Please avoid the dangerous HCG diet scam

I am sorry to read that some people on this website still believe in the 500 calorie a day HCG diet, It is one of the most dangerous diet scams around, and many people have wrecked their health and messed up their metabolism by trying to do this extremely low calorie diet plan.

The HCG diet has been studied by many scientific organizations, and they all concluded that HCG, even the "real" injectable version, is no more effective than a placebo, and eating only 500 calories a day for weeks, as recommended by that plan, can cause more health problems than it solves.

The only reason people lose weight on that plan is you are only allowed to eat 500 calories a day. HCG has been scientifically proven to do NOTHING to help with weight loss or to make it safe to eat only 500 calories a day. It will not protect muscle, reset your metabolism or do anything else the snake oil salesmen that sell it claim. Dr. Simeons was a quack doctor. His "HCG protocol" has absolutely NO scientific backing and is not worth risking your health on.

The MFP moderators have been cautioning members against attempting that diet because it is so dangerous.

Please read the articles on these websites before you try HCG. I know some people that put their faith in the HCG diet, and became very ill from malnutrition as a result. It is NOT safe!

The Government is now in the process of getting all that fraudulent stuff off the market, and it's about time!


  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member

  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    I wish the HCG diet was a dead topic. But just in the past day or two, I read posts from MFP members who are on that dangerous diet plan.

    The FDA is getting the HCG diet junk off the market, but in the mean time, the snake oil salesmen that push it are still getting rich by victimizing people that are desperate to lose weight.
  • bigwill5
    bigwill5 Posts: 77 Member
    I have two co-workers that have confided in me that they are on it. So sad
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    I wish the HCG diet was a dead topic. But just in the past day or two, I read posts from MFP members who are on that dangerous diet plan.

    Let them. Hopefully, they'll learn. :/
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member


    Why would a horse be on the HCG diet? I thought horses had more sense...
  • RooChilders
    RooChilders Posts: 44 Member
    I did it off and on for about a year!!! So so stupid!!! It was the craze here where I live and caused a ton of hormone problems in several women that I know. We had a guy selling it who claims to be a doctor and he was full of it. I regret it more than anything. Eating right, knowing your body, & exercising is the only way to go. Very bad decision everything has side effects...
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    I did it off and on for about a year!!! So so stupid!!! It was the craze here where I live and caused a ton of hormone problems in several women that I know. We had a guy selling it who claims to be a doctor and he was full of it. I regret it more than anything. Eating right, knowing your body, & exercising is the only way to go. Very bad decision everything has side effects...

    Thank you for sharing your experience. Have you thought about turning that "Dr" in to the state medical board for malpractice?
  • AR73
    AR73 Posts: 107
    That is the problem anytime that any external hormones are added to the body, it is so smart that it shuts down natural production.

    There are no real easy shortcuts, just snake oil peddlers.
  • This is the first I heard of this. So for those of you (horse person) who may have been on MFP for a long time and seen repetitive subjects beat to death, there are always going to be new members and new dieters (like myself) who are happy to learn this new information.
  • Spinelli2288
    Spinelli2288 Posts: 188 Member
    Just leave people alone. You're not going to change peoples minds about what they are doing, and you're not going to make a difference. Everyone on this site is on their own weight loss journey, and it's no ones right to judge whether it is right or wrong. Also, to constantly bring up the FDA like it's a superhero fighting injustice is laughable when all they do is allow drugs that constantly harm people into the general public over and over again so they can make a profit. What new name do you think Yaz will have in 6 months? How many more women will have strokes, heart attacks, and die because the FDA keeps bringing it back?
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    Just leave people alone. You're not going to change peoples minds about what they are doing, and you're not going to make a difference. Everyone on this site is on their own weight loss journey, and it's no ones right to judge whether it is right or wrong. Also, to constantly bring up the FDA like it's a superhero fighting injustice is laughable when all they do is allow drugs that constantly harm people into the general public over and over again so they can make a profit. What new name do you think Yaz will have in 6 months? How many more women will have strokes, heart attacks, and die because the FDA keeps bringing it back?

    From your profile, I see that you are a "true believer" in the HCG diet scam. I hope you get off that dangerous starvation diet before you become ill from it, as so many people I know and have read about that tried it. Those people thought it was great too -- until they found that they results of the diet were anything but what they had hoped for. Regained weight, messed up metabolism, hair falling out, weakness, muscle loss, the list goes on and on.

    I think most everyone would agree that the FDA has made mistakes in the past. But they got it 100% right when it comes to getting the worthless HCG diet junk off the market. In this case, the only thing the FDA did wrong was wait so long to go after the snake oil salesmen that push the HCG diet scam

    And yes, I HAVE changed the minds of some members that fell victim to the HCG diet scam. Even better, I've been successful in providing links to scientific information that convinced MFP members that were thinking about doing the HCG diet not to try it in the first place!
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    This is the first I heard of this. So for those of you (horse person) who may have been on MFP for a long time and seen repetitive subjects beat to death, there are always going to be new members and new dieters (like myself) who are happy to learn this new information.

