


  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    Jillian Michaels suggests that artificial sweeteners affect your liver and the way in which your hormones work.

    Hmm.. I wonder where Jillian Michaels got her biochemistry degree from, and what her thesis was?
    The user already said that s/he takes note that she isn't a biochemist so I dont know why you took his quote then chopped off that part.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    I heard aspartame causes mass hysteria in people that believe everything they read. Is it true?

    REALLY, OMG WHERE??? is it happening to me? :laugh:

    ONce had a guy tell me that diet pop had aspartame in it, and he said "You DO realize that's human feces!" :noway:

    I told him, then I'd be rich manufacturing aspartame for the diet pop drinkers of the world, give me a bucket to put it in! :laugh:
  • cpotter4
    cpotter4 Posts: 116 Member
    Aspartame only causes side effects and problems when taken in abundance. By abundance I mean you would have to eat at least an entire bag of Splenda in one sitting per day for a long time. Never heard about it causing blindness but it can cause minor deformities in babies when eaten in abundance during pregnancy. It has to do with the way your body recognises the chemical and processes it. I could explain further but I would need pics and it would take a long while for you to understand if you know little about chemistry.
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    I personally dont like the taste of artificial sweeteners, Id rather use honey, actual sugar or that agave stuff rather than use splenda/crystal light/etc. If it works for some and it doesn't bother them then all the more power to them, those who are sensitive to aspartame and have cut it out of their diet then hooray for them too.
  • jaitken_22
    jaitken_22 Posts: 212 Member
    My aunt and I were talking about this last night funnily enough and apparently she is allergic to it and makes her break out into a rash.
  • slim422
    slim422 Posts: 104 Member
    The original poster is not scaremongering or spreading false information. First let me clarify I am not an MD I am an Epidemiologist and medical research is my profession.

    Artificial sweeteners are not good for our health. There is no evidence in any research study to suggest otherwise.

    The posters, who are reminding all of us that artificial sweeteners most often cause all the side effects we are seeing posted if taken in large quantities are correct. However, there is very little data documenting the long term effects of low dose exposure and the impact on our health.

    There are numerous studies, case studies and physician confirmation of the adverse effects of artificial sweeteners.

    We have only had the chemicals in our food readily available for about the last 10-15 years so we really cannot conclude they are safe over time and this refers to adults. There is also no data on what consuming, even smaller doses may do to children.

    Other posters have also reminded us to take what we find on the Internet with a grain of salt, also true. We all have access to Google Scholar, which will help you find published studies, in peer reviewed journals from various disciplines (medicine, biochem, biology etc) and you can read a vast amount of information.

    Bottom line, it's a synthetic substance with many proven adverse health effects in otherwise healthy adults (never mind any of us who have other issues). They impact on our health through our liver and other major organs is well documented so my question is why would we take a chance when there are other choices such as stevia or coconut palm sugar (which doesn't impact insulin levels like sugar) to still have sweetness in our food and help reduce calories. For a few calories? Makes no sense to me.

    Before grad school, I drank my fair share of coffee with splenda and diet coke with aspartame, now I use other substitutes and protect my health; however, having said that it is a very personal decision just be an informed consumer, don't believe everything you read on the Internet and check with reputable sources.

    Please don't have the attitude "I've made up my mind, don't confuse me with facts".....go get your facts. Here's just one place to start, an article from the Journal of the Diabetic Association of India 1995 from Dr's. Barua and Bal "Emerging Facts About Aspartame

    We've known for over a decade (and some argue much longer) the adverse events of artificial sweeteners, which no amount of industry sponsored research or slick advertising can make safe.

    Thanks OP
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    I wonder how many of the MFPeeps who claim not to like using/consuming artificial products use cosmetics? Or wear garments made of 100% natural, un-dyed fibres. or use protein shakes, supplements and vitamins?

    Funnily enough, most scientists are not out to poison us.

    Low-calorie sweeteners are an effective tool in the weightloss arsenal when consumed as part of a calorie-controlled diet. It should be up to personal choice whether or not to consume products made using aspartame, sucralose, stevia or whatever.

    Lets see this morning I put on my organic cotton danties, organic cotton socks, my cotton jeans( so old not organic but cotton)and my organic bamboo shirt. I used virgin coconut oil for lotion this morning. Do you need more deatail I can give it.
    The few of us that said we would rather eat natural never said we were better or even said anything bad about artificial sweetners we just said we prefer to use natural.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    It also causes cancer- dont eat it. It is banned in all countries but the US....... :huh:
    Not proven. And Japan has the largest aspartame production plant in the world.......................

