Weekend Weight Gain



  • cdpollreis
    cdpollreis Posts: 18 Member
    I know exactly what you're dealing with. I am awful on the weekends. I completely undo my whole week of being good. During the week, I have a routine and it's easy to follow my diet. On the weekend I find myself "bored" eating. It's all about keeping occupied for me! I have to change things up on my days off for sure.

    Good luck! Hope you figure out something that works for you. :)
  • ataylo30
    ataylo30 Posts: 25 Member
    me too! I find that my fat intake goes up quite a bit over the weekend. I think I am eating okay, but since I am eating chicken at Chili's instead of at home, it is packed with fat.
    I am trying to be realistic with what I do. I can't work out 4 hours a day for the rest of my life, or never eat out again. But on weekends (especially in the winter) I am finding it VERY hard to stay motivated when the scale is up and down the same 3 or 4 pounds each week.
  • mstemen
    mstemen Posts: 111 Member
    In a single day your weight can change +/- 2 to 4 pounds. I do really well with my eating during the week and usually have free weekends. I still try not to gorge myself but I tend to eat things I don't during the week (like hambergers) and I've been losing at a steady pace. Drink lots and lots of water, the reason you're probably losing the 4 pounds in the week and gaining them back in the weekend is due to sodium.
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    have your cheat day on weigh in day after weighing of course BUT remember the body doesnt understand weeks days months it just does what it wants and if you weighed monthly and was on 1200 cals x 28 days thats 33,600 calories if you ate 1200 calories 24 days and cheat days were 1800 thats 1600 calories over in 28 days
    Maybe up your dauly allowence or save some calories each day to have on weigh day so say you have 1250 calories a day save 50 a day thats 350 cheat calories on weigh day
    Hope this makes sense?
    I went out valentines day for a meal and I ate just 400 calories and saved 900 for the meal and 100 from the next 6 days so I had 1500 calories for my meal
    The body will just lose when its getting less calories than it needs x
  • skinniwantabe
    Okay, I might be agreeing with the fact that this “might” be water weight from maybe a few too many alcoholic beverages and some salty fatty foods....but if that is the case then how do you ever know what you true weight is? Do you just take the weight that is the lowest on the scales and anything above that is "water weight"?
  • I like the cheating but still have a limit. Because if I cheat I go all out and cheat until I can't possibly cheat anymore.
  • capricorn0120
    capricorn0120 Posts: 109 Member
    I think everyone has a "cheat" day at some point but don't do it the whole day. It's one thing to have a few drinks or a food you wouldn't normally have during the week but it's entirely different when you binge the entire day. You can't eliminate everything. I'm a strong believer that you can have anything you want but everything in moderation.

    When you do have days like that you should still drink lots of water and exercise a little more.
  • 2012dancingqueen
    2012dancingqueen Posts: 58 Member
    Umm... my mum used to have her 'cheat day' on her weigh in day, also possibly change your weigh in day to a Saturday morning?

    That sounds like a really good idea actually!
  • princesscookiepops
    I stay on track all week .Then the weekend comes and everyone is home together I make bad food choices and drink beer with my husband. I make sure I stay under my calorie goal and work out , but the weight just stays because of all the bad choices. I keep motivated and know that as long as I add extra workouts it will start to show on the scale . Or at least I keep telling myself this. :smile:
  • mrsjennifermaffei
    My cheat day is on Friday and I slack a little on the weekends but seems like it doesn't make me gain weight anymore. Like my body is needing the extra calorie burst on the weekend. Must be working because I got back on the wagon about 2 weeks ago this coming friday and I've already lost 7lb!