All This Work for This?



  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    5lb is AWESOME!!! Keep going. There will be weeks when you lose more and weeks when you lose less.

    I *could* lose more than a pound a week but I'd have to eat so little and work out so much (I already work out A LOT) - it just isn't realistic to me for very long.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    a few things could be happening..
    it's very possible that you arent working out hard enough to make as much of an impact as you think it . what are your workouts like.. are you uncomfortable while doing them? working out for weight loss shouldnt be a piece of cake. you have to learn to get comfortable being uncomfortable in terms of heart rate, burning muscles and sweat.

    also add in some strength training with medium to heavy weights.
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    It makes me nervous, because I know every choice I've made wasn't one I'd be proud of, but my diary is now public. I appreciate the feedback so far. I'm going to keep reading and trying to take in what everyone says.

    Keep at it girl!! I know it is hard. I really do. I have over 200 lbs to lose. I think about how much I still have to go and I get frustrated. But then I think about how well I have done and I know that one step at a time will get me to where I need to be. So keep going. Don't beat yourself up at every bump. You got this!!! :flowerforyou:
  • lumina0o0
    lumina0o0 Posts: 498 Member
    5 pounds in great, yes it's a little less than what your calorie was set for, but remember that you didn't gain the weight in one month your not going to lose it in one month. Work on eating less sodium and make sure your drinking lots of water. Try to stick with it and maybe even add more exercise.
  • Would you prefer to be in the same place you were before? Or do you like being 5lbs lighter? I know that it doesn't feel like much right now...but every day you make the right choices is a day closer you will be to achieving your goals. Sure, it's hard work...if it were easy then everyone would be fit and healthy. Take plenty of pictures...measure yourself AND ENJOY every morsel of food you put into your mouth that goes into fueling your body. Appreciate every droplet of sweat that falls down your face with every minute you manage to exercise. Every little bit counts....where do you want to be a year from today?
  • giantsfaninvt
    giantsfaninvt Posts: 26 Member
    5 pounds is a good amount of weight to lose in a month, averaging over 1 pound per week. Be proud!
  • maybethistime70
    5 pounds. 1 month. My MFP goal is set at 1.5 lb/week loss. I have been under my caloric goal all but 3 days of the last month. I have exercised for at least 30 minutes (cardio) every day for the last 18 days.

    I *have* lost 5 pounds. I am fully aware of the fact that that averages a respectable 1.25 lbs a week. But broken down, my numbers don't make any sense.

    Here are the changes in my weight so far:

    Week 1: -4.0
    Week 2: -4.5
    Week 3: +4.0
    Week 4: -0.5

    What gives? Is it hormonal (I have PCOS)? Is it water retention (I know I have a sodium consumption problem)?

    Am I doomed to losing 111 lbs in dribs and drabs?

    How will I sustain my motivation and effort with numbers like that? Why am I working this hard for so little?

    I'm so frustrated! I'm hoping I can get some support, encouragement, fitness pals, and maybe even answers from the folks who are here.

    Thanks for "listening."

    have you measured? i'm having the same problem, but i am losing inches...just not weight very fast....and i have about 80 total i'd like to lose but getting under 200 would be AMAZING for my morale
  • 30yearssincebikini
    My first month I only lost two pounds. But I took measurements at the beginning of my waist and hips, also arms and thighs. After a month, despite the scale, I had lost inches on everything I measured. So I wouldn't worry so much about the weight. Take measurements. They don't lie!
  • HeidiRene
    HeidiRene Posts: 335 Member
    I know it's frustrating but please do remember that if you continue to lose 5lbs a month you will eventually reach your goal and reaching your goal late is way better than never. Best of luck to you. I hope it speeds up for you but I also hope if it doesn't you stay motivated. Maintence is always easier than losing and I remind myself of that all the time.
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 366 Member
    Cripes, I'm hoping to be down by 5 pounds for February when I do my next weigh-in! Sure I'd love the weight to be dropping off faster, but this is a lifestyle change I'm making and I want to be able to eat whatever I want so I know if I do this slowly I'll have a better chance of keeping it up. Keep working at it and you'll the results you want, just not overnight!
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Are you sure you don't have IWIN Syndrome. Next time you see your doctor ask to be screened for that.
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    PCOS typically slows down weight loss but 5lbs is great. I also have PCOS and it's taken me almost 2 years to lose 60lb but it's all been worth it. However slow it gets (although I don't think 5lbs in a month is particularly slow) you're still lighter than you were and will continue to be if you just stick to it. Keep it up :smile:
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    Are you seriously complaining about this? Weight loss is not an exact science. Be happy you've lost 5lbs so far and deal with it.

