no time to exercise! help!



  • 15 minutes running on the spot + 15 minutes of dancing to some great tunes = 30 minutes of cardio:)
  • wreath7
    wreath7 Posts: 104 Member
    just walk everywhere and take the long way when you can. i know it can be hard but if you make changes and stick with them, it will really help in the long run. especially eating.

    also don't be dismayed by the lack of support in this supportive community.

    (on another note, it's dumb when people use these threads as a place to be self-righteous about how great they are when they just want to hear themselves complain about the complaining of others. this is a community and it's supposed to be supportive. or maybe we should start a thread where we can complain about how we hate complaining in threads?)
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    When I started cleaning up my life and bad habits about 11 months ago, my only exercise consisted of 30-45 minutes of walking my dog everyday. I lost my first 20 lbs doing just that.

    Tony Horton, the trainer who put together P90X, has a 10 Minute trainer program that is all about circuit training. I haven't tried it. My point is it's possible to put together a calorie burning exercise program in 10-15 minutes a day. Everyone is busy. You have to make yourself a priority in your life and make time.
  • W0zzie
    W0zzie Posts: 262 Member
    As with many of us that was my excuse too just over 12months ago but if you really want it you will find a way and for me it ended up being a no-brainer. I exercise - I get energized - more energy - more time for me. So the 45-60mins exercise I now do per day has paid dividends in at least that for the extra energy it gives me.

    As to what - I finally found XBox Kinect is what has kept my interest. It's convenient, private and fun - hence I keep doing it. Find your "whatever" that is convenient & fun and fulfills so that you will "want" to keep doing it.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    The key is to get addicted to exercising, then you'll find yourself making it the priority of your schedule rather than that annoying thing you have to fit in between everything else.
  • OneChanceOneLife
    OneChanceOneLife Posts: 26 Member
    Unless you are in investment banking or other profession that requires crazy hours where working 80-100 hour weeks and commuting another couple of hours a day to work everyday is the norm, you can make time for working out. Even if you have crazy hours like that you can always chose the stairs instead of elevator, park further away from the building, get some desk exercise appliances, etc. You can always chose to eat healthily and on weekends there really is no excuse.
  • HeavenLeAngel127
    HeavenLeAngel127 Posts: 211 Member
    Hey! Im new to MFP and need help on how to fit exercise into my already packed schedule. Any ideas?

    jillian michaels 30 day shred... actually workout is about 22 minutes with a one minute warm up and cool down.... takes 30 days and you see awesome results as long as you do it.... Love it cause I don't stick with a workout over 30 minutes very well...

    Search 30ds pics and be ready to be in awe..

    I have bad focus and I have been able to stick with this.... day 19 and I have more energy throughout the day so I actually get more done now... plus I'm looking pretty great if I'm going to toot my own horn
  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 821 Member
    I couldn't ever find the time. Then one day I decided enough was enough, and I would join our workplace gym, get up an hour earlier a day, and start going every day before work. Now that I've done that for several months, I find myself occasionally also skipping a lunch to head to the gym (something that I wouldn't even contemplate before). Find your motivation and carve out a few minutes a day somewhere to get going.
  • ataylo30
    ataylo30 Posts: 25 Member
    I don't know what your life consists of but these are some things my conditioning coordinator told me where I work (at a school): run around your desk before/after every piece of work you leg lifts between meetings. stand up when you are on the phone. take the stairs, pick your kids up like you are in the gym...from dead lift on the floor to above yor head (watch your back). make sure you are moving every second of your day. We are all busy and feel like we are constantly on the go. Take stock of when you sit...and when you sit...stand up. Hope this helps...
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    Hmmm... I'm a little disappointed at some of these comments. I totallly hear what they're saying - but I don't think reaching out for suggestions to improve, only to get lectured and told they're just not trying hard enough is supportive. Anyway... it CAN be tough to fit in a workout - but there are ways you can do it. A few suggestions that might help you get on your way:

    * Walk more where ever you're going. Take the stairs, not the elevators. If you have to drive to go somewhere - park far away from the enterence (Bruce Lee used to say this - and I swear by it). If you can take a bicycle to the store, or to run your errands - do it. It actually saves me time to ride my bike, as there's less traffic! Things like this allow you to get a "workout" in while getting things done.
    * Work a regular 9 - 5ish type of job? You are entitled to a lunch break - take it! :o) Allow yourself 20 mins of that break to go for a brisk walk. I used to zip up and down the stairs at our hospital. If you can get outside, watch your watch and go out for 10 mins, turn around and come back. If you can devote 30 mins of your break - try that! Even if it's just 3Xs/week to start.
    * Do you have a iPod or some kind of Outlook Calendar? Schedule 20 - 30 mins 3X/week for exercise to start. Hold that time sacred like you would a meeting, a doc's appointment, or something like that. If someone asks you to do something during your exercise time, you can just say "I have a 30 min commitment at that time," and don't give it up!
    * Get all your workout clothes (shoes, sox, bra, outfit, etc.) ready before you go to bed. Take the time to organize your stuff and either pack it in your car, or put it by your door (like I do). That way - when you get a moment - you can just grab your stuff and go! I find when I'm swamped, but suddenly get 40 mins... I will scramble to get my stuff together - which ends up wasting 10 - 20 mins! Organizing helps a lot!
    * Lastly - work out DVDs and videos may help, too. There are a lot with a variety of lengths.

