Michael Jackson Memorial Service

Maximus Posts: 12,256 Member
edited September 19 in Chit-Chat


  • byHisgrace
    byHisgrace Posts: 175
    I was just listening to klove on my way to work and the morning DJ's were discussing how many people are saying his service is turning into a circus and how that one word keeps getting mentioned.

    No matter how you feel about the person, a human life has passed and it's really sad that it does seem that what should be a somber occassion is now the hottest ticket on ebay.
  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member
  • GraceKelly
    GraceKelly Posts: 7,378

    Red x?
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    oh really?

    please edit your post so we can actually SEE something
  • GraceKelly
    GraceKelly Posts: 7,378
  • msilmon
    msilmon Posts: 8
    I think it is really sad that people are trying to make money by using someone's death! Shame on you!! :sad: :brokenheart:
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I think they should NOT have made his memorial service into a huge spectacle.....But ...that is just my opinion.:grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Haven't seen any of the news on it - I am not watching TV but I would imagine that MJ would have wanted something out of the ordinary as he lived. JMHO
  • GraceKelly
    GraceKelly Posts: 7,378
    now I see the GIGANTIC poster!
  • GraceKelly
    GraceKelly Posts: 7,378
    now I see the GIGANTIC poster!

    Got the peanut butter out of your eyes, eh?

  • byHisgrace
    byHisgrace Posts: 175
    Haven't seen any of the news on it - I am not watching TV but I would imagine that MJ would have wanted something out of the ordinary as he lived. JMHO

    You got that right. His last 20 years was a freak show so its fitting that his memorial service mirror that.

    You're right, he would probably want this but I still that it's sad that someone would want their memorial service to be showy and public. Also because it's overshadowing the brave fight Farrah Facet lost.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    I understand that MJ's fans and family are definately going through a hard time right now and understand that he needs to be remembered through a memorial service.
    What saddens me greatly is that on Friday, a 20 year old Marine from my home town gave his life fighting for our country in Afghanistan and there is no huge nation wide broadcasted memorial service for him or for the thousands of others who have given their lives for us. I did not know him personally, all I know is that he died for my freedom and our country. Now thats a True American Hero. :cry:
  • byHisgrace
    byHisgrace Posts: 175
    I understand that MJ's fans and family are definately going through a hard time right now and understand that he needs to be remembered through a memorial service.
    What saddens me greatly is that on Friday, a 20 year old Marine from my home town gave his life fighting for our country in Afghanistan and there is no huge nation wide broadcasted memorial service for him or for the thousands of others who have given their lives for us. I did not know him personally, all I know is that he died for my freedom and our country. Now thats a True American Hero. :cry:

  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I understand that MJ's fans and family are definately going through a hard time right now and understand that he needs to be remembered through a memorial service.
    What saddens me greatly is that on Friday, a 20 year old Marine from my home town gave his life fighting for our country in Afghanistan and there is no huge nation wide broadcasted memorial service for him or for the thousands of others who have given their lives for us. I did not know him personally, all I know is that he died for my freedom and our country. Now thats a True American Hero. :cry:

  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I understand that MJ's fans and family are definately going through a hard time right now and understand that he needs to be remembered through a memorial service.
    What saddens me greatly is that on Friday, a 20 year old Marine from my home town gave his life fighting for our country in Afghanistan and there is no huge nation wide broadcasted memorial service for him or for the thousands of others who have given their lives for us. I did not know him personally, all I know is that he died for my freedom and our country. Now thats a True American Hero. :cry:

    Amen - again!
  • DaniNei
    DaniNei Posts: 132 Member
    I understand that MJ's fans and family are definately going through a hard time right now and understand that he needs to be remembered through a memorial service.
    What saddens me greatly is that on Friday, a 20 year old Marine from my home town gave his life fighting for our country in Afghanistan and there is no huge nation wide broadcasted memorial service for him or for the thousands of others who have given their lives for us. I did not know him personally, all I know is that he died for my freedom and our country. Now thats a True American Hero. :cry:

    I totally agree.

    I say prayers for every soldier's family who has lost their loved ones fighting for our rights and feedoms.

    Michael Jackson I could care less about. The only people I feel bad for is his children who have to grow up without a father.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    I understand that MJ's fans and family are definately going through a hard time right now and understand that he needs to be remembered through a memorial service.
    What saddens me greatly is that on Friday, a 20 year old Marine from my home town gave his life fighting for our country in Afghanistan and there is no huge nation wide broadcasted memorial service for him or for the thousands of others who have given their lives for us. I did not know him personally, all I know is that he died for my freedom and our country. Now thats a True American Hero. :cry:

    Exactly! Soldiers are the ones who should be getting big services!
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