New to MFP

Hello my name is Maria, I tried MFP a few months ago but didn't stick with it. Im struggling to lose 40-50lbs. I feel like Im at an unhealthy weight and cant seem to find motivation to get started. Im hoping to get some support, offer support and meet some friends along the way. I find I cant stay away from sweets especially at night & bedtime (talk about bad habits lol) Please feel free to request me so that we can help motivate each other and reach our goals. Good luck everyone. :smile:


  • mommybear65
    Hello! How are you? I am doing all right, I guess. I am new on here, so we see how it goes. I probably won't log on daily, but maybe once a week when I do my weigh ins. My starting weight is 200 pounds and my goal wieght is 110 pounds, so that a big 90 pounds to go, I really don't think I can do it, but we see. I can never stick to it, I always give in. My bg problems are giving up the sodas, sweets and junk. I am fixing to start using Sensa, waiting for it come in the mail. Then in trying to give up sodas I am drinking Cyrstal Light and also using this new MIO Liquid, which is very good and a good replacement for soda and taste better than sodas. I live by myself so I reallyt don't cook much, I throw stuff in mirowave, eat out and eat junk, working in a convientent store it alll right there. I started a diet in January but didnt last long, so now new month coming up I am bind and detremended to do it, I hate myself and the way I feeel and look. I also have the WII Fit and will be using that to help me and as warm will soon be here maybe I will start walking, yeah right! I day consist of the same thing I work come home go to bed, guess that my problem. I am a stay at home person, I don't get out. Well guess that enough about me, thanks for listening.