Hello out there!!

Hello, just started back with MFP, was gone for awhile and now I'm back with a goal in mind. I have struggled with my weight since having 4 children my oldest being 15 and youngest just turned 6. My highest weight was 190 and me being only 5 foot that's a little much. I have lost weight in the past and have actually just recently found my poundage creeping back up on me. So here we go again. Hoping to shoo away the poundage and welcome back the me I know and love.


  • Greetings! I just started today too. My weight has slowly crept up again and it's really making me feel like I've just lost control again. I just wanted to leave a reply and let you know that I'm going through the same thing. I even had weight loss surgery 10 years ago and I'm shocked that I've let myself get chubby again. So not good.
    Good luck! By the way, I'm 186. My short term goal is 160 for now. It will be good to get ready for spring/summer and buy some new clothes!
  • bigbeardiver
    bigbeardiver Posts: 154 Member
    Welcome back. Seems like you are making the first right steps .... you logged in here to continue. Good luck on your journey!
  • Hi there! I am also new today. I'm 140 at 5" 3". I'm thick, not too overweight, but I'm not comfortable. I would like to be 125 so that's my goal. I'm hoping this will help me. I have sisters who are severely overweight and I am following their pattern. I've got to get control of it now before I get any bigger. I also have two kids, but they are 24 and 21. I have no "baby fat" excuse although... I do still use that excuse... haha. I'm hoping to keep in touch with everyone because it's so hard to do it alone.

  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    Welcome Back!!!
    You've made the first step in the right direction towards your health!!
    Add me, if you'd like....always nice to make new friends...and have that little extra help & motivation!!!
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    Hi there! I am also new today. I'm 140 at 5" 3". I'm thick, not too overweight, but I'm not comfortable. I would like to be 125 so that's my goal. I'm hoping this will help me. I have sisters who are severely overweight and I am following their pattern. I've got to get control of it now before I get any bigger. I also have two kids, but they are 24 and 21. I have no "baby fat" excuse although... I do still use that excuse... haha. I'm hoping to keep in touch with everyone because it's so hard to do it alone.


    I have a 16 year old....and I STILL use the "baby fat" excuse..lol!!!
    This year is no more excuses for me!
  • I'm new here. Just signed up today. I want to lose 54 pounds. I need to lose more but well start with the 54. LOL I really need to be able to commuicate with those who are going through the same thing. I want to lose weight for my health and to get off blood pressure medications.

    How do you guys get those cool weight loss meters in your posts?
  • jokers77wild
    jokers77wild Posts: 2 Member
    I've just started as well today!!

    Hoping it goes good. I'm not too good at this ! LOL Off to ride the bike now!! (hope the motivation lasts)!!!
  • eoneilnelson
    eoneilnelson Posts: 1 Member
    Hi...I am new to this also. I am 50 years old and am overweight. I live a crazy life of traveling for my job and I have not been paying attention to what I eat and when. That is going to change today. My daughter and I are teaming up together to offer support for each other. I have about 90 pounds to loose but I am looking at it as a life stype change and taking charge of my life again.
  • New Here also - Can someone tell me where i post my weight every week?
  • amysbeesknees
    amysbeesknees Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Amy and I am 27 years young. I've been tracking my goals on MFP for a while now. I haven't lost too much weight because I wasn't really being serious about it but that is all going to change. My highest weight was 196. When I originally lost a bunch of weight I went down to about 135 but have since gained some back. Right now my weight is hovering around 150 and I would like to get down to 140. I also need to tone up as well. Hopefully this community will help to inspire me! Take care everyone!
  • home page under check in
  • jokers77wild
    jokers77wild Posts: 2 Member
    i just noticed the weighin page... is it better to do in the am or pm?? with the measureing
  • Ha! Too funny! Yes, the baby fat excuse is $$$. BUT... I'm with you... no more excuses. I want to make my 45th year my best year physically, emotionally, professionally - basically all the way around.