Help! I've fallen off the wagon and I'm too fat to climb bac



  • jessicart77
    I also fell off the wagon at about 6 weeks. I don't know if I was PMSing or just falling off the wagon or what but it lasted 2 weeks. I did still log in everyday. I would encourage you to do the same. You are the only person you have to report to and that's it but don't lie to yourself.

    I think that even though I went over my calories every single day I still knew where I was at.

    I'm back on track again and feeling pretty good again.

    I dont know why we beat ourselves up so bad when we fall of the wagon but we do. All we can do is climb back on whether we jump back on or slowly climb back on.

    Don't give up! You have lost an amazing amount of weight already.

    You can do it!!! Go back and pull up your stats and look at the nice decrease you've seen and hopefully that will also give you encouragement.
  • jouergal
    I know how you feel, I " fell off" for a couple of months. Now I am back and couldn't be happier with myself. It is hard, but try to remember why you started this journey and what you have accomplished so far. Everyone has a "bad" day, it happens. What is important though is what you do from there: quit or keep going? I say keep going climb back onto the wagon and if you need help I will pull you back on. :smile: (add me if you want) Good Luck!
  • riffraff814
    My main tip is to log what you're eating. No judgement. Just write it down. You might be surprised that it's not *as* bad as it used to be. And find ways to start to whittle it back to what you deem "good"...
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    I don't. Manage a cheat meal that is. I manage cheat moments, cheat bites.. but not whole cheat meals.. LOL.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    The title of this post is so great. Tomorrow starts a new week...What better time to OWN it!?
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I fell off the wagon twice last year. Lost 23 lbs. Gained 11 back. Now I'm down a total of 37 lbs (28 from MFP).

    You are not too fat to get back up.

    Everyone screws up so stand up, dust yourself off, and hit the road running. The only time you ever fail at this is when you don't get back up. Remember that. You will screw up again, but don't you dare give up.
  • TurnLeftNow
    I think for some people, they just can't do a cheat meal. Personally for me, having a cheat day/meal gives me motivation to not over eat during the week. I make a plan that I will make a delicious dinner on Sunday and have a nice dessert without worrying about calorie counting. When I think about having an extra bit of this or that or going into the cupboard for some chocolate, I just remind myself that I am going to get a treat on Sunday. I don't need the treat right then, I can wait. If I eat the extra right then, then I don't get my delicious dinner on Sunday.

    That seems to work for me, talking myself through things. Sometimes just kind of talking about the food and what it really means. Like sometimes I will really REALLY want to just binge on cookies, but then I think about how it will only really satisfy a temporary craving, it's not going to actually make me happy or make me feel better. I try and remind myself of the negatives of what a binge would do. It's a struggle, but after awhile the more positive thoughts seem to push through. Just try and talk yourself through things and don't be hard on yourself. Don't tell yourself that you are a failure or anything like that and don't feel guilty for eating things you want.

    I know what you mean by saying that it feels like it's going to be an endless journey. Sometimes it just feels so daughting.
    Just take things one day at a time. Maybe say "tomorrow I will substitute one snack with an apple", and just leave it at that. Or "tomorrow I will substitute a cookie for a yogurt". I think if you start small and try to give yourself small challenges you will have better luck at trying to get back on track.
  • steelersfamily6
    steelersfamily6 Posts: 138 Member
    So I fell off to for about 2 weeks. I was doing so good and then my best friend came to visit and I just wanted to go out and have fun and eat everything I could. Plus we had just got our taxes and I already knew that was going to be hard having money to spend on food.

    I am trying to not allow myself a huge cheat day now only because after that 2 weeks, I went right back up over 200 and I never wanted to see that number again. I have lost almost 20 lbs and I am not going back down. I weigh myself everyday and I know that its going to differ everyday but when I see I have gained a lb or 2 I flip out. Some people can not allow cheat days until they have reached a certain point in the weight loss part of this journey. We have to train ourselves how to eat healthy after spending how ever long we have spent eating unhealthy and its going to take time.

