I know this is a repetitive question but...

MFP tends to confuse me so I am trying to get this straighted out once and for all. MFP gives me 1600 calories a day because I work a sedentary job. When I first stated out I was eating all of my calories but then MFP was making it sound like I should be leaving 200-300 (If everyday were like today your weight would be....) so I started leaving 200-300 calories leftover.
But I also noticed during this time my weight has plateaued a bit and am wondering if it's because I am leaving those calories behind? (I Do strength training along with my cardio, work out 5 times a week and am never over in anything but calcium 2-3 times a week and occasionally protein).

So I am trying to figure this out once and for all so here are my questions 1) Should I be leaving any calories left over on my basic 1600 calories a day? 2) When people say eat all of your exercise calories do they mean on top of the 1600 calories (i.e. eat all of the 1600 calories then also eat all the calories I get from Zumba or whatever exercise I am doing that day). Any help would be appreciated. Thanks much!


  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    No, you should do your best to eat to your goal. The estimation* they give you is flawed and encourages under eating taking only calories into account. If 1600 has worked for you, then stick with 1600 calories a day.
    Eating your exercise calories means eating back all that you've worked out on top of the 1600, yes. Just be warned, if you're not wearing a heart rate monitor (HRM) then you don't know for sure the calorie estimate MFP gives you is correct, so be sensible about eating back your calories.

    * Estimation meaning your estimated weight in 5 weeks if "everyday were like today"
  • nymami
    nymami Posts: 54 Member
    You should eat all of your calories that you are alloted each day. I beleive if you do that and continue working out you should break your plateau.
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    Yes eat all of your MFP calories (assuming you have it correctly set that you want to lose weight and not maintain your current weight). Then you can eat up to all of your exercise calories.

    If you have been doing this and not losing weight, look first to how you are calculating your calories. Are you measuring your food? Little extras here and there add up quickly. How are you calculating your exercise burned? A HRM is probably the best method. MFP database and cardio machines are notorious for inflating their estimates.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    MFP tends to confuse me so I am trying to get this straighted out once and for all. MFP gives me 1600 calories a day because I work a sedentary job. When I first stated out I was eating all of my calories but then MFP was making it sound like I should be leaving 200-300 (If everyday were like today your weight would be....) so I started leaving 200-300 calories leftover.
    But I also noticed during this time my weight has plateaued a bit and am wondering if it's because I am leaving those calories behind? (I Do strength training along with my cardio, work out 5 times a week and am never over in anything but calcium 2-3 times a week and occasionally protein).

    So I am trying to figure this out once and for all so here are my questions 1) Should I be leaving any calories left over on my basic 1600 calories a day? 2) When people say eat all of your exercise calories do they mean on top of the 1600 calories (i.e. eat all of the 1600 calories then also eat all the calories I get from Zumba or whatever exercise I am doing that day). Any help would be appreciated. Thanks much!

    first, if you're working out moderately hard 5 times a week, you're not sedentary, you're probably lightly active. Second, pay very close attention to the goals you set for yourself. If you're a bigger person (in the obese category) then the deficit can be larger with less consequences, but if you're not in that category, or your fat % is lower, then the deficit needs to be smaller and you need to be aware of whether you're achieving your NET calories.
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    Good questions. =) Yes I do have a HRM and a scale is one of the first things I have bought. I was doing really well then I started leaving those extra calories at the end of the day. I think that's been my source of plateau.
    Yes eat all of your MFP calories (assuming you have it correctly set that you want to lose weight and not maintain your current weight). Then you can eat up to all of your exercise calories.

    If you have been doing this and not losing weight, look first to how you are calculating your calories. Are you measuring your food? Little extras here and there add up quickly. How are you calculating your exercise burned? A HRM is probably the best method. MFP database and cardio machines are notorious for inflating their estimates.
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    I say at least eat the 1600 per day for a couple Weeks also make sure u r taking in lots of water & keep up the great workouts :-) good luck!
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    you're undereating and if you burn 1k+ calories from zumba and stuff like that then you should probably be eating 2k something calories a day or more (if you do the zumba thing everyday)
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    MFP tends to confuse me so I am trying to get this straighted out once and for all. MFP gives me 1600 calories a day because I work a sedentary job. When I first stated out I was eating all of my calories but then MFP was making it sound like I should be leaving 200-300 (If everyday were like today your weight would be....) so I started leaving 200-300 calories leftover.
    But I also noticed during this time my weight has plateaued a bit and am wondering if it's because I am leaving those calories behind? (I Do strength training along with my cardio, work out 5 times a week and am never over in anything but calcium 2-3 times a week and occasionally protein).

