Is breakfast the hardest meal for you too?



  • jessica0
    i personally hate breakfast, i hate eggs i hate bacon and i hate oatmeal lol!!!! :sick: i just do not eat it, i go to school and get up at 5;30 we have lunch at 10:40 i guess that could be considered my breakfast, which usually consist of a sub from subway
  • rf1170
    rf1170 Posts: 180 Member
    There is one breakfast I never tire of, and when I run out of the ingredients (which is rare), I get kind of sad.

    Egg Drop Soup!

    Seriously, it's fast, easy, cheap, nutritious, infinitely adaptable, and delicious. I make chicken stock once a week or so with bones I've saved up from dinner and veggie scraps (in a plastic bag in the freezer, I save onion and carrot peelings, kale and parsley stems, herbs that may go bad soon, mushroom stems, soft celery, and whatever else seems good, and then I add that to my stockpot), so I don't have to buy it from the store. Depending on the season and how I'm feeling, I change it up, but these are the ingredients I always include (and they're really all you need):
    1 1/2 cup chicken stock
    sea salt and pepper to taste
    two eggs
    You bring the stock to a simmer, add your seasonings - lately I've been partial to curry powder and kale, which I add here too - beat the eggs in a measuring cup, then stir them into the simmering broth. You're done in five minutes or less, and it's phenomenal. Want some extra protein? Add some shredded chicken if you have some. Got some mushrooms? Put those bad boys in there! Need some more healthy fat? Add a tablespoon of coconut oil! Want it spicy? Try some crushed red peppers.

    I swear, I will eat this soup every morning of my life as long as I have stock and eggs. And since my mother keeps chickens, that's going to be a long time. I even eat it during the summer; I just get up earlier to make it so I'm not sweating. :) Let me know if you try it! I'd also be happy to share other soup recipes; I'm kind of a soup fiend. Friend me if you'd like, and good luck breakfast hunting!
  • slim422
    slim422 Posts: 104 Member
    This is an very interesting response for me because in the past 7 weeks I have not missed breakfast once, this is a HUGE change for me given I hardly ate breakfast in the previous 40 years. I am still trying to add lifestyle changes to make this the biggest calorie meal of the day and it's coming along but takes time to fit in the routine.

    My newest challenge from T. Ferris' book the 4 Hour Body is to have 30g of protein within 30 minutes of waking up. It's a bit challenging but I am up for it.....I came close today.
  • Jendenlar
    Jendenlar Posts: 7 Member
    I agree, breakfast is hard-but I've been getting better with it over the past 4 months. I hypothesize one difference between breakfast eaters and non-eaters is the fact that some people wake up starving and other wake up NOT hungry at all. I find that when I eat a very light dinner, then I wake up starving and can't wait to eat. When I eat a heavier dinner, then the next morning I don't really want breakfast for a few hours-this is especially true on the weekends.

    Anyhoo-I try to mix it up because I am not a big fan of breakfast foods. I will bake a biscuit and add 2 pieces bacon and one slice reduced fat cheese. That is yummy. Sometimes I just drink a tall glass of chocolate milk (made with skim milk and reduced sugar nestle quick). Sometimes, the easiest for the sweet tooth is a granola bar like the Kashi one with the coconut and dark chocolate-YUM! Other days-an apple or banana will do with a reduced fat cheese stick. During the summer, I make a lot of fruit smoothies.

    Breakfast foods I am not big on: eggs, any way what so ever. Every now and again-I'll get a wild hair up my you know what and make 2 eggs, then half way through I remember why I should have only made one. I do not like yogurt very much. Oatmeal is disgusting. I eat cereal-but only like sugary kinds and eat them as desserts instead of breakfast.

    Breakfast I love: biscuits and gravy. Can't eat this too often-but it is SO good! I also LOVE cinnamon rolls. OMG the are the best-I never get them any more unless I have company and know that I will only eat 2 (instead of the whole can). The same goes for donuts and cheese danishes. Blueberry muffins are the BEST. Again-I only eat these in social settings where I can eat ONE.

    Okay-hope that gives some ideas for you!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    For the last forty years, I've been dedicated carbs & sweets aficionado for breakfast. From donuts to cinnamon buns to PB&J sandwiches (yeah, TONS of sugar in those). Although I've been doing pretty good in the four weeks since I've started, the egg white on whole wheat muffin and blueberry yogurt is really starting to get on my nerves. Since I've seeing good results so far, I am motivated to keep trying, but I can easily see in a couple months having a complete breakdown and eating three custard filled donuts for breakfast every day for a week!
    For some of us, skipping breakfast is an option. Personally I don't eat breakfast anymore except on Sunday. I load up on my calories after lunch and dinner along with some snacks.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Breakfast got a lot easier when I stopped eating it. Intermittent Fasting via Leangains was a watershed for me.
    This. Saves me a lot of time in the morning.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • RicSnyder
    RicSnyder Posts: 129 Member
    I have 6 egg whites, five pieces of turkey bacon on whole grain bread for breakfast almost every day. It took a long time to get used to eating egg whites, as I was a big fan of yolks. Just this morning I had half a maple iced cinnamon happens, no big deal, just work it off. Keep working at it, eventually healthy breakfasts will become the habit. As you continue to feed your body good food it will start to crave good food instead of bad. That’s not to say you will never have another custard filled doughnut, but one every once and a while isn’t going to kill you.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    My breakfasts are usually pretty high calorie. Eggs and oatmeal, Kix with milk and a PBJ sandwich, pancakes and bacon. I can't skip breakfast or my entire day will be a wreck. I just eat what I like and make sure it fits in my calorie goal because when I stuck to the same thing every day I had the box of donuts breakdown for a few days.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    It used to be, because I was never hungry at breakfast time, so I always skipped breakfast. Now I always eat a sweet juicy or sweet fruit for breakfast and then a juicy fruit for a snack about 30 minutes - an hour later and that hypes me up to exercise and gives me a "high" or boost that really pumps me up during my exercising and/or morning walks.