    Another thing that keeps me from cheating is the way I feel afterwards. I don't want to feel over full, bloated or feel that I can not fit into my pants after working so hard to fit in them again (and those are what I call my fat I still have so far to go but I already feel so good and I don't ever want to feel the miserable feeling I was feeling before!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    If you're too fat to climb back on... then walk along side for a while!

    Don't beat yourself up you're not finding it easy to lose weight - that's just the way it is.

    Keep logging in, keep logging your food, keep moving (even a little bit of a walk along side the wagon!) and celebrate every little victory.

    You might also find it easier to set some short term, more achievable, goals that aren't all about the scales:
    - eat a healthy breakfast every day
    - drink x amount of water
    - walk for 20 mins a day
    - swap one milky, sugary coffee for a long black or a glass of water with a squeeze of lemon.

    These small changes add up into big results if you keep doing them... and better still, they make you feel good because it is something active and positive that you can do and it takes the focus off the number on the scales.
  • rejs1170
    rejs1170 Posts: 23 Member
    I am the same, if I eat one chocolate/drink one beer I feel I have blown it, so I let go and go on a bing. Someone put a really good quote on this site a few weeks back saying something like "so if you drop you mobil phone does that mean you should immediately get a hammer and smash it completely.... or do you pick it up and clean it and put it back in your bag?" Keep trying and you eventually get back on track. I hope you reach your goals.
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Before your cheat meal, plan what your breakfast will be the next day... then you're already on the way to getting back on track.
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    I'm working really hard NOT to be the "all or nothing" girl. I've been riding on and falling off the "diet wagon" for so long that it's really tough to trade it in for driving "my lifestyle wagon." But that's why I'm here; I'm learning how to drive my proverbial lifestyle wagon.

    It's a bit rough because I get to decide where to go, how fast, what fuel, how much, when to schedule maintenance etc. For now, I just ask "is this something my healthy self would do?" Usually I choose well and all is well. Yesterday was a fight just to keep my wagon on the road. Aaand today I crashed my wagon into the ditch and it ran my *kitten* over!

    I'm okay, sick, but okay. Not sure about my wagon, because I'm still in a sugar coma. But when I come to, my plan is to take the reigns and drive that wagon all the way back to the gym to undo some cake pop damage.

    TAKE THE REIGNS! You don't have to be on the wagon to get it out of the ditch. Log everything no matter how ugly, and get moving. Good luck and thanks for posting this. I definitely needed to think this through for myself today.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Thanks for the replies, guys. It helps just knowing someone cares enough to read my post!

    I do have a smartphone, and have the app installed. For the first 6 weeks, I loved it...everything was always with me. But when I "gave up", even though I still had the tools I just didn't use them.

    I'm considering going back to my counselor for a little bit. There are some seriously deep rooted issues that drive me to eat, but eventually I have to learn to deal with them on my own. I need to find another outlet for my emotions that is NOT eating. It's frustrating, because I KNOW how to lose weight. I know how nutrition works, I know which exercises build muscle and how much cardio I should be doing. I just don't apply what I know, because I'm so hung up in the emotion aspect of what drives me to eat.

    I ate a good breakfast this morning, and logged it. I logged my fruit snack this morning. So far, that the furthest I've made it in logging for the last 3 weeks. I am going to go grocery shopping today so that I don't run out for fast food when I get hungry for lunch.

    Today will be a new start.

    Also, a few of you have friend requested me. I was on my phone when I tried to accept and accidently hit deny on a few. Please re-add me if that happened to you, I need all the support I can get!
  • berkra
    berkra Posts: 78 Member
    First of all you have done a great job in loosing 35lbs, this did not come from nothing you changed your way.