    I knew about HCG before I came to MFP. >~> Why do I have to be known as horse person? Call me Yaki.
  • trixirn
    trixirn Posts: 130 Member
    Just leave people alone. You're not going to change peoples minds about what they are doing, and you're not going to make a difference. Everyone on this site is on their own weight loss journey, and it's no ones right to judge whether it is right or wrong. Also, to constantly bring up the FDA like it's a superhero fighting injustice is laughable when all they do is allow drugs that constantly harm people into the general public over and over again so they can make a profit. What new name do you think Yaz will have in 6 months? How many more women will have strokes, heart attacks, and die because the FDA keeps bringing it back?

    From your profile, I see that you are a "true believer" in the HCG diet scam. I hope you get off that dangerous starvation diet before you become ill from it, as so many people I know and have read about that tried it. Those people thought it was great too -- until they found that they results of the diet were anything but what they had hoped for. Regained weight, messed up metabolism, hair falling out, weakness, muscle loss, the list goes on and on.

    I think most everyone would agree that the FDA has made mistakes in the past. But they got it 100% right when it comes to getting the worthless HCG diet junk off the market. In this case, the only thing the FDA did wrong was wait so long to go after the snake oil salesmen that push the HCG diet scam

    And yes, I HAVE changed the minds of some members that fell victim to the HCG diet scam. Even better, I've been successful in providing links to scientific information that convinced MFP members that were thinking about doing the HCG diet not to try it in the first place!
    I was more surprised that HCG has a cookbook. They are only allowed 500 calories. What are they cooking?
  • Spinelli2288
    Spinelli2288 Posts: 188 Member
    I'm not here promoting HCG nor am I about to argue with you about it. I'm just saying to leave people alone and let them choose their own path, they don't need people like you condemning them. You're ranting and raving all over MFP like you're pushing religion for fVcks sake.
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    Just leave people alone. You're not going to change peoples minds about what they are doing, and you're not going to make a difference. Everyone on this site is on their own weight loss journey, and it's no ones right to judge whether it is right or wrong. Also, to constantly bring up the FDA like it's a superhero fighting injustice is laughable when all they do is allow drugs that constantly harm people into the general public over and over again so they can make a profit. What new name do you think Yaz will have in 6 months? How many more women will have strokes, heart attacks, and die because the FDA keeps bringing it back?

    From your profile, I see that you are a "true believer" in the HCG diet scam. I hope you get off that dangerous starvation diet before you become ill from it, as so many people I know and have read about that tried it. Those people thought it was great too -- until they found that they results of the diet were anything but what they had hoped for. Regained weight, messed up metabolism, hair falling out, weakness, muscle loss, the list goes on and on.

    I think most everyone would agree that the FDA has made mistakes in the past. But they got it 100% right when it comes to getting the worthless HCG diet junk off the market. In this case, the only thing the FDA did wrong was wait so long to go after the snake oil salesmen that push the HCG diet scam

    And yes, I HAVE changed the minds of some members that fell victim to the HCG diet scam. Even better, I've been successful in providing links to scientific information that convinced MFP members that were thinking about doing the HCG diet not to try it in the first place!
    I was more surprised that HCG has a cookbook. They are only allowed 500 calories. What are they cooking?
    they're cooking grass and plastic. maybe crayons for color.
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    I'm not here promoting HCG nor am I about to argue with you about it. I'm just saying to leave people alone and let them choose their own path, they don't need people like you condemning them. You're ranting and raving all over MFP like you're pushing religion for fVcks sake.

    I think they're just trying to bring it to the attention of people that this is a dangerous thing to do to your body. If you're willing to take the risk then thats your business but some people feel the need to say at least once that hey here is all the facts you need that show that this path can be a danger to your health but if you choose to go forth then good luck. Its like when you see someone doing something dangerous (kid playing with matches or whatever) should you just go on about your business or should you say something to the kid about why what they're doing is dangerous? You'd hope they'd listen before they have to learn the hard way with a house burned down or with burns on their body to realize the dangers.
  • Lrt4uk
    Lrt4uk Posts: 174
    I just saw, this weekend for the first time, in Wal-Mart and HCG diet program for sale. I did a double take because I thought it had been pulled off the market.
  • Do people really believe in that nonsense? Oh my lord.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member


    Horse meat can be eaten under the HGC diet.

    From the MFP database
    Generic - Horse Meat, Raw, 100 grams 172 calories
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I wish the HCG diet was a dead topic. But just in the past day or two, I read posts from MFP members who are on that dangerous diet plan.

    The FDA is getting the HCG diet junk off the market, but in the mean time, the snake oil salesmen that push it are still getting rich by victimizing people that are desperate to lose weight.

    Then let them. It's called natural selection.
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