    When I get done...I will eat a protein/fiber/carb packed snack/meal and it's working fabulously. I so GLAD I'm changing and eating more now.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    I was never much of a breakfast eater but find I'm more successful by eating breakfast. Although some folks thrive like ninerbuff with no breakfast. You might give his advice a try if breakfast just doesn't cut it for you.

    However, I really don't understand why you're not eating the egg yolks. That's the best part. There is good nourishment in the yolk and it will help keep you satiated for longer. I eat three scrambled eggs virtually every morning for breakfast and my cholesterol levels and triglycerides are excellent.

    And, once in awhile, especially if we're traveling, I'll splurge with waffles, pancakes, a cinnamon roll, whatever. No big deal. I just know I can't do it every day. But a little fun and variety in our meals once in awhile is totally fine.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    IF you like sweet....MFP'ers yes I know this isn't CLEAN LOL...but I love the Jimmy Dean turkey sausage pancake or french toast griddlers. The pancake one especially is soooo yummy. 210 calories. 9 grams of protein. Two maple syrup tasting pancakes with turkey sausage in the middle. YUUUUM. I also love oatmeal with a tablespoon of peanut butter in it.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Lately I've been eating cheese grits for breakfast most mornings: a portion of cooked grits, an ounce of sharp cheddar cheese, an egg, and sea salt and Tabasco to taste. Mix well, then nuke on high for 3-4 minutes until it's set in the center.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    If eating pastries is something you really enjoy and can't imagine giving up, plan on doing it. By plan, I mean, decide what day you will have what treat, and how you will adjust your other calories that day to accommodate it. You don't have to eat exactly what everyone else does and you don't have to be healthy 100% of the time. Going from eating pastry every day to eating it twice a month is still a huge improvement, and you'll probably appreciate a treat more when you do eat it if it's not a daily routine.
  • justmstry
    justmstry Posts: 13 Member
    I've never been a breakfast eater, at least not on a regular basis. Since starting MFP and logging my food I noticed that regardless of what I eat for breakfast on the the days I do eat breakfast I am hungrier at lunch and end up eating more calories overall for the day. I don't get it - I would think I would be less hungry. So, I'm back to not eating breakfast - just having 16ounces of water.

    I haven't ever been a real breakfast eater either, so I understand where you are coming from there. But breakfast does start your metabolism for the day so that you can burn more calories through the day. Therefore it does make sense that you are more hungry at lunch. Saying that, I have had the same issue, so here is how I deal with it. I drink a slim-fast shake for breakfast, which is 190 calories. I love to add ice and put it in the blender, it gives it more volume to help keep you more full and I think it tastes better as well. I then have a snack between breakfast and lunch, which I usually try to keep about 100 calories, usually it is a piece of fruit, like a banana, apple, or orange. If you eat a "cutie" they are low in calories and you can have 2. Good luck!
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    breakfast does start your metabolism for the day so that you can burn more calories through the day.

  • appleiam1994
    appleiam1994 Posts: 13 Member
    i love bagels (though I leave the cream cheese part out) and cake...but I've been controlling myself and eating cereal for breakfast these days...but I havent seen a weight change yet...sadly. -.- my body wants me to eat more bagels again. lol
  • KatKatatrophic
    KatKatatrophic Posts: 448 Member
    Studies show to get your metabolism going, you need 600 calories for breakfast. And you should at a few bites of chocolate, since it kills cravings for the rest of day. And also it's not a myth that it does speed up your metabolism. The people who said it was need to see their doctor, not eating breakfast will make you eat more later on in the day, and not kick-start your metabolism. Waiting until 12 to eat and you haven't burned anything is bad.

    Anyways, that aside, breakfast is really hard for me. We don't eat breakfast at my house. And when we do it's Pop-Tarts or a big breakfast on those days where my dad feels like it which is rarely. I eat breakfast at school, but I don't eat breakfast on the weekends. I wake up to late. So, sometimes it's kind of bad lol.
  • muitobem
    muitobem Posts: 436 Member
    Heck,, if I want PBJ and for breakfast, I have it. I just use creamy jif pb, all fruit polaner jelly(no sugar added) and sandwich thins...So I get some sweet in there ...If I crave it, I eat it. I don't deny myself a food I crave, but in saying that, I do try to do a bit healthier version of it...
    And as to the eggs, eat the whole egg on occasion!! I eat two whole and 1 white several times a week....sometimes make it an omelet and add veggies to it...
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I have a different issue with breakfast. My body doesn't want food when I first get up. I've gotten in the habit of making a protein shake for breakfast and I drink it as I get ready for work, in the car on the way to work and then finish it off at work, if I haven't in the car. It takes me an hour to 1.5 hours to get through a 20 oz. shake but it's better than waiting until 11 am to eat something.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    For the last forty years, I've been dedicated carbs & sweets aficionado for breakfast. From donuts to cinnamon buns to PB&J sandwiches (yeah, TONS of sugar in those). Although I've been doing pretty good in the four weeks since I've started, the egg white on whole wheat muffin and blueberry yogurt is really starting to get on my nerves. Since I've seeing good results so far, I am motivated to keep trying, but I can easily see in a couple months having a complete breakdown and eating three custard filled donuts for breakfast every day for a week!

    LOL, I just posted this in a different thread. Breakfast is my favorite and largest meal of the day!