How in the heck do I survive Disney World



  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    I hear they have great duck there ... stay away from the mice though.
  • bluestocking06
    bluestocking06 Posts: 66 Member
    Disney is usually on top of stuff like this, have you been to their site and searched for healthy options or something? They have multiple bloggers that cover different parts of visiting, I bet someone's covered it.
  • I went to Disney last month and just for kicks, I wore my fitness watch and foot pod (but not my HRM strap, even I have limits, haha) every day. We walked an average of eight miles every day!

    Also, I second what other people say about the surprising healthy options. EPCOT has the best because of the culinary variety -- you can get sushi, salads, grilled dishes, etc. I found Magic Kingdom to be the absolute WORST of the parks in terms of food quality, taste, etc. but even there you can do well -- there are veggie burgers, salads, grilled chicken sandwiches, chili, fruit sides, etc. Pretty much all of the places where you can get that stuff takes the dining plan!

    I even noted some of the specific locations where I got different healthy things, so feel free to PM me if you want some names :) I don't think anybody was bothered by my choices, as there was something at least partially suitable everywhere we went, even if it wasn't the most "fun" option.

    Have fun!!!! :) I even had some candy and stuff and didn't gain because of all the walking!
  • butterfly007
    butterfly007 Posts: 37 Member
    I went to DW for our honeymoon in June. While I tried to make healthier choices I didn't really worry too much about what I was eating. We were out and about 10-14 hrs a day so basically all the walking and playing burned it off. When we got back I dreaded getting on the scale but I actually lost 4lbs:) have fun I can't wait to go back!!
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    we're thinking of going to florida for our vacation...and any time i do anything outside of the "norm" i plan to wear my HRM. I'm also going to bring my food scale (it's nice and small)
  • sizzlinoverthefat
    sizzlinoverthefat Posts: 136 Member
    you can do this workout anywhere you go, in your hotel room somewhere out side and all you need is yourself no weights, i log it as circuit training, do it twice a day it is fast and only takes about 25 mins each time, even less if you don't do the running at the end

    bump! thanks for this info:smile:
    The 100 Workout so appealing is the short amount of time it takes to exercise the whole body (glutes, quads, thighs, core, and hamstrings) as well as the convenience of not having to go to the gym.

    Thinking of giving the workout a try? Here’s how you do it:

    •100 jumping jacks
    •90 crunches
    •80 squats
    •70 leg lifts
    •60 jumping jacks
    •50 crunches
    •40 squats
    •30 leg lifts
    •20 jumping jacks
    •10 minutes of running
  • mrshoneybear1014
    mrshoneybear1014 Posts: 275 Member
    I am from NY and I have been to Disney World 14 times. Each time I come back 5lbs heavier BUT this was before I did MFP. I ate EVERYTHING!!!!! You walk SO much!!! I wouldn't worry about it. Eat what you want but just watch HOW much. You are on vacation! Disney is AMAZING!!! Like I said, you walk SO much so you probably will either lose weight there or come back the same. SAY HI TO MICKEY FOR ME!
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    they have healthy food stops marked on your map, and if you do overdo it your going to be walking atleast 8 miles a day just going from ride to ride...that and the price of food is at least for us it was:wink: