Rant time

So, I finally broke down today after stepping on the scale. Just cried for like an hour. It's been 6 weeks since I started trying to lose weight. In that time, I have stuck to my calorie goal most days, monitored my carb-protein-fat ratios, cut out several ingredients (like hfcs, partially hydrogenated oils, etc) to the best of my ability, cut out sodas for the most part, done cardio 5-6 times a week and strength training 2-3 times a week, mixing it up with HIIT, interval training, circuit training, tabata, you name it. Seriously, I feel like I have done EVERYTHING. And yet I have not lost a single pound or inch, my clothes (with the exception of my bra) do not feel any looser, and no one seems to have noticed any change in my body. It's been 6 weeks. Mathmatically, I should have lost a bare MINIMUM of 5 lbs, and I have lost nothing.

What am I missing?

I just want to give up on everything. I hate my body right now for not cooperating.


  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    Seriously, any advice would be awesome >.<
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    may have gained some muscle? keep at it, if you are doing everything correctly weight will come off
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    People keep telling me this, but it doesn't explain why I haven't lost any inches. If the muscle is replacing the fat, it should be tightening up everything around it and making me smaller even if I weigh the same.
  • RenaeTina
    RenaeTina Posts: 1 Member
    I have only just joined MFP but I have been on the weightloss rollercoaster for a very long time and I know from reading and from experience that it realistically takes 6 weeks for your body to even START losing weight, so well done for getting to the 6 week mark! From here on in, you really should see some results. I would suggest you stick at it for another 6 weeks and continue exactly what you're doing and see how you are after that time. You have done so much hard, prep work in the last 6 weeks - don't lose heart and don't let it go to waste. Enjoy the realisation that even though you can't yet see it on the scales, you've been doing wonders for your inner health, and it will show on the outside in no time. Good luck!!!
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    Hang in there. I've been doing the program since Christmas and have only lost 1kg/2lbs. Are you remembering to eat your exercise calories?
  • nikkibyrdRN
    nikkibyrdRN Posts: 37 Member
    How are you measuring, or are you measuring out your portions? How are you measuring your calories burned through exercise? Are you eating back your exercise calories? Are you drinking water?
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Are you tracking as closely as you can? I don't mean this in a mean way, but when I first started I "guesstimated" a lot of my servings, or I wouldn't log bites of food. I know a lot of people swear that they did perfect, I've been there, but then when you really look back you might see things you weren't before.

    Just a note, you might want to open your food diary if you want advice. There are a lot of people on MFP who really know what they are doing, and will check out your diary for you and let you know what might help.

    Good luck! I hope you see a loss soon, don't give up hope.
  • People keep telling me this, but it doesn't explain why I haven't lost any inches. If the muscle is replacing the fat, it should be tightening up everything around it and making me smaller even if I weigh the same.

    Try seeing your doctor? If you are doing everything you say and truly weighing/measuring everything, then maybe something is wrong. Maybe you're on a prescription med that's hindering your ability to lose weight, or maybe you have an undiscovered condition, etc. Best to just get checked out and see, right? I understand how frustrating that is; I was on a plateau forever! Good luck!! xo
  • bcc112986
    bcc112986 Posts: 362 Member
    Would you mind making your diary public so we might be able to give you advice?
  • meluc
    meluc Posts: 154 Member
    Perhaps watch your sodium intake (track in your food diary) and drink 2 litres of water a day every day. Add me as a friend. I share my diary and perhaps you could get meal ideas.

    I don't have perfect days by any means and I also eat lots of convenience foods, but every day is a new day and you just have to keep trying!. I stated on this site in Sept 2011 and have lost 23 lbs. I feel It should be more, but I am not willing to stop living and celebrating special occasions.

    I want this to be a true lifestyle change, so I just keep trying and look on these forums for help/advice just as you're doing.

