Not getting enough calories per day???

I am new to calorie counting and have been using this site for about a month now. I have consistently lost 2 lbs per week but i was wondering if it is bad to average 900-1200 calories per day. I don't know why, but it is really hard for me to get enough calories and when I do it is through unhealthy foods that are high in fat or sugar. So my question is if getting that low of calories going to make me unhealthy. I am kind of tired but not unbearably.


  • Well done on the 2 lb loss each week. My gym instructor told me today that I must eat my set calorie amount as if I dont, my body will store fat! Im having trouble eating 1270 a day but she suggested eating more protein so am going to drink some shakes.
  • violetsue
    violetsue Posts: 54 Member
    You must eat all of your calorires or eventually your metabolism will slow and you will quit loosing weight. Plus you are not getting enough nutrients for your body. Make sure you are getting eough carbs, protein and yes, fat.
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    Eat your calories! Try some high calories healthy foods like nuts, peanut butter and avacado. Add those in and watch the pounds melt away!
  • lschuttem
    lschuttem Posts: 82 Member
    It depends on what ur starting weight is and your height. I read a book by one expert (Jim Karas, he has many credentials) and it said that many successful weight losers eat 800-1200 calories a day (this was for petite people, 5'4 and under). So i'd say that if your energy is good and you're eating healthy choices and getting the nutrients you need, I think its fine to be under 1200 calories. In the diet plan that Jim Kara lays out, he only allows 1100cal/day for his clients with some days that allow higher.
  • lschuttem
    lschuttem Posts: 82 Member
    sorry i just reread that you said you're kind of tired? in that case i would suggest eating some more calories, like the others suggest, and see if that helps after a couple days.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    You must eat all of your calorires or eventually your metabolism will slow and you will quit loosing weight. Plus you are not getting enough nutrients for your body. Make sure you are getting eough carbs, protein and yes, fat.

    Dieting slows your metabolism regardless of how aggressively you do it. Eat until you are full and make sure you get your micronutrients. If you are eating 1200, not netting 1200, then you will probably need a multivitamin to make sure you aren't missing out, but there is no magic number that every person must eat or else the starvation monster attacks them.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Eat more fat, more protein. High fat food is not bad for you, avocados are high fat, as are most nuts.
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    umm you must be counting your calories wrong then.... try wheying ur food because ur cals will add up quicker than you think!!!!

    there is literally no excuse to why you wouldnt be getting enough calories...

    one chicken breast
    1 cup veggies
    little bit of rice
    ground flax seed..
    nearly 500cals :S thats one tiny meal...

    you might be going by the "serving" size but they might be off.. e.g. my wifey thought that chicken breast was 120 cals, 19g protein...... well once chicken breast weights 200g and that nutirtion chart was based off "1 chicken breast, 100g" so thats 240cals for just a small chicken breast...
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 926 Member
    You do want to net at least 1200 a day so your body doesn't go into starvation mode and hold onto what it has, you will eventually plateau if you're not getting enough.

    Not hungry? Try a protein shake after a workout. I like to put 1/2c yogurt, 1/2c milk, 1 scoop whey protein, and some frozen berries in my little blender and make a 300-500 calorie shake. You're getting the needed protein and the calories.
  • morgan_aj
    morgan_aj Posts: 2 Member
    Something to keep in mind is fiber. Fruits and veggies have fiber and keep you full for a long time. Apples especially , though high in sugar, have lots of great fiber to keep you full. Also, opt for spices to flavour foods. Drink lots of water. And Maybe set aside one meal a week to indulge. If you can make it that far it's not soooo bad. Just high fat (bad fat) and sugar will kill you. I agree with the upped protein and good fats (still be careful with these). Also, just so you know I'm a personal trainer (for added expertise).
  • yoouperh
    yoouperh Posts: 68 Member
    My only advice is think of your body like a car, if you're on E, fill 'er up! If it's been 3000 miles, get an oil change(aka, if you're weight loss has decreased or you find yourself tired, make the changes, adjust and keep going) But most importantly, if your mechanic has your questioning, ask for a second opinion(MFP is a tool, your doctor or nutritionist will be more in tune to your body and what you require).
  • jalissa01
    jalissa01 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for all of your suggestions! I think my biggest problem is I went on a low carb diet and now carbs scare me. I get plenty of fat and protein but my carbs are always lacking. Also I am afraid to go over so I always shoot low and by time it is dinner time i have only consumed 800 calories so then i have to eat more for dinner which is also bad. It is really hard to eat a lot of good food that add up to my recommended 1490 calories. Is there any good suggestions on food that is healthy and filling?
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    go buy cold pressed extra virgin olive oil... its 120cals, 18g of fat, 0 carbs, and add 1tbsp to each meal... its healthy fats and this olive oil actually promotes fat loss...

    rice.. tiny cup of rice is 100+cals..

    carbs u can eat as long as their healthy but try to stay under ur body weight with them... im cutting right now and doing carb cycling which is working great and im getting 150carbs on my low carb days and 250 on my high carb day.. n all im eating is veggies, oats, chicken breast, protein shake... been 8 weeks roughly n getting so sick of same food over n over lol got 10 weeks to go!! then piggin out