Any other 50ish women struggling?

Hi I'm 51 and am having a hard time losing weight depite eating right and excercising...want to lose about 40 lbs...Anyone else in the same boat?


  • Hi-Difficult after 50. My appetite increased and my metabolism slowed down. Not a good combination. Trying to manage my calorie intake and exercise almost every day. They are many good exercise DVDs that really help shed the pounds.
  • lormel61
    lormel61 Posts: 7 Member
    I have a few of slim in 6 worked good for me before...but broke 2 bones in my ankle a year ago ,2 weeks after knee surgery and am not able to do the things I used too.Just bought a treadmill and am loving it,but just get really frustrated...
  • rdsxgrl28
    rdsxgrl28 Posts: 165 Member
    Oh yeah. It seems I have to work twice as hard to lose half as much, turned 50 this year

    I gained do to knee surgery, well I coulda done more but got in lazy mode. So now I am trying to get rid of the 40(maybe more).
  • Hi! I feel your pain! I'm 53, a heart attack survivor and I have never had to struggle this hard to make the healthy changes I HAVE to make in order to survive! I love food, love to eat out, love to cook and bake for my family, love a glass of wine or a margarita...on top of the calories, I also am required to limit salt/sodium and fats. I crave Big Macs so badly it isn't even funny!
    But- If I don't make these changes, I may not survive the next heart attack- and there WILL be another if I keep taking my health for granted! So, I'd better buckle down and do what needs to be down, before I develop even more problems, like diabetes! That would be ALL I'd need! I need to lose about 55 to 60 lbs, and the idea of it taking me a year is very discouraging at times. But...I have to!
  • HI ! I just joined today and I am 54 and 50 lbs overweight . just joined a gym today with my 25 yr old daughter ( she is trying to lose some baby fat ) I'm struggling to lose wt also . I lost over 100 lbs about 4 yrs ago and am creeping back up to that wt. so my advise is count them calories and do some kind of excersizing for at least 30 min a day. Eat the right foods and the wt really does come off . I just lost sight of it and went back to old habits. Eat lots of apples , you can eat as much as you want of them in between meals, with meals , they really help you not be as hungry . keep in touch and we;'ll see how each other does
  • Hi, I turned 50 last fall. I have struggled w weight forever. I know now hard it is. I am trying to stay consistent this time around. Reading the posts really helps. I don't feel so alone when I see others continue to forge ahead one step at a time. You can do it. Just don't give up on you.
  • jzelner
    jzelner Posts: 10 Member
    I am 51 alos and it definetly takse longer to take off the pounds than to put them on. I have decided to concentrate on how my clothes feel rather than pounds. I log my food, walk at least 2 miles a day and if my clothes get looser but I didnt't lose any weight I'm okay with that. Hopefully with continued focus on what I eat and excersising every day the pounds will come off also.
  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    Yep, that's exactly where I am and why I'm here. I'm looking for some friends in their early 50s looking to lose some pesky pounds. Anyone in that situation is welcome to add me as a friend.
  • I think too much emphasis on anything is not good-makes us lose sight of what we are trying to achieve. We all want to lose weight or get back in shape but I think it comes down to taking care of yourself. When you think about it, our body takes a lot of abuse and and as one person wrote, survived a heart attack. That was a warning and everyday we are given another chance.

    Let's keep going.taking one day at a time and committing to doing one positive thing each day, whether that is eating better, walking, running, or looking in the mirror and telling yourself you can do it. Don't be negative, a lot of this battle is visual and we can all imagine and see ourselves with a healthier body. So, set a goal to do one positive thing tomorrow to help your body and yourself. I worked out today and watched what I ate.
  • I love my treadmill as well, just bought an elliptical before Christmas and I love it too
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    I can relate. I'm 54 next month and just can't get the scale to move. I do eat pretty healthy and make sure to exercise at least 30 min. per day. I find that I see changes in how my clothes fit and inch loss, but that darn scale is not my friend!
  • Give up the scale I put duct tape around mine and put it in the closet. Ha
    How your clothes fit is a better indicator of how you are doing. Keep it up!
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,622 Member
    Hi I'm 51 and am having a hard time losing weight depite eating right and excercising...want to lose about 40 lbs...Anyone else in the same boat?

    Its taken me alot longer this time to loss the weight! I've been on since August! Fri. will be my 51st b-day! Feel free to add me if you want, hon! :smile: :smile:
  • harleygirlT
    harleygirlT Posts: 223 Member
    I'm 48 and it is so hard for me to lose... I workout 6 days a week, watch my calories, eat well, etc......I guess it's just our time of life! I just keep trying and refuse to give up......eventually something has to give right!
  • Just turned 50 and have been packing around way too much weight for too long. I started to walk and improve my eating habits in the summer of 2010, lost 40 lbs. Then took the winter off because my rosacea didn't like me out in the winter weather. Well I managed to gain back 25 lbs.
    This year my daughter and I entered a fitness challenge at a local gym, and 7 weeks in I have managed to drop 10 lbs (and several inches). I do have to do most of the exercises in a modified format because of the aches and strains usually associated with someone of my age who hasn't been active. It is really great to have a buddy, to keep me accountable or give me kudos for the effort.
    We are working out 60 minutes, 5 days a week and keeping a food diary (restricting calories to 500 less than BMR, for me that is 1400-1500 calories). I also watch the sodium and sugar. I am getting tired of always having to calculate calories when deciding what to eat for a meal (yup a big mac and fries is sooo easy) but it is also way too easy to put the weigh back on - and right now I can actually some muscle developing - very cool.
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    I'm 50 and have found that although age is working against me, a better mental attitude and perspective on life is giving me what I need to persevere and make it happen. It CAN be done - it will take patience, determination and self-control, but by our age, we should have developed these attributes. If not, there's no time like the present!
  • Kab51
    Kab51 Posts: 4
    Hi! I'm 51 and I need to lose 100 lbs. I've fought the fight for years, but I'm 73 days into quitting smoking and I've already gained 15 lbs that I couldn't afford to gain. So I've started eating right, and trying to work out everyday. I just bought a recumbent bike and its my new best friend. Hope to be up to riding my outdoor bike by the time spring gets here. I'm looking for friends who can encourage me and understand where I'm at. Feel free to add me as a friend.:tongue:
  • ehunte
    ehunte Posts: 125 Member
    I'll turn 51 next month and I have resigned myself to losing 50 lbs over the course of 1 yr. That way I will not let myself get discouraged - this weight is coming off :drinker: !
  • newgirl512
    newgirl512 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm 50 and trying to lose about 20 pounds. I have been trying to lose these same 20 pounds for the last 6 months. I lose 5 lbs and then gain it back and lose it again and so on and so on!! I am very good about calorie counting and controlling eating habits until around 4 pm and then it goes down hill!!! I exercise a lot! This weekend I ran 9 miles on Saturday and biked 26 miles on Sunday. I do kettle bell on Tuesday and Thursday and swim on Wednesday. I'm not sure what more I can do. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Also, feel free to add me as a friend
  • storknursekelly
    storknursekelly Posts: 94 Member
    I hurt my back, stopped walking, gained over 50 lbs, and now finding it hard to lose as well. You may friend me, it's great to have the accountability as well as the support. We can all do this :)