SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo July 6

mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
Good morning Pebbs!
I started my diet yesterday after lunch. I figured I had put it off long enough. I did stick to it the rest of the day but I realize I still need portion control. Dinner tasted super good, so I ended up having two helpings. :blushing: I need to work on that. I managed to make it through breakfast though it was not my favorite dish. I will have to make myself eat it the rest of the week. LOL. I think I am going to go ahead and get some agave nectar or stevia today so I can have some help with breakfasts. I am already missing fruit juice and sweets. :ohwell: But I did drink 16 ounces of water with breakfast.
I didn't get to go for my run this morning. Aunt F is causing some problems for me. Maybe be another rest day. I will force myself to get started organizing and pricing garage sale stuff before it starts to pile up. The pastor made an announcement at church so I hope people will start bringing stuff this week!
I guess that's it for now. V, I hope you are feeling better today. CP I hope you can get back on track with your eating today.
Happy Monday!


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hi pebbs,

    Very busy with paperwork today. I'm just buried under immigration forms, financial aid forms, and my nutritionist's questionnaire. . .It's amazing that there's still so much paper involved when everything could be on computers. I hear that the government is going to simplify some of the student loan paperwork. . .let's hope it happens before I graduate. . .which I feel like I could do easier if there were less forms involved. Le sigh.

    Also, we're planning a big (huge) road trip from Toronto to Mobridge, SD to Colorado and back, so I'm cross-eyed from researching hotel stopping points. Let's just say that the Badlands doesn't have a lot of Hiltons. . .:tongue: Start to get my pre-trip anxiety already, and we don't leave until August the 1st. :ohwell:

    Oh, yeah. . .and also I want to workout today, back to the elliptical as my schedule doesn't allow for any classes. I just had a private student cancel a lesson, or I wouldn't even have had time to check in with you ladies. (that gives me time to pack snacks. . .but I'm not sure I have any food in the house. . .yikes.)

    Red tape boogaloo!

    Take care.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    I actually blogged! I thought it would be interesting to see what I ate a month ago, compared to what I have entered to eat today. Granted, we went to a birthday party that day but honestly I can't say that the totals were much different than any other day. My sugar was always way over...mostly due to fruit juice, but also cereal and snacks.
    Today I am over in fats and protein because of the nuts. Oh well.
    I am wondering if anyone looked at my food journal a month ago. That would be SOOO embarrassing! No wonder I've packed on the pounds again. It was an eye opener for me. At the moment, the thought of eating that food makes me feel sick, but I know in a few days it might be a temptation again for me.
    I thought I would share it if you all want to take a look. I may blog a little more often while I am dieting. I'm not very good at keeping up with it. Look at it if you like. If you don't want to, I won't be offended. It'll save me some embarrassment. :laugh:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Big difference, MM.

    I recently changed my food diary to "public" for friends. . .in case your curious. Oh, and I at a "raw brownie" again today. (full disclosure. . .)

    My pants feel much looser today. I'm blaming it on my new "no restaurants" diet. (I haven't eaten out in about two weeks) But, I'm eating plenty, I promise. I wonder how much more fat and calories (at restaurants) I was eating and not knowing. . .:grumble:

    I'm almost always over on my fats, MM. I just track my sat. fat and try to keep that reasonable. I eat more nuts than meat nowadays (small-ish portions) so I figure it's "good"fats.:tongue:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Man, I am so over it!

    And by "it" I mean my calorie allowance for the day. My nutritionist encouraged me to "eat when I'm hungry." I think I'm hungry a lot. Also, I forgot that I had another appointment this afternoon, (like in 10 minutes) so, I won't make it to the gym. Ugh.

    Also, I probably need to lay off the raw brownies and vegan cheese sauce (both involve lots of nuts) seriously.

    I think on Wednesday (my next scheduled no-exercise, but active day) I'm wearing my HRM to get a guesstimate of how much I'm burning in a typical day.

    I'm chatty today.:tongue:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hello, pebbles! After eating WAY too many cookies last night :embarassed: , I am doing better today. I brought snacks (although I forgot my yogurt and ended up buying a granola bar) and made a yummy salad (lettuce, blueberries, goat cheese, and walnuts) for lunch. So far, so good with dropping the diet soda. I don't really think I will miss it that much - all it does is make me feel snacky. Maybe in another week or two I will cut out drinking coffee at work - it tastes so bad that I have to add lots of half-and-half and sugar to make it drinkable. I think I mostly drink it just to have something to do in the morning when I first get in. (caffeine doesn't affect me) I should probably just switch to tea and take a lap around the building instead!

