40 something??

Hi - My name is Sharon - will be 46 this year - and definately want to get my weight in order before my birthday in December.
I need to lose at least 10kg - which is approx 22 pounds.
Still a long way to go - but I have done it before and by not watching what I ate I picked it all up again.
I am definately finding it more difficult this time round - (the age thing)


  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member

    I'm 42 (43 this June). I've been losing weight since last June, got 5lbs to first goal, undecided yet whether to go any lower depending what I look and feel like when I get there and how long it takes! I'm hoping to reach the 3 st lost goal before my birthday at beginning of June.

    I have under active thyroid and physical restrictions too which is why its taken me so long to get this far! My monthly cycle is also playing up so I think I'm heading for the menopause! :sad:

    Hope its not all going to pile back on after its taken me so long to get 3 st off!
  • poundsgalore
    poundsgalore Posts: 99 Member
    Hi :smile: I will be 42 in May. I had a full hysterectomy when I was 34 and have gained 50 pounds since. I lost 26 from Jan to Oct of 2011 and then gained some back, so I am only at 21 of my 50 down at this point. Is much harder but I am finding a lot more excuses since I am older. Have always been unhappy with my weight but even when I didn't have a weight problem. One day I will be happy with myself. I have 3 kids (9, 11, 13 year olds). And my name is Jennifer, and make that 21 of the 52 I need to loose, I just looked at my ticker!!
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I'm dreading the menopause if it means I'm likely to put like 50lbs on! I thought if i could get under 10 now, I can catch it as it creeps back up!
  • redsteve65
    redsteve65 Posts: 142 Member
    I'm 46 (47 next week) and never had the need to diet. But as I've got older I've found that I don't burn the calories as quick so put on weight and was beginning to put on quite a few pounds. Once I hit 15st I decided to do something about it. MFP has really helped and the weight is coming off nicely. My kids are even noticing it and are now making favourable comments as proposed to the unfavourable comments they were making.

    But I really do think that as you get older its harder to keep the weight off.
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    Hi! !! I will also be 46 in December! !! Plugging away @ this extra weight & starting to feel better! !
  • poundsgalore
    poundsgalore Posts: 99 Member
    I quit working out and got a job where I sit on my rump for 10 hours snacking all night. I think that is where my 50 lbs came from. LOL
  • Allie_71
    Allie_71 Posts: 1,063 Member
    Hi there. I'll be 41 soon, and lost 70 lbs in the last 2 years. It was not easy, and it seemed I was fighting genetics, a stagnant metabolism, and age, but it can be done. Good for you :)

  • Gail3260
    Gail3260 Posts: 354 Member
    Yes it's harder to lose but it can be done.....I'm doing it and I'm 50 something!!! Stay positive!
  • ngoethe
    ngoethe Posts: 56 Member
    Hi Sharon, I'll be 46 in December as well. You are right, it's getting harder and harder to get the weight off, but it can be done and I am determined to get it off. Welcome to MFP, good luck with your journey!
  • sailinjen
    sailinjen Posts: 103 Member
    Yep, 44 here. I never had a weight issue till 35, pregnant, moved and boom....Im ready to lose ten to fifteen by summer...it is slow!!! I work out so hard but I like my pizza!!! Feel free to add me as a friend. I am motivated as far as the gym.... good luchk people!
  • michellecorvin
    michellecorvin Posts: 36 Member
    Good morning! I am 42 (will be 43 in May) and I need to lose a small person (about 120 pounds). I am basically just starting back after having a baby boy but he is 7 months old now so I have run out of excuses. I give up too easily and I am working on surviving this journey from minute-to-minute. I live near Houston, TX so it is warm a lot which gives litte reason not to be active. I will get there!
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    I'm 46 (47 next week) and never had the need to diet. But as I've got older I've found that I don't burn the calories as quick so put on weight and was beginning to put on quite a few pounds. Once I hit 15st I decided to do something about it. MFP has really helped and the weight is coming off nicely. My kids are even noticing it and are now making favourable comments as proposed to the unfavourable comments they were making.

    But I really do think that as you get older its harder to keep the weight off.

  • seekingstrengthX2
    42, soon to be 43. It is harder to lose the weight now, but it is WORTH it!!!!!! :) I am working harder than I ever have before, but feel great! :)
  • jsjaclark
    Hi I'm Susan and I am 45. I am still trying to lose this last 5-7 lbs. I have been sidelined for a few weeks with arthritis in my hip. I have been closely watching what I eat so as not to gain while not exercising.
  • katherinemm31

    I'm 42 (43 this June). I've been losing weight since last June, got 5lbs to first goal, undecided yet whether to go any lower depending what I look and feel like when I get there and how long it takes! I'm hoping to reach the 3 st lost goal before my birthday at beginning of June.

    I have under active thyroid and physical restrictions too which is why its taken me so long to get this far! My monthly cycle is also playing up so I think I'm heading for the menopause! :sad:

    Hope its not all going to pile back on after its taken me so long to get 3 st off!
    Yeah, that pre-menopause thing is a drag. It's harder to track the moods, keep the cravings at bay and ward off water retention. I'm 42.
    When I was younger and lost a lot of weight, it was easy because I could exercise a lot. The body hurts more now, not because I am "old" (I'm still a kid at heart and seem to regress more the older I get :happy: ), but because I've had more years of wear and tear. I'm in denial about my energy level and limitations, which sometimes works for me, but sometimes doesn't because I get impatient with myself. I get fatigued, especially around my period and after I exercise.
  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 184 Member
    I just hit 40 in January. It is so much harder to lose after 40. But i KNOW it can be done! We are older, wiser and more motivated.
    I have made a lot of friends here on MFP with the same goals/age. GREAT support to be found here.
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want.
  • witchywillow
    witchywillow Posts: 143 Member

    im 44, 45 in may, i was 13st the most i have ever weighed and the weight i was wen i had my last child 10 years ago, have since lost 8lb since i started in january, i also decided i didnt wanna carry this extra weight around anymore, i was always 7st before having 3 children, giving up smoking and learning to drive lol. want to loose this weight before it becomes really hard to.

    if u want a friend feel free to add me, i dont judge and i definately dont tell anyone wat they should and shouldnt be be doing, we all trying to do the same thing here , helpful advice always welcomed
  • EastCincyDad
    EastCincyDad Posts: 15 Member
    I'll be 49 in August (won't be able to reply to the "40 something" subjects for long!). After losing about 11 pounds I weigh today almost exactly what I weighed 25 years ago. The big problem is that I used to work out and play sports a lot more back then. I think my metabolism has changed as well. I'm lucky that I had great metabolism that allowed me to not gain too much back then despite just about the worst "diet" one could possibly exist on (coca-cola and oreos for breakfast, fast food twice a day, drank and snacked whenever I felt like it). On the other hand, the habits I developed have put me where I am today. Now no alcohol or soda, eat out rarely, and at least 20 pounds overweight still, and that's if I keep all the strength that I have now after dropping those 20. I might need to drop an additional 10-15 pounds, according to all the height/weight charts anyway.

    Just trying to do what I can now to get to a better state and develop better habits that will lead to a healthier life. Like everyone says, "it doesn't get any easier as you get older".
  • fletchs_65
    fletchs_65 Posts: 2 Member
    I'll be 47 in April and it is a lot harder to stay fit now. I used to lift weights everyday and still have a lot of muscle muscle mass. So fortunately my metabolism is still pretty high. I was down from 270 lbs to 215, but after 7 months of laziness, I jumped back up 235. Trying to get to 200 by summer. I just have to accept the fact that, at this age, this has to be my lifestyle now. No more slacking!