New and looking for alot of help.

I am new here, and hoping that writing down what I eat will help me learn. (I need a lot of help) I am about 284lbs so I have a lot to lose. Just started today with writing it down. I do exercise quite a bit, and other than being over weight I am healthy. Thanks for any help or advice. (would really like to know some things that help you feel full) I do drink mostly water. I have already had about 6- 8oz glasses. and its only 9am.


  • jandk09
    jandk09 Posts: 99 Member
    hi nice to meet you, im new as well. i feel tracking my food is the only thing that makes me eat well. please feel free to add me as a friend. i eat lots of protein or fiber as snacks. its helps me stay full longer.
  • oligard
    oligard Posts: 141
    Hi there.i hope you did your goals correctly.If you reach in your daily goal in the long-term period you will see the results..check the stories.

    And you can ask me when you stuck or confused..
  • cynfee00
    cynfee00 Posts: 13 Member
    Good morning to you both!

    I have been on here for a bit and I have to say this is an amazing tool. However, I have fallen off the wagon and need inspiration and encouragement to get to the healthy place I want to be! I have added you both as friends and hope that you will accept and I hope that we can be each others motivation and encouragement to keep up the good work. We have to remember that this is not a Diet but a Happy and Healthy life style change!
    Let’s go kick some butt!!!:wink:

  • All feel free to add me....... If you stay within your goal, you will definitely see results. I noticed that writing down your food and counting calories really makes a difference in what you eat. If you stick to it, you will definitely see the results you want.... Sticking to it is the main thing.
  • Hi! Feel free to add me for support. Good luck to you
  • asfischer
    asfischer Posts: 19 Member
    I noticed that when i first started i was always hungry. I ate a ton of fresh veggies almost all they filled me up and didn't use a lot of calories... plus they contain a ton of nutrents! It's been 40 plus days now and i am finding i don't feel the need to snack as much, but when i want o it's veggies I have lost 18 pounds so far so it's working:-)
  • Sharonsimon
    Sharonsimon Posts: 56 Member
    Hi well done for taking the first step tracking food has helped me lose weight you can see the calorie intake and portion control you can add me as a friend if you wish I will try to incourage you along the way x
  • Holly1019
    Holly1019 Posts: 43 Member
    wow... you guys are great! I really think this will help me. I am sure writing it all down will help too. Make me more aware of what I am putting in my mouth.
  • stefbrowne07
    stefbrowne07 Posts: 13 Member
    I am also new and looking for help. Feel free to add me for support and motivation. Good luck, you can do it!
  • questhaven
    questhaven Posts: 109 Member
    Feel free to add me too! :)