    Your diet today looks a lot healthier than it did a month ago, MM - a lot less processed foods. I never worried too much about sugar from fruit (though I know some people have to), or fat from nuts. I really like raw almonds, too.

    I am headed to the gym after work for either elliptical or aerobics class (haven't decided yet), and then out to see if I can find any good dance shoes for my bellydance class tomorrow. I am excited and nervous. Then I will get back to my pushups tonight, and work on a new fridge chart.

    Accomplishments boogaloo!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    My nutritionist encouraged me to "eat when I'm hungry." I think I'm hungry a lot.
    "Eating when hungry" is a little complicated for me. When I eat junk, I often find myself feeling hungry for (I think) no good reason. But, when I'm exercising a lot, I also feel hungry - and then I think it's probably a good thing to eat. I am definitely hungry a lot more than I used to be, which is part of why I've been getting into trouble lately. I think my new plan is, "eat when I'm hungry, but only a little, then follow up with water and wait for 15 minutes to see if I'm really still hungry after that". Hmm, maybe my plan needs a shorter name. :wink:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    My nutritionist encouraged me to "eat when I'm hungry." I think I'm hungry a lot.
    "Eating when hungry" is a little complicated for me. When I eat junk, I often find myself feeling hungry for (I think) no good reason. But, when I'm exercising a lot, I also feel hungry - and then I think it's probably a good thing to eat. I am definitely hungry a lot more than I used to be, which is part of why I've been getting into trouble lately. I think my new plan is, "eat when I'm hungry, but only a little, then follow up with water and wait for 15 minutes to see if I'm really still hungry after that". Hmm, maybe my plan needs a shorter name. :wink:

    Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm doing. I'm on the "handful of food plan" in addition to yours. Wait, that's longer.:tongue:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Speaking of being hungry, I am! I am not so sure a salad is going to cut it tonight. :ohwell:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Sorry I keep posting so much. I have a question. I am relatively new to watching my sugar intake. I did a comparison with sugar, agave nectar, and honey on how much sugar is in each one. Sugar actually has less sugar than the other two. Until Friday I am allowing myself a little sugar in my breakfast until I can get some Stevia or find something else to eat. I made some bars that I usually make with honey. It still came out to 10 grams of sugar per bar and I usually eat two. Is still way too much sugar? Especially if the rest of the day is 2 grams here or there? I don't mind getting off sugar if I can find something else to eat. I won't go over my total for the day but I wonder if, other than losing weight, if it's going to help me with my problem.
    PS I ask all these questions because it seems like you all are very smart and now what you are doing. :happy:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    That is an interesting question, MM - and it's not one that I've done a lot of research on. However, I think that some people find that they react to different sorts of sugar differently - and there are some differences in how quickly some sweeteners are metabolized. I remember reading in the book 'Fat Land' about high fructose corn syrup and how it is metabolized faster than most sugars and therefore gets into the bloodstream faster.

    So, you inspired me to do some research! I actually just spent a couple hours reading about it (in between a bunch of other stuff). :wink: I think regular sugar is definitely better than something like Splenda (a.k.a. sucralose - not that you asked - but I thought I remembered you mentioning Splenda a couple days back). And, like I think Vivia suggested before - cutting things out gradually is probably a good idea anyway so that you don't feel too deprived.

    This is just somebody's blog, but I thought it was pretty interesting and she gives pointers to more information:

    I found a few articles on agave makes it sound like a crock - often no better than HFCS - but I misplaced the links. A lot of people seem to think honey is better - since it is less processed it might take a little longer to raise blood sugar. But if your concern is candida, then I'm not really sure. Also, just as a side note, I think the sugar guidelines on this site are pretty low, so if you are staying under those, then you are probably doing alright. Especially for the first week! I guess my suggestion would be to try and monitor how you feel - since you are cutting back, hopefully it will be easier to figure out how much is too much for you.

    Take my opinion with a grain of salt (or sugar!), since I have only started reading about it, and I am not entirely up-to-date on what your particular concerns are with sugar. :flowerforyou: