How do I learn to love running?



  • Jamiewoodle
    Jamiewoodle Posts: 100 Member
    I was the EXACT same way!!! I HATED running! Then one day I had extra energy and a great playlist and I just ran 4 miles without a second thought!!! I'm not sure what happened, but I'm realizing I don't like the thought of running, it's just after the firt 10 min or so that I begin to realize I'm enjoying myself. I should also say that I run outside. I still very much hate running on treadmills!!! And having the music makes a HUGE difference :)
  • gagey1
    I know that feeling all too well... I started by using a tredmill and slowly increasing my speed. I than kicked it up a notch and started doing inclines as high as it goes (15.0) and that helped with my endurance. I cannot say I LOVE it but I do enjoy it especially when I can watch tv or listen to music while I do it
  • lenatuck
    lenatuck Posts: 45 Member
    Sorry for the late reply but wow thanks for all the awesome advice everyone!!
    I've been able to run/jog about 2km but I've decided to start the C25K program this week, I'll let you know how I go!

    Feel free to add me too, I have 0 friends lol.
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 405 Member
    I say that I love running. I am a runner. The truth is that I don't love the actual running part. The actual running part takes a lot of discipline and unless you experience the "runner's high" it is just not that great WHILE running. However, what I truly love is what it does for me emotionally, physically, mentally. The fact that I can push my body even when it doesn't want to go...the fact that I was never athletic as a kid (like you) and that I have run in 5 races and won in my age group twice...the fact that I have the confidence and belief in myself to get out there several times a week....and the utter feeling of total satisfaction and accomplishment when I am DONE running for that day, those are the things I really love and those are the things that keep me doing it. Running will give you a confidence level that few other things will - in fact, yesterday, at just 20 days short of my 58th birthday, I went sky diving!!! and That is what Running has done for me and why I Love Running!!! :heart:
  • lenatuck
    lenatuck Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks for your response, it's pretty inspiring to be honest
    I'll definitely have to keep that in mind when I get into running,
    wow sky diving how brave!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    BTW every pound of fat on your stomach is 8 on the knees!
    You only have so much cartilage so call it nonsense if you like!
    I was born with hyper-mobile joints and very little cartilage. My parents were told I'd be in a wheelchair by the time I was 30. One expert said I shouldn't do any sport at all - fortunately my parents got a second opinion.

    I blamed the cartilage problems for "bad joints" which always ached and clicked and clunked, so I avoided moving as much as I could. But a few months after I started exercising regularly as an adult, the pain and stiffness disappeared.

    Obviously anyone with similar problems should seek medical advice, but far from being in a wheelchair, I'm training for a marathon with no joint pain.
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    I've never had the desire to run until last year.
    I've been dabbling in walk/run intervals....not really following a plan just getting out there
    and challenging myself each & every time to go further & longer than the last time.
    Take it slow or you'll burn out fast ...if you try it & don't like it do something else you will enjoy ;)
    Get yourself a good pair of shoes too.

    I just joined a womans running group that meets once a week
    So far I love it!!
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I said I'm going to do this and that, but not run. Anything and everything. But I drew the line at running.

    I can't love it outside in all weather up and down hills with wind, heat, what have you. I don't love having run to a place, and then having to run back. I can't love it far from a bathroom or a water I don't have to carry. I don't love it when I'm running with somone and have to keep up, or look lame. Or if they are competative, even if they don't try and show it, it's in my mind. I don't love to compare my stats. I eased into it on my treadmill. I have learned that doing it my way, with a preprogrammed incline and speed that I can do up to a preset timeperiod, I can do. I got shoes that work for me. I got my TV, my ipad and my music. In my bedroom where there is no one but me to judge if i've done well: I found that I kind of love it. I won't even admit I love it! But it's addicting. It makes my flat butt pop out. IT's efficient and whittled my waist. It's got my heart rate and cardio where it feels good. Who knew? You have to do it your way. You can't do it for anyone but you, your way. Then you might like it. Or, who knows? Love it? I still don't want to do a public "run". But I am a liar. I am a runner, now.

    My Daughter loves it. She trail runs. She competes against her self in workout runs and organized "runs" that she enters. She doesn't come in the top 1/3 of runners, yet she still loves it. She finds the good group of people with the"right" attitude, and just wallows in that. She got up to half marathons and signed up for a Tough Mudder fun run. Her knees didn't let her do it until she lost a bunch of weight. Now, it keeps her motivated, because she wants to finish losing weight to run better. The cure became the motivation.

    Stretch! The first time I was out walking and decided to run 5 min and walk/run I didn't stretch, and overdid it. I walked like an old man for a couple weeks and said "I am not a runner!". Keep doing the walk run thing. But very slowly work up. Stretch. Don't go uphill like I did :)