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    It also causes cancer- dont eat it. It is banned in all countries but the US....... :huh:
    Not proven. And Japan has the largest aspartame production plant in the world.......................

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Funny, if it's banned in all countries but the US, how come I can buy aspartame sweetened sodas in Mexico, Canada, Italy, France and GB? I haven't been in any other countries so I don't know about the rest of the world, but I'm surprised to find it being sold illegally but openly in all the countries I've been in. You'd think it was legal........
  • mbar12
    mbar12 Posts: 125 Member
    It is apparent from some of the replies that aspartame causes headaches in some people. There may also be other side effects. Does it cause blindness? hmmmm dont know but to me its doubtful. To those who suffer side effects it is of course best that they not use aspartame. For those who are committed to using natural products, it would also be best not to use aspartame. For those who seem to be able to handle aspartame, and who enjoy their diet foods with aspartame, by all means use them (hopefully there will be no adverse effects down the road).
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    It tastes disgusting, you'll realize it after you quit then have a diet pop a year from now.
    I'm part of the headache crowd. I'll take real sugar over aspartame any day.
  • Karenlavonne1958
    I heard aspartame causes mass hysteria in people that believe everything they read. Is it true?

    I think sooo! I am sure of it! I quit using it because my daughter nagging me about it gave me a pain in my other end! But I am having less joint pain. Coincedence? Probably but don't want joint pain back so whatever works for me.
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member

    It is, however, a migraine trigger for me.

    Same here. Migraines and nausea. I'm now so sensitive to the taste that I can't force myself to drink anything with it. I can handle the small amount in a stick of gum without getting sick, but that's it. I can't stomach the taste of Splenda or stevia based products (Truvia, etc.) either, but that's just the taste.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    When I was thinking about getting pregnant I went to a naturopath to go over my diet.. She only told me to cut out anything aspertame, splenda , etc since it can cause birth defects in babies... So I gave it up, and noticed my 5x a week headaches went down to ZERO! Just makes you wonder what that stuff is doing to you

    Ah naturopaths, bastions of useless "knowledge", false "science", and the ability to "cure" everything with water... oh, and snake oil

    Naturopaths (at least here in Canada) have to have their Bachelor of Science then go on to study Naturopathic medicine. They have the same schooling as your medical doctor. And no they don't cure everything with water and snake oil. Have you ever been to a naturopath? Just because their answer to everything isn't drugs doesn't mean they are idiots.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    It is apparent from some of the replies that aspartame causes headaches in some people. There may also be other side effects. Does it cause blindness? hmmmm dont know but to me its doubtful. To those who suffer side effects it is of course best that they not use aspartame. For those who are committed to using natural products, it would also be best not to use aspartame. For those who seem to be able to handle aspartame, and who enjoy their diet foods with aspartame, by all means use them (hopefully there will be no adverse effects down the road).

    Bah... live and let live... That's just crazy talk.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Hi I dont like artificial products either so if youre looking for something sweet to replace sugar, try Stevia. Its super sweet and I prefered to cut out sugar rather than use this but know lots of people who have made the switch and really love the taste! I thinks its made from a plant, tree or the like, but is natural.
    Stevia is just as artificially processed as aspartame, it just apparently has better marketing.

    Also, millions of people around the world can DIE just from smelling a peanut. BAN THE EVIL PEANUT!

    Seriously, there's a huge difference between an allergic reaction, and poison.
  • zincalloy
    You're worth more alive but suffering from an illness that requires expensive treatment, than dead.

    And if you think your Government really cares if you live or die then good luck with that.

    I don't think the government cares about me as an individual. But I know that when my mom was sick and dying in a hospital getting loads of expensive treatment, the money didn't come out of her pocket. Uncle Sam footed most of that bill.

    Really? And where do you think Uncle Sam got that money to pay for the treatment? Uncle Taxpayer, that's who. Your hard earned tax dollars being fed into the many highly profitable medical and drug companies. Do you think they really want everyone to be healthy?
  • Karen_ZH
    Karen_ZH Posts: 80 Member
    Even though it has been around for years, doctors still tell women not to use it while pregnant. It is also a trigger for many people for migraines.

    Generally, I stay away from ALL chemicals in my food. Better to eat a little of the real thing than use a chemical.

    As far as flavoring water, you're best bet is to go with regular old lemon or lime slices.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I heard aspartame causes mass hysteria in people that believe everything they read. Is it true?

  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    Depends on how many gallons of diet soda you can down in a day.

    It is, however, a migraine trigger for me.
