Unreasonable People!



  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Sometimes doing those crash diets IS a part of the journey. It's a learning process. Can you say that before your lifestyle change, you didn't believe (or want to believe) or try any of those other things?

    It takes awhile for people to really come to terms and hit rock bottom with their unhealthy habits - and some never do. I'm not a supporter of any of the "magic pills" or other "quick weight dropping" solutions, but I understand people need to arrive to this place in their own time and in their own way.

    It took me a long time before I finally settled into REALLY committing to where I am now. I imagine it will be the same for others. Perhaps it took less for you. Good for you. But I'd be careful before judging everyone else so harshly. They just don't know yet.

    Oh and on a side note, it's funny, because everyone has different ideas of what the "healthy" way of losing weight is. We're all different and what works for you may not work for others. I don't think there is any one "RIGHT" way of doing it. Just figure out works for you.
  • MuchLessMe
    My favorite is when people tell you they would "DO ANYTHING" to lose weight........and my follow up is "I know, I 'm sure you would, except diet and exercise!!" That usually ends it.............

    I know I am my own worst enemy when it comes to weight and diet and all that. My personal weight issues are a little bit of everything...genetics, being raised by bad examples, chronic illness and hormonal issues (reduced Leptin), and depression and fatigue at times, among other things. I also have a digestive disorder that makes finding whole nutritious foods that do not make me sick a pretty outrageous adventure.

    All that aside, I know it takes work, I am willing to put in work. My problem has often been not getting the support. Whether it is family members who insist on leaving their high-fat, high-sugar (high-temptation) snacks all over the house and would rather order out than eat in, friends who have obnoxious metabolisms and don't seem to need to watch their diet or even lift a finger to be fit and trim, significant others (who could stand to lose a few as well) who would rather sit around and watch tv (like I wouldn't?) than take a walk and help me feel not so alone on the journey...it makes it feel rather pointless at times.

    But my biggest pet peeve, honestly, is hearing doctors say "you need to lose weight. Eat right and exercise..." and nothing else. I really don't think Americans as a whole are given the tools anymore to understand good nutrition and be able to provide it for themselves. Maybe it should be "common sense" or whatever, but it isn't. At 28, I needed a good nutritionist to sit down and help me find alternatives to my worst food cravings, foods that wouldn't bother my stomach, help me learn how to pick out the freshest and best produce, different ways to cook and enjoy food and cooking... the eating and moving is not hard once you make a commitment to do it...but feeling confident and knowledgeable enough to try is a bigger hurdle for some than many realize.
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    I agree. But there are a lot of people here who are committed to losing weight in a healthy way.

    Yes. I think these people outnumber the ones the OP is referring to.
  • misticache
    misticache Posts: 364 Member
    Well I guess I am one of those people that make you sad. I can see it from both angles. I struggle daily to stay committed. I have searched high and low for magic, and actually have done the liquid lemon/pepper drinks. ick. But I don't hold it against anyone who tries dieting in their own way because even though you're right these things don't work we still feel there has to be some easy way out.

    At some point though reality will sink in for these people (and me) and they will be truthful with themselves and either bite the bullet and eat right and exercise or they won't. And if any of you know someone like this personally then all you can do is continue to encourage them and be an example. A lot of people who have gained excess weight have a hard time just starting. I know I did. I had to jump-start myself by going to the extreme and sticking to 1200 calories and exercising my butt off, and when I see the results are positive it gives me the motivation to stick with the program and change my lifestyle. We all know this is way easier said then done.

    SO what if they want the magic pill, if it gives them energy and hopefulness than I don't see a problem with it. I for one don't use the pills, but I have tried to cut back on my calories and make healthier choices. I have no one to blame but myself for my weight gain and it will takes years to truly be totally ingrained in my new lifestyle. I still have bad meals, and bad days, but as long as I can say tomorrow is another day try again, then I will ultimately be successful. Yes it seems that some people are being "unreasonable" but honestly they are only letting themselves down and we shouldn't be making them feel worthless because they are doing atkins, or some other method. As long as they are trying to change their life around that's all that matters. We need to be supportive of each other and continue to encourage each other to take baby steps and make small changes that will eventually change everything about the way they eat and exercise.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Unreasonable people either make me laugh or make me mad.

    Today is one of those days where, if they aren't going to focus on being healthy, I'm just going to smile and enjoy my own good health that came from hard work and dedication. :)
  • winabe1
    I agree with you~ Better to loose it slowly and then keep it off. There is no magic pill, all they do is making you sick. I just lost 2 pounds from a lot of effort, makes me prouder then if I did a pill!!! Keep up your good work!!
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Instant gratification, and the "drive-thru" mentality... It's the American way. Unfortunately.

    ITA... I think this is also why people can't make changes and stick to them... they think if they exercise for a week the pounds will just start melting off. But they don't want to make long term changes for the better. My FIL is the same way... he is morbidly obese, falls into the gimmick diets (so does his wife)... and he just went in to see a doctor last week about a gastric bypass/lap band hybrid surgery... however, the health plan he is one requires patients to see a nutritionist and diet and exercise for a year before being able to get any type of weight loss surgery. He didn't want to do that, he wanted the surgery and be done with it.
  • AR73
    AR73 Posts: 107
    I think the problem is that a lot of people are just ignorant of how it all works.

    Is like "spot reduction" and other myths.

    In this day and age of "Apps" and Instant everything people find it hard that one has to work to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

    There are a few genetically gifted people ( a mate of mine can eat as much as me and he weights less than 10 stones ) but for the majority of us is the good old fashioned way.
  • capricorn0120
    capricorn0120 Posts: 109 Member
    I was one of those people. Years ago I weighed 190 lbs. I tried just about everything on the market. I did lose weight but it all came back because I didn't learn to eat properly. I can't fault anyone for wanting to try the "magic pill." Let's be honest. If there actually was a "magic pill" that would take off the pounds without much work and it helped keep it off wouldn't you try it?

