I'm moving ALOT-Scale is NOT

So, I'm kind of a creeper on these forums. I read all the posts, but don't reply. But today, I've had it. I have always been a "sort of exerciser", meaning I usually do something a few times a week but not really anything too drastic. I have lost 60 pounds before with diet and exercise, so I know it's possible. Struggled with my weight my entire life.

Here's my issue: I'm training for a 7k in May so have been consistently working out for almost a month now. Treadmill @ least 3x/week and then either weights or yoga 2x/week. I have been counting calories. Adding my exercise calories back in, etc. I work in health care, so I have lots of friends/resources and they all tell me I'm doing everything right.

The scale hasn't moved. Seriously. Not at all! My ticker says I've lost 7 pounds but that was from before. Now before you start telling me it's fat changing to muscle, blah blah blah. And before you start telling me to focus on how I feel, how my clothes fit, etc etc etc. I get that. I really do. The problem is it's been a month. That transitiion should be done. And I have 80 pounds to lose. I am not going to convert 80 pounds of fat into 80 pounds of muscle. At some point the scale must start moving.



  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    Lower your calories, raise your activity level.

    Honestly, something I notice at the gym and that I noticed about myself is that working out on the eliptical or treadmill on my own, I never really pushed myself very hard. The past couple months that I've seen results, I work my *kitten* off (LITERALLY). I'm working very hard at my work outs and NOW I see results. Maybe you just aren't pushing yourself hard enough on your work outs???

    Anyways........weight loss is basic math. You need to take in less calories than you are putting out. If the scale isn't moving, that's not happenings.
  • @ IveLanded: My non-exercise day calories are set @ 1200 and I'm adding back exercise calories accoridingly. I'm afraid to go any lower than 1200. I am a wiggly, sweaty, can barely walk, weak mess when I'm done working out. I have a trainer that gives me my treadmill assignments (distance, speed, time, etc). THe weights are actual classes I'm taking with an instructor. So I don't think not working out hard enough or eating too much is the problem. Hence my frustration. :)
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member

    I wouldn't go any lower than 1200, but if it were me and I was having that problem, I would not add back ALL my work out calories.

    Also you might want to evaluate your diet and see if it's something like being too high in carbs or bad fats or not enough protein.
  • Maybe you are eating too few calories and so when you do it, your body stores it as fat?
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    I agree w/ above. Do not add all your exercise calories back (maybe 1/2) and really analyze *what* your eating now vs calorie intake. Lower carbs and up protein. Drink lots of water and reduce sodium.

    Hope that helps...otherwise I'm at a loss, but wish you luck.