I have been soooo diligent with my exercise routines
i have been awesome about my eating habits
i am almost 40 days straight of real intesnsity
i was on day 12 of 30DS
and i am going to the gym 6 days a week

and then...

my husband lets his loser friend move into our effing living room
he sleeps on the effing couch
because he stays up all night with his friend
and they do this in our living room
its only been 2 days
but i'm losing my MIND

his **** is PILED on top of my treadmill

and how the hell am i supposed to work out when hes squatting in the living room all damn day

theres snow outside and i am a stay at home mom with my 1 year old

i'm about to go to jail for murder.
and i'm going to end up being fatter again

idk what to do, but i'm losing my effing mind
especially when my husband goes out or is at work,
and i cant go to the gym because our little girl is sleeping.


  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Take his crap off your treadmill and exercise anyway. Put on some headphones and rock out and ignore him.
  • liljoli
    liljoli Posts: 24 Member
    ewwww!! Crappy situation! Do you think he'd get the hint if you moved all his stuff outside? or put it all in a box and stood over it with lighter fluid just as he is waking up... Or you could talk on the "phone" really loud making sure he is overhearing you and say to your empty phone line how you just wish he would leave for about 3-4 hours during the day so you could have your house back. Make sure and say from when to when so he knows exactly when to leave. Good luck!! I think I'd just come out and say. "so dude, when are you leaving? I'd like my living room back." :)
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    Honestly sounds like something you and your husband need to talk about. Temporarily helping a friend is one thing, having a homeless bum stay is completely another.

    Personally I'd give him a week to figure his stuff out, put 30DS on hold, still hit the gym a couple times that week and watch what you're eating. Kick him out after a week and take back your living room to continue your work outs in private.
  • Darrknys
    wow super lame. I have a friend staying over off and on because he broke up with his girl. But he leaves in the morning for work and hangs out with his friends. Some times he stays over at another friends place.

    I suggest having him go to the store to pick stuff up for you, give him a grocery list or something.

    I've been doing my workouts when my friend is out and about doing the things he needs to do.

    Hope this helps give you some ideas and good luck!
  • penney88
    Tell him your gonna start charging rent and see if that puts his a** in gear to get a life!
  • NewTeena
    NewTeena Posts: 154 Member
    Take his junk off your exercise equipment and tell him to put them away in his own home.
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    Do you trust him to babysit? Put him to work and take the time for yourself! Suggest he start cooking and cleaning too. It isn't easy having someone in your space but don't allow this to keep you from what you want and need. Good luck.
  • leogirl724
    I would tell your hubby...
    either he pitches a tent for his buddy in the back yard or he pitches his crap and his friend out the door.
    that is your house and the house of your baby....

    is he contributing?
    if so...tell him to get a hotel instead
    if not,...show him the door...

    I sound so harsh because I went through that...I worked 3 jobs while my ex husband's friend and his girlfriend slept on my living room floor, ate my food, and BROKE MY WASHER....
    yeah, that didn't last long...I finally have my ex and ultimatum...he knew what was good for him
  • smokinjackd
    Use lye, it eats the bones.
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    He's going to have to understand that if he's staying at your house... he's gonna have to remove himself from where YOU need to get your workouts done. I know it's easier said than done sometimes. However, if he has a problem he knows where the door is and your husband should have a talk with him since he was the one that let him stay there. I hope not to see you on the news lol! Good luck!
  • Hernandeak11
    Hernandeak11 Posts: 351 Member
    Oh, god..I'm having flashbacks of last semester when we had an extra roommate...

    If he's a nice guy, I'd try some of the mentioned suggestions: having him help out/watch your daughter if you trust him

    If he's not so nice...it's your territory, so it's perfectly acceptable to go into raging b*tch mode..that's what I had to do to get by lol
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    the longer freeloaders stay the harder it is to get rid of them
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I had no clue what this thread was about.

    I like the way you talk though.
  • HeidiRene
    HeidiRene Posts: 335 Member
    I 100% absolutely think your health is the most important and although I am a gracious hostess and uber in favor of lending a helping hand to others I still think you have every single right to be firm about your needs. Therefore, ask him to leave room when you need it or work out with him there whether he is sleeping or not. However; if for some reason you just can't do this (for whatever your own personal reasons) let him sleep in your bed so you have the den to exercise.No, I DO NOT think my 2nd suggestion is ideal, but I do think it's better than you not exercising. It might save your sanity. Best of luck to you!
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Honestly, you need a serious talk with your husband.
  • timaeus_drache
    timaeus_drache Posts: 104 Member
    He's going to have to understand that if he's staying at your house... he's gonna have to remove himself from where YOU need to get your workouts done. I know it's easier said than done sometimes. However, if he has a problem he knows where the door is and your husband should have a talk with him since he was the one that let him stay there. I hope not to see you on the news lol! Good luck!

  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Your house, your life. You should not have to accommodate his lazy butt. Carry on with your normal routine including your exercise. He should be appreciative of a place to crash and be considerate of you and your family. If he is truly being a pain in your tush, speak with your husband and tell him how you feel about the situation. His friend, his responsibility to make him understand that he is a guest and that he needs to stop being a PITA.
  • DatEpicChick
    DatEpicChick Posts: 358 Member
    he is trying to get a place, and he put in the application for the place and what not
    he was living with his mom and she booted him
    and hes been my husbands best friend for longer than we've even known eachother
    so i wasnt too shocked...

    but it started with 'staying one night' so he could 'talk to his grandma' about staying with her
    and now were on night 3 and i've had to clean up after him and deal with him

    ... my husband wasnt even home this evening and he invited some chick over to 'hang out...

    like i know her and we're cool,
    but its 8 o'clock at friggin night
    i'm a full time student and a full time mommy and


    i dont want to 'hang out' and play hostess.

    i think i will go with lye. thanks for the tip.


    he needs to GTFO
  • renstwin
    renstwin Posts: 66 Member
    Maybe you could ask them to leave the room while you exercise? Ugh it still sounds like an awkward situation anyways.
  • leogirl724
    Use lye, it eats the bones.
    Should have thought of that =)