Hey Everyone. Motivation?

I started using this app on my phone a while ago, and I am finding it really difficult to keep motivated with all the stress lately! :(
How do you guys keep going?


  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I keep going because I couldn't stand to be that "other" me (the unhappy, grumpy, out of shape, sad, complacent me) for another gosh darn second.

    And that is still the reason for me today. I'm not going to be uncomfortable in my skin ever again.
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    That's really inspiring! :)
  • ball858
    ball858 Posts: 395 Member
    Friends on here keep you motivated and i find that having an open view of my food diary friends can comment on what I have eaten that day and comment accordingly.

    Feel free to add me to help with motivation
  • HBC60
    HBC60 Posts: 1 Member
    Just keep logging in and be honest. Eventually, you will get on track. It's not easy.
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    I have been logging in a lot and I think I've been very conscious about the food choices I've been making lately. It's been quiet difficult. :)
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    Thank you! :) Friends definitely seem to be the key for motivation! :)
  • On here: having an open diary and people to keep me accountable

    At home: I have pictures of myself at my goal weight (from many years ago) and inspirational quotes taped around my house, just looking at myself in the mirror every night before bed makes me want to try that much harder the next day

    You can do this!!!
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    That sounds wonderful! Thank you. :)
    Everyone has been so lovely! I hope you reach your goal too :)
  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    On here: Friends and an open diary keep me motivated! Love my MFP pals!

    Offline: 1) Improving my running, pace, distance, training for race events. 2) beach vacation in June.

    The key is to set goals and work towards them. Sure there are bumps and setbacks along the way, but in order to stay motivated its important to have achievable goals and something to aspire towards. Best of lucK!
  • RaeDerks
    RaeDerks Posts: 1 Member
    I am new to MFP, but what I find is working really well for me so far is just envisioning the "new me": the fit, energetic, happy version of me. It's easier said than done, I know, but the best advice I can give is just to keep your eyes on the prize, and continuously remind yourself of the progress you've made so far, and how much more you can do. Losing my first pound on MFP really helps me to keep going, because I know it will be the first of many (=
    It's great that you have a MFP app on your phone - that way, it's easier to log what you're eating and what you're doing for exercise. Don't lose sight of your goal (= You can do it!!
  • hapoo100
    hapoo100 Posts: 926 Member
    I take it 24 hours a time. If i have a bad day, no worries, that 24 is behind me. The I try to have more good 24hours than bad
  • frilly7483
    frilly7483 Posts: 56 Member
    Don't feel guilty. We are all going to have bad days/weekends even weeks, it doesn't matter as long as you keep track of everything. Who cares if your over one day out of 7? Make sure you have lots of MFP friends for support, use the forums, the people, the tracking. Just log everything good or bad, you'll soon get into the swing of what works for you and get the results you want.

    It's hardwork, but you are most definitly not alone!
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    That's really great advice. :)
    I'm finding it really difficult to stay positive with all the stress from University etc.
    And I'm finding it really difficult not to comfort eat. D:

    I'm feeling a lot better after posting here!! :)
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    stress is a huge trigger for me. Stressing makes me eat. Stressing makes me wanna start smoking again. Even though life itself have made me kinda immune to stress, it doesnt help that I live a stressful life and it will get to you. The key so far for me has been to seperate your bad habits from stress. Whenever I get stressed, instead of hitting a fast food joint, i eat normal and watch some TV to use as a distraction. Instead of smoking, I try to focus on how much better I feel now that I dont smoke. And above all, I remind myself that eating and smoking will not help me eliminate the stress cause!
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    I've never thought about that before, I haven't given into my cravings yet! That's a really good attitude to have. :)
  • elks94
    elks94 Posts: 8 Member
    I keep going because I couldn't stand to be that "other" me (the unhappy, grumpy, out of shape, sad, complacent me) for another gosh darn second.

    And that is still the reason for me today. I'm not going to be uncomfortable in my skin ever again.
  • I keep going because I couldn't stand to be that "other" me (the unhappy, grumpy, out of shape, sad, complacent me) for another gosh darn second.

    And that is still the reason for me today. I'm not going to be uncomfortable in my skin ever again.

    I couldn't have said it better myself! I am so aggravated and upset with myself that I put on so much weight. I have been overweight before so I know how it screws me up mentally. My motivation is knowing how awesome I felt being healthy and not having to worry about how fat or ugly I looked. Being in shape allowed me to focus on what really mattered instead of consumed with thoughts about how fat I looked or how uncomfortable I was.
  • gregavila
    gregavila Posts: 723 Member
    I started using this app on my phone a while ago, and I am finding it really difficult to keep motivated with all the stress lately! :(
    How do you guys keep going?

    I keep going because I was tired upon being fat and overweight. I was tired of having health problems that I shouldn't have been having. I want to be in better shape than I was 10 years ago, and I want to be a better role model for my sons.