    This seems very harsh. I can see exactly why she is frustrated, she is just asking for help.
  • Masachapa
    Ms. Strongandtender,
    Please do not forget the importance of thorough hydration during weight loss. I noticed that you have not kept track of your water consumption. It is amazing how full and extra glass of water can make you feel, and that might assist in avoiding empty calorie snack foods.
    Good luck! Even though we do not know each other, keep in mind that we are all here together because we want to achieve the same goals and love to support each other and be supported when we need it.
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    I can relate with your anxiousness, but I'm also reminding myself every day of what everybody has said here: We didn't get this size in a month, we are making a complete lifestyle change, we are learning how to be good to our bodies, measure yourself because muscle weights more than fat, and try to understand that you're human - we will all fall down along the way. Falling down is not failure. Staying down - giving up - not trying anymore - those are examples of failure.

    The people here are outstanding and supportive. You did just right by posting your frustration. Keep up the good work and keep looking for the patterns that work for you. Examine the weeks that were good and compare them against those that weren't. Trial and error will win the day.

    And have some fun - attitude can be a help or a hindrance. You decide. :-D
  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    Lots of good advice here. Also, make sure you have your correct activity level set up when calculating your daily calorie goals. I originally set mine at "Lightly Active", and had the same issues. When I changed it to "Sedentary" (I have an office job), I started to lose the 2 lbs./week that I wanted. When I hit a plateau (talk about FRUSTRATING), I actually started eating more calories and doubled my time at the gym. I have found that different things work for different people, but thought I would share what worked for me. Good luck with your journey! :smile:
  • moylie
    moylie Posts: 195
    I also have PCOS and an underactive thyroid, that's why, for me, I know it's REALLY important to make good food choices most of the time. Sure, I give in to cravings, and have too much to drink sometimes :) We're all human, and we all deserve to indulge, too... wisely, that is. I strongly suggest adding sodium to your tabs, so you can see how much is there. Processed foods and eating out are horrible for sodium, and you will likely hang onto water weight if that's what your diet is primarily made of. Not to knit-pick, but Girl Scout Cookies and potato chips for dinner???? You should try pre-chopping veggies and keeping them stored in the fridge to grab easily. There are a TON of healthier options, if convenience is your thing. Drink a ton of water, try 2-3 cups of green tea a day, and really try to go for fresh, natural stuff vs. pre-packaged foods. I also agree that hitting your goal, and not going under is important. Also, some people find it helpful to switch up their calories after a few weeks, if you're not getting results. MFP isn't a one-size-fits-all program. It does take some tweeking to get the results you want. BEST of LUCK! Hang in there.
  • jwaters1006
    jwaters1006 Posts: 136 Member
    5 pounds is a great start!

    I looked through your food diary and there are some changes that can be made to increase the loss. Maybe try more fruits to curb the sweet cravings. Also, increase your protein intake, I'm almost always over on protein. I drink chocolate protein w/ skim or 2% milk.

    Also, instead of buying breakfast sanwhiches I make my own. Sometimes I use bread, sometimes I use those bagel thins, lowfat cheese, egg whites, turkey sausage or bacon. cheaper and lower in calories.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. :) We can support each other on this crazy journey!
  • blissmanifesto
    It's taken me more than 2 years of continual effort to drop 76 lbs. It was indeed "dribs and drabs" at time, and sometimes I would plateau for weeks as well. I imagine that the whole 111 lbs you want to lose will take at least 2 years, and that's if you really stick to your program 100% and don't get stuck on a plateau for too long. What I'm trying to say is, you should adjust your mindset a bit now: let go of the idea that you're "on a diet." You are actually learning a whole new lifestyle, one which you will be living with for the rest of your entire life, forever. You will not be able to change your whole life overnight, either; it takes time to get new habits to stick, and to identify and change all the little bad habits which are tripping you up right now.

    Losing a lot of weight is really a mental game. You have to change the way you think about food and about your own body, about shopping and cooking and preparing meals, about exercise and fitness. It's a whole lot to tackle! But anyone who does not do the mental work involved will gain back all the weight. So use the time wisely as you are losing weight to clean house mentally. Pam Peake, the weight loss doctor, says it takes the mind a full year to completely adjust to every 25 lbs that you lose. So according to her, you won't really catch up to your weight loss mentally for 4 years! So please let go of your impatience. There's nothing to be impatient about: you have already begun your new life and you will see great results very soon.

    Also, I completely agree with MacMadame who recommended that you restrict your carbs to less than 100 grams/day and increase your protein. That has worked very well for me.
  • StrongandTender
    StrongandTender Posts: 44 Member
    Are you seriously complaining about this? Weight loss is not an exact science. Be happy you've lost 5lbs so far and deal with it.

    No, I'm not complaining. I'm confused and frustrated. If you have an issue with what I - or anyone else - posted, don't reply.

    I said in my OP that I know it averages out to be a respectable loss over a four-week period. It's the 4 pound gain and the 0.5 loss that have me stumped.