    Hope that helps! They are right in that you can get a workout in if you really want it... BUT sometimes we have to get a little creative. Once you start fitting it in - you'll crave the workout! :o) Good luck, and great job joining MFP and getting it done!

    I was thinking the same thing! I get what they are saying but most everyone has been a little harsh rather than helpful. It does seem like there is not many hours in the day but you might have to give something up to make time for exercise. And it will prolly be something that you really enjoy like the time you spend on the computer or watching tv. But in the end you will feel so much better and you will prolly even like it better than what you end up giving up. There are also a lot of things on the net that give you ideas for exercises that help burn lots of calories but dont take a whole bunch of time. Look up interval training and resistance exercises! The thing I like is 30 minute circuit training you burn majors calories and get a great work out in just 30 minutes :) I hope this helps!!!!

    I was thinking the same thing. I didn't take this as a post of trying to make an excuse rather than trying to come up with some ideas. I multitask which works for me. I watch sports while on the treadmill. I run with the dog, so he gets his walk. My husband and I have worked out a schedule so each of us gets at least 2 nights during week at the gym (I go M, W. He goes T, R). If you have an ipod/iphone, there are tons of free circuit training options out there. Feel free to friend me and I may have some other suggestions. I have an 8 month old, so it's not always easy to go to the gym.
  • EJsMummy26
    EJsMummy26 Posts: 101 Member
    I ask my husband to play with our son for a half hour. Or I'll ask my in-laws once a week to keep him an extra half hour so I get some exercise in.

    I even do it at 9:30pm once the hubby is at the gym and my son is in bed.

    I've been making excuses lately! Trying to hop back on the train.
  • zafferFL
    zafferFL Posts: 402
    Some questions require honest answers, it's not harsh, it's reality. can't make time, how can anyone else do it for you? don't exercise, don't eat well, it's all up to the individual.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Hey! Im new to MFP and need help on how to fit exercise into my already packed schedule. Any ideas?

    I can understand having a busy schedule but if you're serious about exercise you will find the time. Exercise can involve some sacrifice but I don't know anybody that is so busy that they can't find the time if they really want to. I have to get up at 3:30am and be at the gym by 4am to get mine in. Sucks but that's just the way it is. :)
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    There's not really a magic answer for this - you have to make time. Wake up earlier, go to sleep later, try to get a workout in during your lunch hour. Take a look at your schedule and see what can be rearranged - and remember that workouts can be things like walks, bike rides, hikes - they don't always have to involve going to the gym.

    Whole heartedly agree! Everyone is busy, I work 50+ hrs a week not adding my hour round trip commute. I have kids with activities, I have a house to take care of, a social life etc, etc....BUT I make the time for me to work out. I get up at 4:30 am 4 days a week to work out before work. I make sure I can set a few hours aside on the weekends to get workouts in. Not trying to mean, just saying I hear this from my friends all the time, my response to them is if you have time to watch t.v. then you have time to workout even if you workout while watching t.v. You have to decide that you're worth it and want it bad enough to make the time.
  • I totally understand your problem, as I have a 3 month old baby and work full time.
    If you can find 15 mins to exercise at home, check out this web-site -
    They have a lot of videos with nice workouts up to 15 mins long. I just started with this web-site myself.
    Also, I am trying to take a 30-mins walk at lunch every day if the weather is not too bad.
    Good luck!
  • YMark
    YMark Posts: 65 Member
    Some questions require honest answers, it's not harsh, it's reality. can't make time, how can anyone else do it for you? don't exercise, don't eat well, it's all up to the individual.

    ^^^^ THIS ^^^^
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Do you watch TV? If so, you have time. If I'm going to watch a movie, I try and work out on the stairstepper or treadmill.

    That. I'm a big TV watcher. Once the kids are in bed (by 8 PM) I watch TV until bed. I now workout on the treadmill while either watching TV or listening to music.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Do you watch TV? If so, you have time. If I'm going to watch a movie, I try and work out on the stairstepper or treadmill.

    That. I'm a big TV watcher. Once the kids are in bed (by 8 PM) I watch TV until bed. I now workout on the treadmill while either watching TV or listening to music.

    If you don't have a treadmill you can alway do the deck of cards workout while watching TV. Hearts = cardio, Diamonds = upper, Spades = lower, Clubs = abs. Play: draw the 8 of hearts - do 8 jumping jacks, draw 10 of diamonds do 10 push ups .... etc.

    If you like walking & the weather doesn't cooperate you can "Walk at Home" with Leslie Sansone DVDs. These are great for anyone with a napping baby. Low impact, you won't wake anyone up (or annoy downstairs neighbors). Do 1 mile, or 2, or 3 .... the DVDs are chaptered. 15 minutes or an hour .... whatever you can squeeze in. Here's a clip
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    If you don't have a treadmill you can alway do the deck of cards workout while watching TV. Hearts = cardio, Diamonds = upper, Spades = lower, Clubs = abs. Play: draw the 8 of hearts - do 8 jumping jacks, draw 10 of diamonds do 10 push ups .... etc.

    Love that!
  • EmDrake13
    EmDrake13 Posts: 27 Member
    Do you watch TV? If so, you have time. If I'm going to watch a movie, I try and work out on the stairstepper or treadmill.

    You could do this at home, too, with a step stool, if you don't have anything else. 30 minutes. One sit-com (with commercials), if you watch sit-coms.

    Walk home from work. Bike home from work. There's always a way.
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