how to loose weight when pregnant....



  • I_GoT_ThIs
    I_GoT_ThIs Posts: 170 Member
    Every person is different, and every doctor wants different things, but I asked my doctor what my calorie intake should be because I am pregnant (7 months now) and didn't want to gain alot of un neaded weight.. she told me to stay between 1800-2200 calories and that people that do that usually do not gain very much weight at all. So far I have only gained ten and baby is doing just fine. I also am higher risk for GD, had it with my daughter.. I do that test next week. Again though, everyone and every doctor is different, just make sure your eating a healthy amount untill you get in to see your doc.
  • catic
    catic Posts: 156
    I would speak with your doctor before making any changes. I wouldn't try to focus on losing weight, but more making the effort to be more healthy. Making smart changes will help in the long run, and don't focus on the sale just enjoy your pregnancy :)
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I ate normally while pregnant with my second child. I was overweight, and gained 20 lbs during the pregnancy and lost 25 after the birth, plus another 10 or so fairly easily. I ate well, took lots of walks and just tried to make sure my pregnancy was healthy.

    Please talk to your doctor about your plans. If you plan to breastfeed your baby, it burns the calories like crazy. And, helps with healing, too. So, you can take advantage of that option if you like (plus it's also good for your baby ; )

    And, congratulations!
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Like the others have stated talk to your OB.. it is never a good idea to diet during pregnancy no matter what your size.

    Concentrate on eating as healthy as possible even during what you want but watch the portion size. Try not to gain over 20lbs and things should be just fine. Congratulations on your little one
  • amckeon
    Hi all and thanks for all you replies.

    I have spoken to my doc and am concentrating on eating mainly healthy food and walking or swimming a couple times a week. I didn't mean to imply that I wanted to go on a diet - just looking for some safe and healthy advice really. On my first pregnancy I ate totally healthier - didn't count any calories - and was 2stone lighter at the end than I was at the start....didn't go that way with my second. So I'll just do what I did then and enjoy the pregnancy. LOL for all the concern x x thanks!
  • bluberrygoo
    bluberrygoo Posts: 222 Member
    You need to go the doctor. The only way you should lose weight when pregnant is under their observations.

    This is not a question to be asking online, only your doctor should be answering this.
  • bluberrygoo
    bluberrygoo Posts: 222 Member
    Hi all and thanks for all you replies.

    I have spoken to my doc and am concentrating on eating mainly healthy food and walking or swimming a couple times a week. I didn't mean to imply that I wanted to go on a diet - just looking for some safe and healthy advice really. On my first pregnancy I ate totally healthier - didn't count any calories - and was 2stone lighter at the end than I was at the start....didn't go that way with my second. So I'll just do what I did then and enjoy the pregnancy. LOL for all the concern x x thanks!

    Good luck with your pregnancy
  • OceansForever
    OceansForever Posts: 221 Member
    You really need to be talking to your OB about this.

    ^^ This.
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    You need to go the doctor. The only way you should lose weight when pregnant is under their observations.

    ^^^this. Just make sure you are eating healthy. Up your calories for your bump and walk, swim and whatever you would normally do. Exercise is good for your heart & body...i.e. your baby! Just dont "diet". Eat clean & wholesome foods. Stay away from processed junk.
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    You really need to be talking to your OB about this.

  • joannea1988
    i know its recomended for pregnant moms to eat healthy, fruit , veg , fat and carbs, i sure you midwife can help with a pregnancy "diet" i fully understand the worry i had to do the glouscose test with both my babies, but you can only do your best, good luck x
  • simplyblessed5
    simplyblessed5 Posts: 130 Member
    I recommend you follow the gestational diabetic diet even though you don't "have" it yet. It's full of healthy foods and good choices but lower in carbs which will keep your weight steady- and you may even lose.

    That said... you shouldn't try to lose weight while pregnant. You need to just aim to gain only what's necessary to make a healthy baby and work on losing it afterward.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Hi all and thanks for all you replies.

    I have spoken to my doc and am concentrating on eating mainly healthy food and walking or swimming a couple times a week. I didn't mean to imply that I wanted to go on a diet - just looking for some safe and healthy advice really. On my first pregnancy I ate totally healthier - didn't count any calories - and was 2stone lighter at the end than I was at the start....didn't go that way with my second. So I'll just do what I did then and enjoy the pregnancy. LOL for all the concern x x thanks!

    I would say speak to the mw/gp about it. You can continue to eat healthy and exercise throughout, just dont try anything new and strenuous!. I am still running twice a week and going to zumba, will prob stop when i get too big!!!. Listen to your body and eat well. good luck.
  • kidrobot3
    kidrobot3 Posts: 63 Member
    Gestational diabeties is not determined by your weight it's how your body reacts to the hormones the placenta makes. If you are still worried then you should consult your doctor and go on a diabetic friendly diet to control your blood sugar, not lose weight.
  • Crystal0827
    Crystal0827 Posts: 244 Member
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    There was a girl at the gym who workout thru her entire pregnancy - eat healthy and get some moderate exercise in... ask your doctor about what he/she recommends...