losing weight after 3rd child!! Soo fustrated

Is it just harder to lose weight after the 3rd baby or am I missing something! Baby is 8mos old and I have lost 40 of the 9o lbs I gained with this one..... I delivered at 210! Im down to 170 (what I weighed when I deliverd my 6yr old daughter) I have seriously cut back on white bread and chocolate and only eat a third of what i ate while pregnant!! Since august I have only lost 14 lbs. Im on my feet all day and night and I excersise a couple xs per wk! Why is this so hard is anyone elsw in my position any advice!? I just wanna get down to 130 and most of all fit into my clothes im sooo sick of living in yoga pants and leggins lol.


  • kickboxgurl
    I have been pregnant 4 times and have 3 boys. I weighed 215 when I delivered my youngest. He is now 2 and I'm only down to 182. So yes I believe it does get harder to lose the pregnancy weight with each one. Every time you are pregnant your body goes through changes you don't even realize. I came out of one pregnancy with an allergy to cats. Never had a problem before. Your hormones change differently every time and that affects your body differently every time. Also you are older with each consecutive pregnancy and that affects your body and how it responds to things like weight loss as well. We seem to have some things in common and common goals and struggles. I sent you a friend request. We can be Buddies and I can help you however I can if you'd like. I used to be a fitness instructor and my sister is a registered dietician and my aunt is a Certified nurse midwife who specializes also in women's health so I have all kinds of knowledge to share !
  • jude7701
    I have only had 2 kids, but I am having a lot of trouble losing weight. I lost about 12 pounds about 2 years ago (and kept it off), but I seem to be stuck right around 180! (Which is more than I weighed when I was pregnant!) And I am only 5'4"! I exercise every day for at least 45 minutes- but I am stuck! Any suggestions? My calorie intake is right around 1600... I would like to get down to at least 140...
  • carolann_22
    carolann_22 Posts: 364 Member
    I am losing weight just fine after #3 but my body is not changing. I carry most of my weight in my stomach and even now, 17 pounds less than pre-preg weight (I only gained 10 pounds with number 3, but I PILED on weight with my first two), I can't wear my pre-preg jeans and such because my stomach isn't going down. It's all coming off from my hips and thighs. Very frustrating.
  • kickboxgurl
    Anyone on this thread that is experiencing similar issues and wants to can feel free to add me
  • kickboxgurl
    I have only had 2 kids, but I am having a lot of trouble losing weight. I lost about 12 pounds about 2 years ago (and kept it off), but I seem to be stuck right around 180! (Which is more than I weighed when I was pregnant!) And I am only 5'4"! I exercise every day for at least 45 minutes- but I am stuck! Any suggestions? My calorie intake is right around 1600... I would like to get down to at least 140...

    I am 5'4'' and 182 so I know how you feel. Honestly without knowing more of what your doing my biggest advice would be dont take your calories to low and end up in starvation mode and it doesnt matter how many calories your cutting if you are not also burning calories. The biggest help I've found and it is really working for me is I eat the number of calories I need to exist just by living my normal life and then add 45 minutes of cardio 3-4 days a week and strength training 2 days a week with a day or 2 off to recover. That way my body does not head into starvation mode but has to burn up my stores to help offset what I burned. Also Cardio is great but you have to strength train muscle burns calories just to be healthy so the more you tone up your muscles the more you calories you burn more easily. You can build lean beautiful fit muscle and not be bulky like a guy I promise I hope this helps. Feel free to add me if you'd like
  • dme1977
    dme1977 Posts: 537 Member
    My 3rd child is almost 3 and I am just NOW down to the weight I was when i first got pregnant with him... it seemed harder to lose the weight after him than it was with my first 2. I thought it was my age (im 34 now) and I had the older 2 in my early 20s, my body bounced back after them pretty much on its own and I thought it would do the same thing after this child too... BOY WAS I WRONG!!
    Its ALOT more WORK this time around. .
    GIVE YOURSELF SOME TIME... I was frustrated the past few years thinking that I wasnt trying hard enough but really my body/mind wasnt ready. Now that my child is more independent I can take the time to focus on getting in shape. Even being the same weight as before my body doesnt LOOK the same either. . Its just a matter of doing things differently this time around what might have worked for your body before might have to be adjusted for it to work this time.
    Keep your head up and just dont give up, YOU CAN DO THIS!!! :flowerforyou:
  • kickboxgurl
    I am losing weight just fine after #3 but my body is not changing. I carry most of my weight in my stomach and even now, 17 pounds less than pre-preg weight (I only gained 10 pounds with number 3, but I PILED on weight with my first two), I can't wear my pre-preg jeans and such because my stomach isn't going down. It's all coming off from my hips and thighs. Very frustrating.