    With that said, the best thing to do is learn to eat healthier and exercise.
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    I have tried a pill once a long time ago. I could notstick with it. I do not judge because everyone is different. Some people cant see the truth even if its in their face. I don't get angry at those people and I don't get blue in the face trying to convince them. People will come around when they r ready. The beauty of America wecan choose whatever we want. Does not mean its good but its the truth.
    I want to educate as many people as possible but with patience. Especially children. Many people just cannot compute that 1+1=2. DIET +exercise = weight loss. I do not look for "magic" pills but I will be a liar if I say I never wish there really was one. But I know the truth.
    Our Country's issue with weight is rooted deepin our culture. And the movement to a healthier country starts with us who know.
    its just not easy
  • beccab76
    Another thing these people don't realize (especially the ones doing the diet pills), most of these diets will tell you that you still have to eat right and exercise. There are no one way streets. Being in a hurry to lose weight will do more harm than good in the long run.
  • dizsolvedgirl
    dizsolvedgirl Posts: 26 Member
    I’ve been Lap-banded for nearly 3 years and have lost 90lbs, but that was through hard work.

    It bothers me that people give WLS a bad rap assuming it’s the easy way out.
    It also bugs me when I read banded people cry about how the LapBand was mis-advertized as “never diet again”

    I worked hard at every pound lost, I still have to mindful of what I put in my mouth.
    No amount of surgery will save you from gaining weight if you are constantly putting liquid calories or fatty foods down your throat.

    I don’t tell everyone about my being banded, but when people ask how I’ve lost my weight I tell them it’s through portion size and getting up and moving. Those who share my surgery with I tell them it’s not for everyone (won’t work for grazers) and while it helps me with controlling the volume of what I consume, I still need to make the right choices (pure proteins and carbs) and work out to lose weight.
  • MaggiePuccini
    MaggiePuccini Posts: 248 Member
    I haven't seen any threads where people just want to lose weight taking a pill.... ?????? I have seen a good number of threads like this though, telling other people how to view this weight loss journey. Posters setting themselves up as the judge of what is reasonable. Think it's a bit judgmental ..... Kind of OPRAH-ish. She's a bit preachy. Find that harder on the nerves than somebody wanting a quick fix.
  • laurawilliams51
    laurawilliams51 Posts: 16 Member
    had to laugh about your feelings at your sister! mine is the same way so i just quit telling her what i do and asking her if what she is doing is working for her. that snaps her lips shut pretty quick! people are funny...:wink:
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I haven't seen any threads where people just want to lose weight taking a pill.... ?????? I have seen a good number of threads like this though, telling other people how to view this weight loss journey. Posters setting themselves up as the judge of what is reasonable. Think it's a bit judgmental ..... Kind of OPRAH-ish. She's a bit preachy. Find that harder on the nerves than somebody wanting a quick fix.

    Its funny because statistically there is pretty much NO method of weight loss that effectively works long term. Its almost certain people are going to gain the weight back no matter what they do. Why, because weight gain is a metabolic defect, not a problem with willpower, glutton, or laziness. Problems with insulin, leptin, and other hormones are not going away just by losing the weight.
  • RachNRoll
    RachNRoll Posts: 192 Member
    one of my best friends (who's not even remotely overweight) came to me for advise on loosing weight and "volume" that she got.

    I advised her to join MFP, track and log the food, watch the calories, read the forums, drink water, EXERCISE HARD, not just going to a step class 1 time a week.

    Her answer: "I don't know how you can handle it, tracking everything...and I eat bread 2 times a day, that explodes my calorie intake, I can't track the calories. Plus you know how I ate drinking water, I just can't and you know I HATE exercising...oh what should I do???"
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I think everyone goes through that phase of looking for a magic pill. The money would be better spent on a new pair of gym shoes
  • RockKelly
    RockKelly Posts: 62 Member
    Good Post... It is alot of hard work and discipline. I had someone ask me a couple months ago if I was throwing up to lose the weight. I was so mad!!
  • shanahan_09
    shanahan_09 Posts: 238 Member
    Instant gratification, and the "drive-thru" mentality... It's the American way. Unfortunately.

    Exactly, and sadly, it's just going to get worse.
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    It makes me so sad that so many people on here are still looking for that magic pill or diet that will make them lose weight! It's so sad that people do not really want to put in the work to make a LIFESTYLE change! People are constantly looking for something or someone to tell them that losing weight and eating right is easy. Well news flash it's not! You've got to put in the work...you've got to eat right and exercise! I am so grossed out reading about people who are trying crap like HCG, Atkin's, eating 1200 calories a day and burning 2000 at the gym, or an all liquid diet. This is SO bad for our bodies! UGH I just had to rant I wish more people would be reasonable and do this journey the right way instead of harming themselves!

    It is not really cool to lump Atkins in with HCG, ultra calorie restriction, and other unhealthy approaches. Please educate yourself on a topic before you discourage others from it. While Atkins is not for everyone, it is an eating strategy that focuses on consuming whole foods and a reasonable quantity of carbohydrates. The amount of carbs consumed on Atkins is lower than what many people eat, but it is not at all within any sort of danger range for most people.

    Please become educated before you speak out on a topic. It can harm others if you do not.

    UMMM you do know that the creator of Atkin's is DEAD right? I am very educated and have struggled with weight loss before I joined this site so yes I have done a ton of research. Thanks though!