Why are you / Why were you fat?



  • I went thru a bad break up, gained about 20 pounds, then I got pregnant, put on about 60 pounds. The last couple years I've lost 70 pounds on my own, just the last 20 are what I need to lose but I keep slipping and eating bad things or snacking late at night. I'm going tomorrow to get Denise Austin's workout dvd's and start exercising since I can't seem to control my eating habits yet
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    My parents are completely clueless about healthy eating.
    My dad exercises a lot and granted he is slender, but inside he's really a fat person because of how he eats.
    My whole family has battled weight issues for years.
    When I was younger, my dad would take me to McDonald's at least 4 times a week, but INSIST I order a Diet Coke. Then he made sure to tell me how fat I was when I really pissed him off. My grandma (his mother) always so courteously let me know how fat I was when I was a kid and into my adult years.
    Even when I got on the treadmill at home, my dad would walk in and tell me that I wasn't doing it right, that I need to go faster, harder, etc. It wasn't good enough that I was actually doing it. I was always nothing more than a fat failure to my dad.
    My mother was average to a little heavy over the years, but when I started losing weight, so started putting it on and would unconsciously trying to sabotage me. She has gotten so fat recently, that she's almost unrecognizable.
    I go to my parents' house and I check out what's in their fridge and it's appalling. First off, the fridge is so packed with food, you have no idea what's in it and almost everything is old. The fridge is filthy. There is nothing healthy in there whatsoever. The pantry is full of crap. Any fresh fruit or vegetables sit in the fridge and go bad. It's like they're afraid to eat what they have. They waste so much food.
    As I started getting older, I realized how badly my parents' ate and how they screwed me up. I'm trying desperately to change the bad habits that were inflicted on me, but it's so hard.
  • shaybethxo
    shaybethxo Posts: 153 Member
    i was a fat kid, fat teen and don't wanna be a fat adult.
    i put on two stone after i broke up with my boyfriend, so at my heaviest that's probably the reason.
    i comfort ate i suppose :/
  • I have been overweight ever since I hit puberty. I lost all sense of control when it came to portions and what I shouldn't have been eating. Every time I got stressed out, it became ten times worse. I would find myself mindlessly eating one thing after another until I felt sick or ashamed. I'm currently working very hard to overcome emotional eating as well as eating out of boredom. I lost 20 pounds last year, but stopped working out and gained 11 pounds back. I definitely do not want to be where I was before, I refuse to let myself be overweight all my life.:noway:
  • scythswife
    scythswife Posts: 1,100 Member
    mine was having 4 kids. I fell for the saying i can eat whatever and it will be easy to lose afterwards. I was wrong and now 10 yrs and 4 kids later am working on losing it.
    JENLHCOMER Posts: 20 Member
    I went up & down through high school with the season, but never much. After getting married to my husband who loves to cook, I put on 25 pounds slowly. Gained 50 more with first baby. Kept that weight and had 2 more babies over the years. All of a sudden, I am almost up to 300!! I have a huge sweet tooth and hate to exercise. I have really had to kick myself in the butt to get on and stay on this journey. I cannot be lazy anymore. I will be 40 in August and refuse to be this size. A lot of the women in my family are larger. We just hold weight and that has been my justification. My wonderful sister is on this journey along with me and we encourage each other. I couldn't do it without her!
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    For me I ate to many bad snacks. I eat a lot of same stuff I ate before except the snacks are gone. I did little to no exercise at all. Also had beer all the time , every night 4 or 5 a night. Also goodbye fried everything and hello baked and broiled
  • Hi....I was a young alcoholic, then a drug addict....As an adult, rather than fix myself, I transferred every addiction I had to eating. Period. Now I've chosen to exercise, seek inward for peace (rather than hope for external things to "make me feel better". I 'm learning to actually know myself....it's painful to be honest with myself a times, but I'm committed to getting well..., and it's getting better all the time.
  • I was on a seefood diet.

    I see food and I eat it.
  • I was always a chunky kid and i've been going to nutristionists since i was like in the fifth grade. you have no idea how much that takes a toll on some one's self esteem.
  • bethhyg
    bethhyg Posts: 209
    When I was a teenager and in my early twenties. I could eat whatever I wanted and not have to worry about weight. I continued to eat that way and gained weight. I never learned how to take control of what I ate. I ate what I wanted and when I wanted. And that is where I am now. Wanting to lose 50lbs.
  • I hate to play the "bad childhood" card but if I had to pinpoint it, my emotionally abusive and distant mother would be the main cause of my weight problems. As a child I ate to make myself feel better when I was lonely and hurt. So naturally, as an adult I use food as a sort of comfort. Sweet and fatty food is my way of telling myself that I'm worth something. Which is ironic, because being overweight has always made me feel even more worthless. It's been a vicious cycle.
    I'm only 5'3" and my healthy weight is around 125-130lbs. At my heaviest, I was about 185lbs (not sure because I was too ashamed to step on a scale). I got married last year at 150lbs and I am slowly but surely working my way down. I've become a vegetarian and I've found that logging my diet really helps keep me on track and motivated. My husband and I want to have a baby soon so I'm determined to get down to a healthy weight and healthy eating habits before bringing a child into the world. I want to be able to be a good influence on my children.
  • It was because I ate out of sheer boredom.. or depression. I ate whatever I wanted regardless of calories... not to mention the heavy snacking once I got by myself. I was surrounded by people who always wanted to go out to eat, and each and every single time I was happy to go. Good food is always a plus!

    Also because the only exercise my body ever got was from my mind jumping to conclusions about dramatic situations. Yeah. Shoulda kicked drama to the curb and adopted a different lifestyle eons ago!
  • too complicated and personal to write here. would share through email maybe. Wish it was easy to sort out though.

    Thats fine not to put it out here - I really just wanted people to be able to realize it for themselves, because I don't think that one can truely be physically healthy unless they are mentally healthy as well. No need to air your dirty laundry in public, just admit it to yourself, so the healing process can begin. Damn, I sound like a shrink!!!!

    I thinks it's great thing you've brought up ...

    If I continue to refuse to address my faults, and continue to blame my jobs, cities, medicines, marital status, how my significant other treats me....the list could be endless. Personal responsibility to change my endless cycle of excuses and sad / stressed/angry eating is the only way I'll get well...
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    I gained weight for several reasons, too many to explain...but rather than dwell on the past I want to focus on getting rid of this excess baggage, blanket, fat skin...or what ever it's called and move on with life.
  • JamesThiel
    JamesThiel Posts: 85 Member
    Desk job, couch potato...... And I like eating out and generally everything that is bad for you.....
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    i never ate well before i was prego the first time, so i ate everything insight wile i was (prego), and after i had her i developed a drinking problem...that i still deal with. and did the same with my second child(the eating) but my drinking is now under better control and i am starting to eat the right foods so...there
  • Very bad depression, a bad childhood, I'm lazy, and I like to eat too much. I also used to eat when I was bored, without fail.
  • Never bothered to exercise! You have to burn off more than you take in, or at least burn off what you consume to balance a weight. I am just lazy to be honest - such a busy life that I have put exercise on the back burner to my detriment.
  • Simple..
    I ate my feelings....

    Everything I wanted to say...I didn't.
    I ate to numb the pain