    I dont know about you but every pregnancy I had a HUGE belly wether I gained alot or not. And it seems like every time it stretched more skin instead of just using the same old tired out already stretched skin. I still cant fit in my pre pregnancy jeans from between pregnancy 3 and 4 yet either and I also weigh less. I think my biggest problem is not only is it coming mostly off my hips and thighs (but not my butt :mad: ) but also even if I lose some in my belly because of all the loose skin when I go to button my jeans it all squishes up and leaves me looking still bulgy there and keeps them from fitting :ohwell:
  • chellyhuff
    Ok, so I'm in the same boat. 3 kids never was able to lose all the weight. I got down to 170 then had my next child. My highest was with my first child at 203 lbs 17 years ago having preeclampsia my last month. Now fast forward January 2012 I weighed in at 210 lbs. I'm 5' 3 3/4 (lol) and my 42nd birthday is this year. I've started the 90 day challenge and in 30 days I've lost 7 lbs. If anyone wants to do it with me I'd love the company. I feel great, it's sooooo easy and I just replaced 2 meals with my shake. Despite my weight my doctors have said I'm the healthiest I've ever been. It's easier to do with people that's for sure. Good Luck and hang in there. SUGAR is the DEVIL! ;0) I am also starting with a 44" waist. ugh!
  • HollyAus
    HollyAus Posts: 251 Member
    I am 23 and have three kids.First of all I'm 5'10" just so you know! :) Before ALL of them I was at 145-155 (depending if it was basketball or softball season) With my first, who is now 4 1/2 I weighed 185 at the end then got back down to 160 and I was happy with that ( I was also 19 so I'm sure that made a difference.) With my second, three in May I got up to 200 at the end, It took a while longer to get back down to 165, about a year of running and running and running and.... well you get it lol... With my third, who will be 1 when the middle child is 3, I got back up to 200 so I thought it would be about the same. With all of them I came home from the hospital about 15 pounds lighter. I started MFP in August 2011 when baby was about 4 months and lost about 10#s but didn't really stick with it, but kept it off, so in late January I got back on and have since lost 5#s. YAY for me!! :) lol

    I think it is a little harder. like others have said you are older, maybe didn't lose all the weight before you got pregnant again ao there is pre-pre-pregnancy weight also, and obviously you are busier. My advice... Change it up! With workouts especially. I do a lot of DVD/30 minute stuff I can do at home during nap time. Right now I am working through the Jillian Michales 30 Day Shred then when I egt done with that I'm going to get a different one, maybe ripped in 30 or 6 week 6 pack or maybe both, and alternate daily or weekly. I like this cause it is something new and it is new to your body so you aren't doing the same thing all the time.
    Also change it up with your diet. I think our bodies get tiered of eating the same thing. I think a "binge day" is good too. I do one every Sunday. I do NOT however go all out lol. I jsut eat more or will have lots of carbs or dessert or something. It helps me to get over cravings during the week if I know I can have it on Sunday. And I think it helps to stay out of starvation mode.

    Also like others have said: make sure you are building muscle as you go. Muscle will burn a lot more calories by just being there lol. (I don't know what the "terminology" is lol) so work in some strength training along with cardio (that's why I LOVE the Jillian videos) I think this is maybe the most important advice.

    I would love to add ANYone on this thread as a friend! so feel free to send me a request
    Good luck to everyone! :)