    I was out of town for 2 weeks in Japan, very difficult, becaus eyou have no idea what it is in the food... excesize? the hotels do not have a gym because of space reasons... yadayadayada

    What helps me is to plan what I am going to do the next days, excersize and food
    use the new weight as my new strating point and move on

    This is not a short fix, it is a lifestile change, all the skinny people around us do this every day...
  • bditty187
    Since I started mfp, I stopped "cheat" meals... even for my birthday, Super Bowl, V-Day, etc... "cheat" meals made me fat (that and not going to the gym enough). I don't miss being bad. I love good, healthy food and I am happy to stick with it. If I allow myself cheat meals I will find reasons to have them and that is counterproductive.
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    I need a kick in the pants!

    For 6 weeks, I ate really well. Felt great. Lost weight. Yadda yadda.

    Then, I gave in to one treat meal. Though WTH? I'll get back on it at the next meal.

    ...3 weeks later, I'm still telling myself I'll back back with it tomorrow.

    How do people manage eating a "cheat" meal, whatever you want to call it, and get right back with it? I feel like for me, it's either all or nothing. If I eat ANYTHING I shouldn't, it just ends everything else.

    I KNOW that a lot of it is psychological. I have spent a lot of time in counseling trying to deal with my emotional eating, but I slip right back into bad habits. Eating something I shouldn't makes me feel bad, which makes me eat, which makes me feel bad. Cue cycle that never ends.

    I still log into MFP every day, telling myself that as long as I'm logging in I haven't actually forgotten what I'm trying to do. But, that hasn't made me actually LOG what I'm eating.

    I want this, I really do. I want to know what healthy feels like. But it seems like such an endless journey.

    I guess I mostly just wanted to get this out. Any tips on dealing with emotional eating?

    if your diet is correct and you eat in moderation, you should be eating what you want and never need a "cheat day". never reward yourself with food!!!
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I need a kick in the pants!

    For 6 weeks, I ate really well. Felt great. Lost weight. Yadda yadda.

    Then, I gave in to one treat meal. Though WTH? I'll get back on it at the next meal.

    ...3 weeks later, I'm still telling myself I'll back back with it tomorrow.

    How do people manage eating a "cheat" meal, whatever you want to call it, and get right back with it? I feel like for me, it's either all or nothing. If I eat ANYTHING I shouldn't, it just ends everything else.

    I KNOW that a lot of it is psychological. I have spent a lot of time in counseling trying to deal with my emotional eating, but I slip right back into bad habits. Eating something I shouldn't makes me feel bad, which makes me eat, which makes me feel bad. Cue cycle that never ends.

    I still log into MFP every day, telling myself that as long as I'm logging in I haven't actually forgotten what I'm trying to do. But, that hasn't made me actually LOG what I'm eating.

    I want this, I really do. I want to know what healthy feels like. But it seems like such an endless journey.

    I guess I mostly just wanted to get this out. Any tips on dealing with emotional eating?

    Then don't eat cheat meals. They're stupid anyways.
  • ACEgirl1
    ACEgirl1 Posts: 133 Member
    This is my story, except I haven't seen a counselor. I guess you just need to get back up and keep going! This seems to be a never ending story for me, and I beat myself up over it regularly. I look forward to reading others' responses. Best of luck to you....
  • Amy_Lynn74
    Amy_Lynn74 Posts: 134 Member
    For me the trick is to not deprive myself of the stuff I love. I just try to eat a smaller portion or in some way alter it so that it is lower calorie. I don't have cheat meals. I may have what I call an "expensive" meal but on those days I have a lighter lunch and I do a little extra on my workout. Like tonight we are having cheeseburgers, fries and salad. I'm using 93% meat and I'm eating a low cal lunch. Last week we had pizza and I just worked out extra to be able to have it. I feel that if I deprive myself of the stuff I like I'll never be able to stick with this long term. Hope this helps.
  • pinkyslippers
    pinkyslippers Posts: 188 Member
    Just writing to say - you're not alone! In fact, I could have written this!! I agree with the others, let's take it one moment at a time and we will get there! xx