Guys and Protein Question

jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
If anyone has any solid expert advice I could use it.

How much protein really is too much?

My boyfriend is about 150 lbs and 5'7" and I know he's trying to gain muscle - but he eats like 150 grams of protein or more each day!! Will this hurt him? He reads muscle and fitness and has all the expensive powders so its not as if he's getting it from hamburger - it is lean fancy/schmancy protein. I just want to know if he is actually hurting himself before suggesting better ways. I really don't want to sound like a nag and I get the feeling he's done his research.

I tried reading some past posts but they were all asking about going over 20-30 grams this is much more.


  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    You can always ask him to see a doctor to get his basic chem panel checked to be sure his body is processing all that protein well enough.

    I wouldn't be too concerned though. If he's trying to gain weight (via muscle mass), 1g per pound is going to be less than 30% of his total calories.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    There is no evidence that high intake of protein will cause health concerns in healthy individuals. If he has kidney disease already it may be cause for concern otherwise like ghanie says 150g isn't really that much.