    Keep it up, the weight will fall even if it doesn't feel like it's happening fast enough, it WILL happen ;)
  • I just went though pretty much the same thing. I weighed myself on Wednesday after being healthy (working out, eating right, taking supplements, bla bla bla) for almost two months and I actually GAINED 5 lbs!! I was so upset. The only thing that helped me is that I take pictures of myself in a swimsuit (front, side and back) and I could see areas of myself that looked better, it still sucks seeing that number on the scale go up or stay the same after working so hard though so I know how you feel.
  • rlv2680
    rlv2680 Posts: 289 Member
    Hang in there. I've been doing the program since Christmas and have only lost 1kg/2lbs. Are you remembering to eat your exercise calories?
    ^Eating enough is important...a lot of people think that they have to eat a max of 1200 cals and workout to lose weight which does not work.
  • jmuhnie
    jmuhnie Posts: 93 Member
    You have the only thing that matters for weight loss...dedication. Keep going. Anyone can succeed if they keep trying. My biggest trend down has been after I bought a food scale to keep my portions brutally honest to within a few grams. If you can do 6 weeks, you can do any amount of time. You will get there.
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    To all of those who asked, I probably should have mentioned, I do weigh everything at home on my food scale, check the calories when I eat out, and only guesstimate when I absolutely have to (like at a restaurant with no nutrition facts). And for the workouts, I use a heart rate/calorie burn monitor so it's highly unlikely that I've been overestimating the workouts.
    Hang in there. I've been doing the program since Christmas and have only lost 1kg/2lbs. Are you remembering to eat your exercise calories?

    Usually yes, but sometimes it feels like that just makes me gain, so lately, I've been trying not to.
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    As for my diary, it should be public to all MFP members. Can you guys not see it?
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    If you are eating back your calories there are two areas for error. Logging the calories in and logging the calories out.

    If you do not already do so make sure you measure everything that you use for a week, try not to put in generic items for whole meals (unless they are ready meals and already measured). For the exercise either eat back slightly less than 100% of your exercise calories, perhaps 75%. Alternatively, if its within your budget a HRM may track your calories out more accurately.

    Setbacks are upsetting, but if you can get over it you will be stronger and more focused afterwards. I hope you do.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    Hang in there. I've been doing the program since Christmas and have only lost 1kg/2lbs. Are you remembering to eat your exercise calories?
    ^Eating enough is important...a lot of people think that they have to eat a max of 1200 cals and workout to lose weight which does not work.

    It is important to eat enough, however I disagree that this strategy that you mention does not work. Every person is different and different things work for different people. In fact, I have been doing this strategy of eating 1100-1200 calories per day and then exercise on top of that 5-6 days per week and I do not eat my exercise calories back and it does in fact work for ME. Yes, I am not sure how this will work long-term, but my cousin lost over 10kg 2 years ago dramatically doing a similar diet and has not put any weight back on, so I am not worried about long-term for myself at this point. I have lost 9 kilograms (20 pounds) in 10 weeks (since January 5th). You may need to have a look at your own goals and program as I have seen my doctor during this time for a general check up and she said a healthy amount for losing weight is 500grams (1 lbs) - 1 kilogram (2 lbs) per week, so I am assuming that you should have lost a bit more weight than 1 kg since Xmas? However, a loss is still a loss and we all need to just support each other and keep at it!
  • Your diary is private, but it does show your progress ticker, which states you have lost 2 pounds, which is more than "not a single pound" and "nothing". That's progress!

    What activity level did you set when getting your daily target? Perhaps you over-estimated your base activity level?
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    Hang in there. I've been doing the program since Christmas and have only lost 1kg/2lbs. Are you remembering to eat your exercise calories?
    ^Eating enough is important...a lot of people think that they have to eat a max of 1200 cals and workout to lose weight which does not work.

    It is important to eat enough, however I disagree that this strategy that you mention does not work. Every person is different and different things work for different people. In fact, I have been doing this strategy of eating 1100-1200 calories per day and then exercise on top of that 5-6 days per week and I do not eat my exercise calories back and it does in fact work for ME. Yes, I am not sure how this will work long-term, but my cousin lost over 10kg 2 years ago dramatically doing a similar diet and has not put any weight back on, so I am not worried about long-term for myself at this point. I have lost 9 kilograms (20 pounds) in 10 weeks (since January 5th). You may need to have a look at your own goals and program as I have seen my doctor during this time for a general check up and she said a healthy amount for losing weight is 500grams (1 lbs) - 1 kilogram (2 lbs) per week, so I am assuming that you should have lost a bit more weight than 1 kg since Xmas? However, a loss is still a loss and we all need to just support each other and keep at it!

    I started off eating 1200, working out a ton and eating back most of what I burned. When that failed miserably, I dropped to 1000, against the advice of everyone including the campus nutritionist I talked to. Everyone keeps telling me not to go below 1200 net calories, but none of those people are 4'11". I see people who are half a foot taller than me who eat 1200 a day, and it makes no sense, that at my height, I should be able to eat that much and get similar results. Very tempted to start trying your technique. The only thing that has been stopping me is the fear of going into starvation mode...
  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    As for my diary, it should be public to all MFP members. Can you guys not see it?

    No, I have checked just now and your dairy is not public.

    I will be glad to take a look and make recommendations