100+ lbs down w/pics (tall woman)

I have lost 114lbs, and I'm estimating that I have about 50 more to go. I'm posting progress pics roughly every 50 lbs, so here is my second set.

First, a side-by-side face comparison between 329 lbs, my highest weight ever, and 214 lbs:


Now full body shot. First, me at 329 lbs. Size 24 jeans were very tight on me, but I refused to wear the 26s I should have been wearing (I ripped through the seams of multiple jeans because of my stubbornness).


That’s the closest I have to a full-body shot, since I fled whenever a camera was nearby.

I now weigh 214 lbs. I wear size 14 or 16 jeans right now. I’m at that weird stage when 16s fit in the morning right out of the dryer, but get way to baggy by the end of the day, while 14s are snug out of the dryer, but fit perfect at the end of the day. The jeans in this pic are 16s.


Some nice NSVs I’ve expereinced so far:

-The hoodie in that after picture above? I got it after seeing Wicked in London. I wanted a shirt for a souvenir, and got the biggest one they had. It didn’t fit until recently. The same is true for a t-shirt I got after seeing Equus during the same trip!!!!!

-I'm just starting to see a hint of a hip bone once in a while, and I'm excited about that. And do you see those clavicles in the picture above? Yup, those are mine!

-I can see the tendons in my hand and wrist, especially when I play the guitar. I think they're beautiful.

-I'm a tall woman, but I was so wide before that I looked a bit squat. Now that I'm shrinking horizontally, it's accenctuating my height.

-When friends and family move in to hug me, they mention being able to get their arms around me further.

-When friends and family who haven't seen me in a while see me, they invariably give me the up and down look, astonished.

-I've noticed while out and about that I'm getting checked out more often by strangers. Even if it is mostly men doing the checking out, it still makes me feel good.

-I no longer have to stick to the plus size section while shopping! In fact, the misses sizes fit me better than the same sizes from the womens section, which tend to be baggy in the butt.

For visual reference, I'm 5'10", and I'm 30 years old. I don't have a goal weight, per se, but I'm thinking of aiming to be size 10 pants and M tops. My estimation is that will occur somewhere around 145-165 pounds. We'll see. Well, since I'm posting progress pics roughly every 50 lbs lost, and I only have roughly 50 lbs to go, I'll see you all at goal!!!!


  • You look awesome!
  • Congratulations, you look amazing!

    Are you exercising with the diet, or just watching the foods you eat?
  • chrystee
    chrystee Posts: 295 Member
  • OceansForever
    OceansForever Posts: 221 Member
    You are looking great! A fantastic weight loss so far! Keep it going!
  • Are you exercising with the diet, or just watching the foods you eat?

    I'm doing both. Cardio at least 3 times a week (elliptical and heavy bag, mostly) for an hour, and weight training when I can. When I can't get to the gym, it's wii fit.

    For diet, I'm doing portion control, heavily limiting processed foods, and going easy on the carbs.

    My number one rule (which is the one I credit most for my success so far) is to NEVER skip meals. SOOOOO IMPORTANT!!!!!!!
  • jshorr
    jshorr Posts: 60 Member
    You are awesome! Great job!
  • Congrats! Keep up the wonderful work!! We're similar heights and I fit a size 12 and now I am 174 lbs.
  • Congrats! Keep up the wonderful work!! We're similar heights and I fit a size 12 and now I am 174 lbs.

    Cool! I'm hoping that's where I'll be around then too, then.

    I have no idea how to tell build/frame size.
  • traumacode3
    traumacode3 Posts: 32 Member
    I am so incredibly proud of you! You are amazing and I love you!! Keep up the great work and I will try my best to be a positive influence and keep healthy snacks coming your way!!
  • Thank you all for the kind words of encouragement!

    And especially thank you, Alicia, for letting me borrow your camera so I could FINALLY take these darn pictures!!!!
  • Congratulations you look fabulous, and healthy too your skin just glows!!!!! Please share your strategies when things got tough!
  • Congratulations you look fabulous, and healthy too your skin just glows!!!!! Please share your strategies when things got tough!

    Most importantly, I tell myself that nobody is perfect. When we start expecting perfection from ourselves, we only set ourselves up for failure. Therefore, when I'm naughty once in a while (either eating too much, or not working out when I should) I forgive myself and move on. In fact, I expect to be naughty every once in a while. Whether gorging on Thanksgiving dinner, or my most recent forray into the wonderful world of Girl Scout Cookies, I forgive myself and move on.

    In fact, I don't even think of it as forgiving myself. It's good to be bad sometimes.

    When I step on the scale, and see an increase, I don't freak out. I know people, especially women, fluctuate depending on the time of day and month.

    And knowing what I do about the human body, when I've hit longer plateaus, I combat them by increasing calories/dietary fat for a while to jump-start my metabolism.

    The main things I focus on:
    1. Never skip meals!
    2. Get enough sleep!
    3. Exercise, especially strength straining!
    4. Try to eat food our cave-dwelling ancestors would recognize by sight.
  • Amylynn
    Amylynn Posts: 242 Member
    Great work
  • Wow, you are truly an inspiration! Really, congratulations! How long have you been dieting?

    Also, I LOVE Wicked! I've seen it twice, once on tour and once with the original Broadway cast! it's amazing. I saw the Lion King and We Will Rock You in London. Seriously awesome shows.
  • scleesh
    scleesh Posts: 91 Member
    WONDERFUL job! Congrats!
  • 114lbs is amazing you look completely different!
  • Thank you all again!
    Wow, you are truly an inspiration! Really, congratulations! How long have you been dieting?

    Also, I LOVE Wicked! I've seen it twice, once on tour and once with the original Broadway cast! it's amazing. I saw the Lion King and We Will Rock You in London. Seriously awesome shows.

    It'll be a year on March 1st.

    Wicked and Equus are the only ones I saw in London. Here in the states I've seen Rent and Chicago (if you're talking porfessional touring shows). Plus I've been in a lot of plays on the community theatre level. Most recently Cabaret.
  • traumacode3
    traumacode3 Posts: 32 Member
    Hmmm I am so guilty of numbers 1 and 2 and you always get on me for both! I am incredibly lucky to have you as support and by my side!!!
  • Wow, excellent!
    You definitely look great! :)
  • thinthought
    thinthought Posts: 99 Member
    Congratulations you look fabulous, and healthy too your skin just glows!!!!! Please share your strategies when things got tough!

    Most importantly, I tell myself that nobody is perfect. When we start expecting perfection from ourselves, we only set ourselves up for failure. Therefore, when I'm naughty once in a while (either eating too much, or not working out when I should) I forgive myself and move on. In fact, I expect to be naughty every once in a while. Whether gorging on Thanksgiving dinner, or my most recent forray into the wonderful world of Girl Scout Cookies, I forgive myself and move on.

    In fact, I don't even think of it as forgiving myself. It's good to be bad sometimes.

    When I step on the scale, and see an increase, I don't freak out. I know people, especially women, fluctuate depending on the time of day and month.

    And knowing what I do about the human body, when I've hit longer plateaus, I combat them by increasing calories/dietary fat for a while to jump-start my metabolism.

    The main things I focus on:
    1. Never skip meals!
    2. Get enough sleep!
    3. Exercise, especially strength straining!
    4. Try to eat food our cave-dwelling ancestors would recognize by sight.

    I think this is really perfect advice and I wish everyone would have this kind of healthy perspective on their weight loss. Really great job, keep up the amazing work!
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