is walking fast just as effective as jogging



  • hexrei
    hexrei Posts: 163
    What's wrong with bigger thighs?
    I've been doing lots of leg strength training and jogging lately and I'm happy to see my legs increase in muscle! It means my work is making me stronger.

    I love having ripped thighs.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    walking, jogging, or running, a mile is a mile. you only burn a few more calories running than you do walking. that being said, each of those work different muscles, so you need to learn what works for you.

    160lb person walking 4 mph burns approx 91 cal per mile, running at 6mph it goes to 121 cal/mile which is about a 32% difference. If you only go a couple of miles a week it's a trivial difference but if you were doing 20 miles per week that's a pound a year (not to mention the enhanced cardio improvement)
  • I think you're right.......
    .....according to an article I just read, the crossover point is around 5mph for most people, depending on their gait:
  • rrichichi
    rrichichi Posts: 11 Member
    Either way IMHO the bottom line is calories burned is based upon your weight, your motion (mph) & your time (minutes) !! If a 175 lb person walks for 30 min. @ 5 mph (very fast pace) it would be equivalent (calories burned) to a 175 lb. person jogging @ 5 mph for 30 min. So my answer is .... walking fast is just as effective as jogging slow but .... :)