Stupid, annoying depression



  • aliceguy
    aliceguy Posts: 128 Member
    I must be ignorant, because I don't know the difference between depression and feeling down.

    I am not trying to belittle anyone, I truly don't know. Sometimes I feel down and can't stand myself but just put that down to having a bad day and haven made stupid decisions during my life.
  • carebears1973
    carebears1973 Posts: 63 Member
    Your positive attitude is fantastic. 1 in 3 people will have some form of mental health problem at some point in their life, whether that be stress, anxiety, depression or something else. It is nothing to be ashamed of at all. I have had severe depression before and it was terrorfying. I couldn't leave the house or open curtains. I think people who have never been depressed can find it hard to understand, as they have not been there.

    You are doing great, keep up the good work. Exercising is a great way to alieviate depression as it releases natural endorphins that make you feel uplifted.

    Well done for being brave and sharing your story with us, I wish you all the very best xxxx
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    I have no history of depression, but I'm currently battling what I feel is situational depression and it's pulling me under. I started a new nursing job a few months ago.. The hours are long, the shifts are crazy-busy, and the only thing I do on any day off is sleep because I am so exhausted. I don't feel like getting out of bed, I don't feel like socializing.. I feel useless.

    I hear that this is a phase and it will go away.. Hopefully with DST coming up to give us some more daylight hours and with spring being right around the corner I will want to get out more.. I hope. I miss running the trails, being happy and active. I think my biggest obstacle is adjusting to such a demanding job.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    I've been struggling with depression for the last 8 years, only got help for it a year ago.

    I'm currently dealing with a drug increase after a relapse... I'm so tired and unmotivated at the moment. I know what it's like!
    I feel guilty for feeling sad, because i've got the most amazing life - newly married to the most amazing and understanding man ever, supportive family, no real reason to be depressed... I just am... Pleh. Mega sucky.

    I'd be happy to have any friends who understand what it's like, if anyone would like to add me!
  • blessmy5
    Having been unhappy most of my life, about 2 years ago I really fell into a pit. I went from non-smoker to 20 a day, had weeks at a time off work unable to do anything, self-harmed and started having anxiety attacks. All during this, and after, I binged and binged, until I finally decided to cut down and get healthy.

    Even watching my calories and losing 30lbs didn't make me feel that much better. Jogging 5k three times a week didn't either. It wasn't until I went cold turkey on the refined, processed junk food (anything with an ingredients list) that I really started to feel better. The background sadness that I'd carried with me for so long lifted, and I spent entire days, then weeks, then months, feeling OK. Balanced, stable, normal. It was a complete revelation. I don't manage my depression anymore, I just don't have it.

    When I work out my body feels good, but my emotions are ruled by my diet. Garbage in, garbage out. My 2 cents.

    Great information. I have to use ALL the tools I can to keep balanced including exericse, diet, eliminating the news media, meditation! Staying away from the sweets helps and finding some protein to balance the blood surgars, but the sweets are what I crave. Sometimes it hard to even remember what helps. Even make yourself a poster with pictures and print large titles. Hang it somewhere so when you feel it coming on, you can remember what tools you can use. Hope you start feeling better soon. One day at a time!
    Wow, this is exactly my life! I was just trying to explain to my husband why I can't seem to get myself out of bed in the morning even tho I went to bed early. And the longer I lay there the more I tell myself that I hate my life because I'm so weak that I can't even get myself out of bed. Even tho you 'know' it's the depression it doesn't make you feel any better. And the things that you know are going to help you through it (exercise and eating right) are a constant struggle themselves. It's a vicious cycle & maybe you all feel the same that there doesn't ever seem to be anyone to talk to about it. My husband gives me that puzzled look cuz everything in our life is good. When I try to explain to my friends I feel like they look at me with pity and non understanding. And who can blame them? I wouldn't understand either if I didn't experience it! But if makes me feel even more mentally weak because no one understands so I must be making it up! So thank you for the little pep I needed for today in knowing that I'm not alone!
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    It really helps me to have someone to talk to. I can tell my best friend anything, plus she's dealt with it herself.

    My husband used to be not so understanding, but this time he's been wonderful. I hate parts of my job and end up working about 60 hours a week. It was really taking a toll on me. One Saturday I spent the morning crying. My husband sat me down and told me his concerns for me. I went to my Dr and got meds. It's been about 5 weeks and I feel like an entirely new person. Before, I was ready to divorce my husband b/c I couldn't stand him. I hated my life. Now, I feel as though a huge weight has been lifted. I appreciate my husband again. I can enjoy life again. I smile much, much more.

    If anyone wants to friend me, feel free. I certainly understand depression and am happy to be supportive.
  • mukennc
    Hello to you, I am proud of you for reaching out. We are here for you. Please feel free to friend me if u like.