I want to give up.



  • CMcBryer
    CMcBryer Posts: 139 Member
    Be consistent and hit your macros. That's all it takes. You may gain a little one week every once in a while or plateau, but as long as you are consistently at a reasonable deficit you have to lose fat. It's impossible not to unless you have an underlying condition that is preventing you. Patience is the key. You didn't gain 10 pounds in a week and you won't healthily lose it that way either.
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    I'm doing everything I can to lose weight. I'm eating healthier than I ever have in my entire life. I'm excercising 5 days a week. I'm counting calories and watching my sodium.

    I just don't know what to do. The weight isn't coming off, in fact I've gained weight. The last 2 weeks I haven't lost a damn thing, only gained.

    I'm so devastated right now.

    I would quit, its not working for you so i would just be happy with who you are.
  • What a wonderful supportive bunch everyone is on here, it's so nice to read the replies - I also say - DON'T GIVE UP!!! IT WILL HAPPEN.
    I don't think anyone else has suggested this but whenever I have been trying to lose weight - because there is always a reduction in cheese and milk consumption, I make sure I take a calcium supplement every day as it not only helps with healthy bones, it can also aid fat metabolism - I am not a health professional - but if you take this it won't harm you and it might help. Make sure you choose one with added vitamin D so your body can more easily uptake the calcium.
    Good Luck!!!
  • I use a HRM so my calories burned are probably as accurate as they can be. MFP was way overestimating my calories burned.

    I will try out your suggesstions. I appreciate the kind words. I'm just so upset by this. I want to lose weight and get as healthy and fit as possible. I don't want to be fat forever. I've battled my weight since I was a teenager.

    Thats no joke! MFP said I burned around 800 cals yesterday, but I didn't even feel like I worked out. It's so hard to decide if you should follow the workout machine or MFP!!
  • helenmc40
    helenmc40 Posts: 117 Member
    Don't give up!! I too have been trying to lose the smae 20-30lbs for 4 years! I am new to MFP, and I find it helping. I also have a mantra I say "If you bite it, you write it".

    Try cutting down on white breads, pasta and white rice. Belive in yourself and take one day at a time. You can do this, just remember the weight did not go on in 1 day and it will not come offf in 1 day either.

    YOU CAN DO THIS!! :wink:
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 671 Member
    Don't give up! Even without the weight loss, you are healthier now than when you started. That means everything! We all say we want a lifestyle change first and weight loss second, but when we get the first and not the second, we get discouraged. I'm in the same boat and have felt the same way. Keep with it! Your body will be happier!
  • DONT give up!! It will just get worse! I have found for me that heavy excersie makes so i do not lose. Just try walking and diet real hard... I do no carbs and no sugar!! I t will come off! Then when I have lost all my weight I am going to do a workout program. Just some things that have helped me! Keep it up!! You can do it!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't really understand the notion of giving up being healtier just because you are not losing weight. How could being overweight while eating crap be better than being overweight while exercising and eating right?

    You may be eating healthier than you ever have, but in glancing at the past few days on your diary I would suggest cutting back on sodium and sugar and adding more vegetables. Too much sodium or sugar can cause bloating and may be why you are having trouble losing.
  • misscaligreen
    misscaligreen Posts: 819 Member
    don't give up! It was a long road to gain the weight it will take time and patience to lose it. Stay the course and show your beautiful babies that you are strong and determined! Show them that you don't throw in the towel when things are tough. You CAN do this! Look at all the people who HAVE done it on MFP....
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    First of all, do you feel better? Do your clothes fit better? Are you able to exercise harder and do more? The scales aren't always the greatest indicator of progress.

    I see lots of good tips and lots of encouragement here. Try different things. Keep it up and best wishes on your progress!
  • snuffybitts
    snuffybitts Posts: 25 Member
    Don't give up...I was the same way and the weight just stayed. I finally found a great way to calculate my caloric intake on my own by reading a book that came with my beachbody workout. I will use my stats as an example....you take your weight (208) and add a zero (2080) then add 300 for normal daily activities, such as walking to the car or around the store (2380) then in order to lose one pound a week you would subtract 500 for a calorie deficit...I want to lose two pounds a week so I would subtract 1000 leaving me with a total daily calorie intake of 1380. Keep in mind that you do not want to lose more than two pounds a week to keep the weight off. Some people can do it and succeed but aim for two pounds a week and only weigh in once a week in the morning....keep track of your weight and take your measurements. I saw results from working out 6 days a week in my measurements first...then saw it in a weight drop.

    I hope this helps....good luck and keep going!!
  • Have you seen your doctor of lately??? Most diet and exercise plans will suggest you see your doctor before attempting to loose weight...and while many look at this as a legal disclaimer...they would save alot of frustration if they did. Metabolic issues, Hormonal issues, endocrine issues, vitamin deficiencies, food alergies, medications, sleep disorders and a host of other things can get in the way of weight loss.

    If you are really being honest with your energy balance (cals in/cals out w/HRM) then I would see a doctor. Have him run some blood work.

    At my fattest...I had both a Vit D and a Vit B12 deficiency....I can see the D....cause I worked so much I never got outdoors...but B12??? I thought I was the most overfed being on the planet. I also had Prediabetes, Obstructive Sleep Apnea and borderline hypertension. Doesn't take a whole lot of medical issues to grind weight loss to a hault. The Vit D deficiency alone would have been enough (messes with your insulin sensitivity).

    Weight loss is a matter of calories in/calories out...but our bodies are this black box that can adjust the calories out through many different biological pathways that we evolved to have to survive famine.
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    The more you have to lose the bigger your deficit can be.
  • Make sure you are drinking more than the 8 glasses of water a day...I just read in women's health mag that if you aren't hydrated enough, your workouts will have little effect. Drink plenty of water to ensure your workouts have the fullest impact. Also, make sure your carbs stay pretty consistent everyday. My sister's trainer told her that if your carbs are going up and down from day to day, your body has a harder time shedding the pounds. Good Luck!! :)
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    Congrats for starting the journey! That's a very big step! And you are very brave to go on these message boards and ask for help (as people can be very critical) usually for the best but occasionally just flat out harsh. I echo many of the things people say.

    - Lower sodium
    - Lower sugar
    - Minimize wheat/carbs
    - More protein and veggies

    But all in all I think what helps me the most is I don't try to think about what I can and can't have- instead I think everyday of what I NEED to eat so I set quotas for myself. These are my quotas:

    - 4-5 servings of veggies
    - 3-4 servings of protein
    - no more than 3 servings of fruit
    - no more than 2 servings of carbs

    It's helped me focus on what I need to be healthy instead of living my life in deprivation. Just a tip.

    I hope it helps! I can tell you really want to be healthier and I have no doubt that your mind is there, it's just a matter of manifesting that on your body. Best of luck girlfriend:flowerforyou:
    - 12 or more cups of water
  • Don't forget, this is a marathon, not a sprint. There are some great suggestions in this thread, try them out, see which works best for you but don't get disheartened.

    Very true! Its about changing your lifestyle and figuring out what works for you. So much info out there and what works for one person may not work for you, but don't give up. Don't ever stop trying to better your life. You have lost 8 pounds, that is awesome!