyle and habits. Eat healthier food that you like and you won't 'feel' like you're on a diet. If you eat healthy snacks, you're eating all day long and you're not hungry and craving junk. Keep junk OUT of the house period.Once you start eating healthier, you won't crave the garbage food and eat bite, of anything in my case, tastes better. Move more. When I had braces and could only eat soft food (at a time when I had 3 young children!), I cooked nearly every meal in the crockpot so i could chew it. There are healthy recipes that include meat that you could pretty much gum to death! Good luck! You CAN do this if you want to,
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    I actually still eat pretty the same things I always ate, just not above my calorie limits. I eat a lot of healthy things, but also a LOT of bull****. As others have said, associate the word "diet" with the full spectrum of things you eat, not a restrictive plan for temporary food changes.

    You never have to diet, but can enjoy everything as a PART of your diet.
  • dme1977
    dme1977 Posts: 537 Member
    I eat "junk" food... but ALWAYS the ACTUAL SERVING SIZE or LESS... when i need a chocolate fix, I eat 5-10 M&Ms instead of a handful... or an actual serving of nacho chips is 9 chips.... or TRY baking a cake with real icing and cutting it into real serving sizes and freeze each one into baggies and defrost only 1 piece at a time to eat... better for you than ho hos, ding dongs , whatever... cheese puffs, buy the baked kind.. or switch to quaker oats flavored rice cake puffs.... less calories, and the flavored ones are mini and very TASTY... and you get like 10-16 per serving for 100 calories or less....soda, I only drink the zero kind or diet... and no calories.. just a matter of adjusting your taste buds to the diet version. or drink crystal light which has numerous flavors for only 5 calories a serving. its not about depriving yourself its about making SMARTER choices and serving sizes!! :flowerforyou:
  • karliekins
    karliekins Posts: 27 Member
    There are so many soft foods that are healthy too. Applesauce, low-fat yogurt, and squash are the first that come to mind. Try whole wheat pasta or brown rice pasta instead of regular. You don't have to quit anything cold turkey. Start by switching from pop to sports drinks or flavored water or juice, and then just plain water. I've gone from drinking coke every day to drinking nothing but water and tea, and it's one of the easiest ways to get healthier.
  • kbrogan78
    kbrogan78 Posts: 158 Member
    A great place to start would be looking up recipes specifically made for infants/toddlers. Nowadays parents are recognizing the value in homemade baby foods and having variety in that food. There are lots of great blogs, cookbooks and recipes out there with a wealth of info on making soft yet flavorful foods. Foods for little ones also tend to be simple, which would be an easier way to ease yourself into healthy cooking than starting with more elaborate recipes.

    Also, almost any softish food can be sent through a foodmill to make it more of a puree texture. I had friends who took pretty much all the "regular" food they prepared and used the foodmill so their children could eat it when they were little.

    And I agree with everyone else. I have no real restrictions on what I can/can't eat but as soon as I call it a "diet" I feel like I've lost the mental battle. Once you go on a diet that also implies that someday you'll be OFF the diet and that isn't what you want!

    You can do this!