    So I am trying to figure this out once and for all so here are my questions 1) Should I be leaving any calories left over on my basic 1600 calories a day? 2) When people say eat all of your exercise calories do they mean on top of the 1600 calories (i.e. eat all of the 1600 calories then also eat all the calories I get from Zumba or whatever exercise I am doing that day). Any help would be appreciated. Thanks much!

    The way MFP is set up is that you eat your goal and then all of your exercise calories. I would start there, and if that isn't working, adjust from there. If it was working for you to eat all of your calories, then go back to doing it. Find what works for you and stick with it.
  • pviola11
    I previously had lost 70 lbs on Weight Watchers. What one instructor told me and it stuck. You have to eat your allottment of calories per day to "fuel your body" to have the energy it needs to lose. (and to exercise).
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    MFP tends to confuse me so I am trying to get this straighted out once and for all. MFP gives me 1600 calories a day because I work a sedentary job. When I first stated out I was eating all of my calories but then MFP was making it sound like I should be leaving 200-300 (If everyday were like today your weight would be....) so I started leaving 200-300 calories leftover.
    But I also noticed during this time my weight has plateaued a bit and am wondering if it's because I am leaving those calories behind? (I Do strength training along with my cardio, work out 5 times a week and am never over in anything but calcium 2-3 times a week and occasionally protein).

    So I am trying to figure this out once and for all so here are my questions 1) Should I be leaving any calories left over on my basic 1600 calories a day? 2) When people say eat all of your exercise calories do they mean on top of the 1600 calories (i.e. eat all of the 1600 calories then also eat all the calories I get from Zumba or whatever exercise I am doing that day). Any help would be appreciated. Thanks much!

    first, if you're working out moderately hard 5 times a week, you're not sedentary, you're probably lightly active. Second, pay very close attention to the goals you set for yourself. If you're a bigger person (in the obese category) then the deficit can be larger with less consequences, but if you're not in that category, or your fat % is lower, then the deficit needs to be smaller and you need to be aware of whether you're achieving your NET calories.

    I agree about the "not sedentary". You need to look at the big picture. I think you are lightly active. Then double check to make sure you are set at 1 lb per week loss, the recommended setting. Then the number you see in your diary is what you need to eat to LOSE that one pound per week. You do not need to leave some behind as that amount is already subtracted out for you before MFP gave you your goal.
    And yes, please eat at least half of your exercise calories as shown on your HRM.

    I hope you break through this stall!
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    Thanks everyone, your answers have really helped! Have a good day! =)
  • britexmom
    I am confused about the lifestyle part, when i put in my lifestyle option does it mean with or without my exercise ? I assumed it meant how active is your normal day if you werent adding in a work out program. Since i get to eat back my work out calories shouldnt my starting point of daily caloric intake be based on the rest of my day outside of my exercise ?
  • thecazstewart
    thecazstewart Posts: 131 Member
  • Showgirlbody
    Showgirlbody Posts: 402 Member
    I am confused about the lifestyle part, when i put in my lifestyle option does it mean with or without my exercise ? I assumed it meant how active is your normal day if you werent adding in a work out program. Since i get to eat back my work out calories shouldnt my starting point of daily caloric intake be based on the rest of my day outside of my exercise ?

    Yes, I think this, too. Your lifestyle of sedentary, active, etc. is what your work day is like without exercise. That's why you get more calories when you DO exercise. You would still lose if you didn't exercise by sticking to your 1600 calculated for your lifestyle because the deficit is already there based on what you would burn just by doing your day to day.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I am confused about the lifestyle part, when i put in my lifestyle option does it mean with or without my exercise ? I assumed it meant how active is your normal day if you werent adding in a work out program. Since i get to eat back my work out calories shouldnt my starting point of daily caloric intake be based on the rest of my day outside of my exercise ?

    if your regular day includes exercise, factor that fact in, don't input the actual exercise into the calorie equation, that goes in when you do it, but your body will be working at the level you set it to, so for someone who's working out daily, they are more than sedentary.