Tall Girl Giving it her all

Hi, I am Aprill! I want to look in the mirror and like my body again. I had gained about 25+ pounds before I even had kids and then after having a daughter in 2008 and a son in 2010, my body is shot.

I have logged on MFP before but not with the motivation I seem to have this time.

My hubby and I both started tracking and doing P90x on January 30, 2012 and I can't believe my eyes when I look at the scale and am now thinking my goal may actually be attainable.

SW: 194.4
CW: 178.0
GW: 150

I am 5'11 and carry all og my weight in my midsection and appears I have big hips since having kids and am really hoping as I loose weight, they will shrink. Is that even possible? LOL!

Looking for other tall friends to go through this journey with :)


  • Mberanek408
    Mberanek408 Posts: 9 Member
    Congratultions from another tall girl. You are almost my twin with your goals. I am just starting - great to see you are doing such a good job. Keep it up
  • Krohnie
    Krohnie Posts: 286 Member
    I'm 5'9" and am at almost your current weight. I have very similar goals! Great Job on your loss already! Feel free to friend me!