Support Please - Terrible Weekend :(



  • It's okay. We all have a moment of weakness especially if we have guests and are celebrating an event. Just pick yourself up where you left off and you will be fine. Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • blueham5
    blueham5 Posts: 67 Member
    Everyone has slip ups along the way but how you recover from it is what determines your success. When I slip up, I go on about my usual routine the very next day as if it never happened. It's okay to feel guilty about overeating but you've got to move on as quickly as possible. It will make you feel even worse if you dwell too long on it and it will wear down your resolve.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    The only way you will have put any fat lbs on is if you ate more than 3500 calories over your limit, anything else will be water weight, give it a few days and all should be fixed :flowerforyou:
  • “You never fail until you stop trying.” ― Albert Einstein

    Just brush the weekend/ bad week off - and start again :)
  • ljmiller11
    ljmiller11 Posts: 67 Member
    :heart: All your replys are soooo helpful!

    As we all know, weight loss can feel very lonely sometimes but knowing you all care enough to comment has really cheered me up, thank you.

    I have regained my positive attitude and thanks to you all, I know this week is going to be a better week!
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    It's one day and you'll be fine.

    Don't see the food you had as the enemy, and then you won't "binge" on them. You can have all those things, in smaller doses and with some healthy alternatives, just stick within your cals and fat and you'll be fine!
  • edith_t
    edith_t Posts: 109 Member
    Think of all the time it took for you to gain the weight in the first place, then how much effort it takes for you to lose it. neither of these can be reversed in a day. you're not going to gain a ridiculous amount of weight because of one bad day. all that matters now is how you handle it. do you pick yourself up and keep going, or wallow in hopelessness? do the first! it will be great!
  • When I fall off the wagon, I start back with drinking my water...stick with it, the cravings will subside. Brush yourself off, and get right back on, I know you can;)
  • MJTJ
    MJTJ Posts: 20 Member
    Even if you had had a bad *week* it would only be one of 52 in a year. Christmas week I put on 6.5 in one week! I'm still at least 7lb lighter than I was the week before Christmas. Sometimes you just have to remember that you are in in for the long haul!
  • AngDTw
    AngDTw Posts: 4 Member
    I always allow myself a "cheat" day. Nobody can go by without wanting those sweets or carbs whatever your weakness is. Giving yourself a cheat day relieves the guilt so you can get back with it immediately and put it behind you. I, myself, did not do well yesterday out of boredom (my biggest weight problem) but today is a new day and I will be right back on it! Cheer up and don't beat yourself up over it.
  • HUGE HUGS!! Just get back on the wagon and start again! You can do it!
  • Did you have a good weekend? - yes.
    Did you kill anyone?- no.
    Are you planning that the rest of your life was going to be following your regime? If yes- you may need to re-think. If no- then you have done your first bit of training for a balanced existence.
  • Hippie_Soul
    Hippie_Soul Posts: 190 Member
    I totally understand!! I had a bad day yesterday as well and I just have to take my butt to the gym today, work extra hard and don't give up! I look at it like we aren't perfect...if we were, we probably wouldn't be on this website!
    Good luck to you!!!!
  • sondra216379
    sondra216379 Posts: 174 Member
    I also have bumped up what I eat by 200 calories a day, just for the simple fact it was getting too hard for me to eat only 1200 calories, and I want to see what happens by doing this. It's amazing how much easier it is to get by on those 200 extra calories! Don't fret, everyone has bad days now and then.
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    I gooped too.............found out we're gonna be grandparents for the first time & then celebratory dinner for youngest's 18th. Too many calories.............but logged them all.

    Let's put it behind us & start again. One bad weekend does not make you a failure.......sometimes a calorie splurge kickstarts the system!
  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308 Member
    I had a bad weekend too,but got up early and worked out. I feel good about today, will make it lighter - LOTS of fruits and veggies today. We can do this. Add me if you want. I am here everyday. I didn't log food on Sunday either. Starting over today. One day at a time. Can't let one weekend discourage us after all of the good days we HAVE had.
  • AR73
    AR73 Posts: 107
    As said by others is just a day, just like a bad month financially, is just a month out of a year, this is just a day.

    Don't beat yourself about it, and don't allow your demons to get you to loose your drive.
  • shaybethxo
    shaybethxo Posts: 153 Member
    i feel the same, binged silly over the weekend and felt guilty about it. but like everyone has a said, today is a new day :D
    if you feel really bad, do an extra long work out or go for a run.
    hope everything goes ok! x
  • It's only one day, just get back to normal for the rest of the week.

    Sometimes you need a bit of a blow-out to break a plateau - I'm notorious for recording a loss the day after a beer-and-pizza binge, then keeping it off!

    You'll be fine, but in future log everything you eat, even on the bad days. MFP works by accountability and being able to see the effects of what you eat and how you exercise.

    Keep up the good work, you'll be fine in the long run! :flowerforyou:

    This!! You'll be fine, it's only a couple of days in a lifetime of health. I too had a super-caloric weekend and it was great. No guilt here - I needed to relax a bit :)

    Hang in there!
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    I know how you feel, last night I had a complete bender which was in the region of 10 glasses of wine in the space of a few hours... and this morning I fixed the resultant hangover the best way I know how - a 12" baguette with fried sausage, bacon and mushroom!

    I won't lie, it tasted good. Still, I have some serious making up to do to myself as a result, so later on it will be off out for a C25K session, and no more alcohol during the week. New day, new challenge, and off we go! You're never alone on here :)