Filling breakfast foods?

Hi all!

Eating breakfast is new to me, apart from the odd weekend where i'll make bacon or something. I'm trying to eat it in the week now and I am seriously ravenous by lunch time at work which is not normal (for me). I just feel uncomfy. I have tried drinking a lot more water to fill me a bit ... nope. Not helped by the fact that I don't like water, but i need it, so i'm trying lol.

I know it's cos my metabolisms speeding up but can anyone recommend any good breakfast foods that will keep me fuller for longer? Although bare in mind don't have much time in the mornings.

I'm just a bit worried this hunger will make me eat crap that I wouldn't normally have had!

Cheers :)


  • Molly182
    Molly182 Posts: 406
    I wish I could help, but breakfast never keeps me full, so I'm looking for an answer as well lol
  • debb1010
    debb1010 Posts: 12 Member
    For me, I have found that oats in the morning will pretty much keep me for a long period of time. Not the instant oats in individual packages but the Quaker minute oats ya cook in a pan...couple pieces of toast or fruit maybe and I'm good to go! If I eat cereal, I'm hungry an hour later....not just hungry...but crazy hungry.

    Hope this helps someone.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    The answer is probably going to be different for a lot of people. Some keep full on a breakfast of fruit, some can eat cereal or a bowl of oatmeal, and some swear by large breakfast. I tend to have very small ones if any because I get extra hungry when I eat first thing in the morning. You don't have to eat breakfast if it doesn't work for you. Find what works the best for you and stick with it.
  • I eat a lot of instant oatmeal or cream of wheat. It is quick and seems to keep me more full than cereal or breakfast bars.Just make sure to check the Nutrition Info, because a lot of it is loaded with sugar. It's about all I've found that's quick and filling so far.

    I don't have a lot of time in the morning either.
  • student94
    student94 Posts: 120 Member
    I typically have either some combination of toast, peanut butter, fruit, and greek yogurt, or a green smoothie.
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    The answer is probably going to be different for a lot of people. Some keep full on a breakfast of fruit, some can eat cereal or a bowl of oatmeal, and some swear by large breakfast. I tend to have very small ones if any because I get extra hungry when I eat first thing in the morning. You don't have to eat breakfast if it doesn't work for you. Find what works the best for you and stick with it.

    Exactly. Different for different people. I have to eat breakfast and it has to have some protein or I'm hungry for the rest of the day. Others don't eat anything. My body is seriously tied to protein in the morning. I could eat oatmeal by the ton and still feel hungry. But 2 ounces of cheese or 2 eggs and I'm set for a few hours. A couple times this week I've tried peanut butter on celery. 2 ounces of PB and 2 or 3 stalks of celery. Awesome change of pace.
  • My breakfast consists of coffee in the morning, but since joining mfp iv been eating 1cup yogurt with 1 oz kellogs fiber buds beforei I leave for work. I find that now i am hungry within 2 hours of eating breakfast where as before i didnt eat until after noon. Do what works for you,
    Good Luck!
  • flibberdajibbitt
    flibberdajibbitt Posts: 52 Member
    Oatmeal fills me up the most in the morning. Are you having a snack between breakfast and lunch?
  • FJMilner
    FJMilner Posts: 407
    Im the same but have found that either 2 x poached egg on 2 x granary toast fills me until lunch time or 2 x granary toast with peanut butter. I love cereal but by 10 am I am so hungry! Hope you find something that works :smile:
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    I just purchased GNC's Lean Shake 25 in Chocolate and French Vanilla. I needed this product because I have braces and sometimes solid food is not an option (and eating icecream 3 times a day is great for kids but not for a woman in her 30's!)

    For 2 scoops of powder it has 200 calories and 25 grams of protein, which should keep me full. I mixed it with a cup of unsweetened almond milk (40 calories) and thinned it out with some water and ice. Its great for when I don't have time to mash up bananas or strawberries or make applesauce. You can also stick it in a blender with ice and fruit and whatever liquid you'd like.

    It was also on sale! Buy one, get one 50% off!
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    I eat the same thing every weekday: english muffin with an egg and veggie sausage pattie. It keeps me from feeling like I'm starving for at least 3 hours. I cook it up right before I leave for work, wrap it in foil and eat at my desk.
  • lordbyron46
    lordbyron46 Posts: 12 Member
    Simples. Have a 2 banana smoothie, mix them with 200mls of semi skimmed milk tad of honey and drink it on the way too work, this will be around 400 calories (average banana) and it will keep you energised until lunch time, then have a wholemeal bread sandwich either chciken or turkey. Yum Yum
  • calannil
    calannil Posts: 6 Member
    I do think it's different for everyone. However with that said, I find if I eat a high protein breakfast, it tides me over till my mid morning snack of a piece of fruit. I have a MagicBullet blender and mix whey protein powder with frozen blueberries for a 200 calorie breakfast smoothie. I also throw in some spinach along with crushed ice and a little water.
  • baban smoothie in a sports cup so you can have it on the way to work, i find if i rush breakfast iam hungry sooner with the cup i have breakfast @ my own pace hope this helps x
  • runmypretties
    runmypretties Posts: 13 Member
    apparently people that eat 2 poached eggs on (1) wholemeal bread feel fullest for longest and are likely to eat less for the rest of the day its about 90cals per egg and 120 for slice of wholemeal bread - so 300 cal breakfast. Problem for me is I love it so much I want to eat LOADS of it! I have a BIG bowl of fruit instead (blueberries, strawbs, grapes, pineapple, orange) enough to feel very full (and its only a couple of hundred cals) and that works for me :)
  • MrsODriscoll
    MrsODriscoll Posts: 127 Member
    Porridge is the only thing that does it for me - I use a mix of regular and wholegrain oats, soaked overnight in soya milk. They only take a minute in the microwave and I have a very small amount of dried fruit on top.
  • Redapplecandie
    Redapplecandie Posts: 171 Member
    My breakfast is 3/4 to 1 cup of some type of cereal (Kashi Go Lean Crunch, or Fiber One are my favs now) and a 6oz container of Greek Yogurt. Basically mix the two together, like a bowl of cereal, but with the yogurt instead of the milk. That keeps me satisfied for a couple of hours.
    Then I have some type of small morning snack and then lunch.
  • Swal02
    Swal02 Posts: 29
    Thanks all :)

    Might try and do some toast and see how that goes, failing that, some oats. I ate at 7am today, by 10am i wanted to eat the world lol.
    Peanut butter, never thought of that. I could live on it. Might try that too.

    Can't really eat at work without it being break time. I eat at my desk but i can't really whip out an apple and start crunching mid morning to get me to lunch.
  • Oatmeal and egg whites usually work well for me. Quaker 1 minute oats are quick and easy to make. You can even throw in fruits like blueberries or strawberries, banana, etc. The eggs can be boiled by the dozen and peeled ahead of time for quick meals.
  • AussieMisfit
    AussieMisfit Posts: 78 Member

    Exactly. Different for different people. I have to eat breakfast and it has to have some protein or I'm hungry for the rest of the day. Others don't eat anything. My body is seriously tied to protein in the morning. I could eat oatmeal by the ton and still feel hungry. But 2 ounces of cheese or 2 eggs and I'm set for a few hours. A couple times this week I've tried peanut butter on celery. 2 ounces of PB and 2 or 3 stalks of celery. Awesome change of pace.

    ^^ Why didn't that come out as a quote???

    Protein for me too. Maybe one egg scrambled in the microwave with one piece of toast or oats and whey protein in yoghurt or milk.