Why are you / Why were you fat?



  • jmulldome
    Four simple words...........Jack.....In.....The.....Box
    That is why I got fat about 10+ years ago.

    I have brought my weight down, and also brought down the amount of Jack or any fast food I consume, but Jack is the reason for my initial weight gain.

    Jack for breakfast if I worked the early shift, Jack for lunch if I worked mid-days, or Jack for dinner if I worked evenings..........it was a vicious circle of crap.

    Now, I'll be surprised if I have Jack more than once every few months (sorry, occasionally I have a weakness for those tacos, even though I know they're horrible for me).
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Honest truth time for me

    - Laziness. I was too lazy to move and make a change in my lifestyle. Fast food (which I hate btw, I really hate most of the food from BK and McD's) was just easier even though cooking for myself wouldve been cheaper and healthier.

    - Excuses. I made excuses. I will do this some other time. I will do it starting tomorrow. Oh I ate bad today? I will recover tomorrow by not eating and ofcourse that led to binging

    - video game addiction: World of Warcraft. I cannot even begin to explain how much that game have ruined my life, not just health wise but everything. I know I'm to blame but that game alone have ruined the last atleast 4 years of my life.

    - being a coward: Whenever I got hit by stress, I tried to confide in food or cigarettes. I just didnt wanted to face my troubles like a man but in the end, I had to anyways. Stress didnt went away because of eating or smoking but it sure did put on some weight.

    - Just not stopping: I couldve stopped with the bad habits when I hit 200, I was aware of the weight issue. I couldve stopped at 220, 240, 250, 270, and now I'm at 280. Each time I knew what was up but I didnt do anything about it. I was ok with the fat man in the mirror. I hated him but I didnt wanted to do anything to change it

    I am now in charge of my own faults and failures. I will try my best. I urge my friends on MFP to not let me get off the course. I have a few real life friends who i've asked to do the same. Hopefully, this time I will conquer my own mind.
  • Jesusfreak21
    In high school I cheered, but when I moved high schools and stopped cheering I started to gain weight. Then once I got to college I gained so much weight. Being in nursing school has not helped, it has only added to the stress. When I get stressed my first reaction is to eat. I have gained over 30lbs. I went from 145 to 175 it is ridiculous. Instead of working out, I just choose to do nothing about it, but I realize I have to change it now or I never will. It's time to take back all the time I've lost, being sad and depressed about being overweight. I just have to be motivated :) Matthew 19:26
  • mwcraig34
    mwcraig34 Posts: 359 Member
    Because my mouth hole is larger than my butt-hole!
  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    I've always been fat.

    I remember when I was around 7, my mom started me on all sorts of diets, from just eating healthy and cutting out sweets to crazy fad diets.
    Well, you know... Being seven, I didn't really consider any health benefits from losing weight, and the yo-yo effect came into play very early on.

    HOWEVER, I have been pretty much the same weight since my freshman year and the same proportions since 5th grade.
  • phechan3
    Part poor diet, part laziness, part being too embarrassed to just do stuff, part addictive personality, part genetic and then compounded by going from a decently active job to a broke, full time student. ._. And I'm sure the whole procrastination thing isn't helping. >.<;;
  • ImSoSerious1987
    ImSoSerious1987 Posts: 22 Member
    I eat too much, portion is key, and i cheat that's one. its especially hard when your the only one trying to eat better and my will power is just shot.
  • peachied
    peachied Posts: 117 Member
    I think there are many contributing factors to why I have lived as an overweight person, but the number one reason I can gather is that I ate my feelings. I used food to make myself feel better, and it worked for awhile until I looked in the mirror and saw something I didn't want to see.

    Now that I've made the decision to get fit, food isn't my emotional support. I don't need food to comfort me through the hard times. I don't live to eat anymore, I eat to live. And that just makes me happy! I am getting stronger and healthier every day I use MFP and I am doing that all on my own. It's awesome!
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    Mine was mostly high school. I was always active and skinny,as a kid, just not as skinny as some of my friends. I had a bad home life and I was not very popular in school either. I was considered a freak! I was 5'5 and about 135 pounds as a freshmen, I wore size 8-10 jeans. I got suicidally depressed and stopped being active and lived in the kitchen, by my Jr. year I was up to a size 20 prom dress. I didn't care, about myself, I was suicidal and had to no self respect at all. I met Jeremy (husband) at the end of my junior year, he went to a different high school. I quickly fell in love with him, he was the first person to truly make me happy. I felt better about myself around him and started to lose weight. I was back down to a 18 for senior prom, and a year after high school we got married and I was a 16 wedding dress. I got down to a 14, then I got comfy and have just been yo-yoing between 14-20 for the past 8 years. I'm just so tired of being a yo-yo. I'm really trying to make this a happen, this time around!!!
  • SuperSnoopy
    SuperSnoopy Posts: 3,464 Member
    Depression and comfort eating made me feel better. The depression is still there but the weight is gone now and I am making sure it dont come back. XX
  • Exodus109
    Exodus109 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow! Your post really did it's job. I, indeed, have never really considered this question? I mean I know I overeat, I know I am an emotional eater, I know I love sugar......but deep down inside, why would I do this to myself? I have NO IDEA! I am going to ponder this for a while though and just wanted to thank you for bringing me to this place. After 30 years of dieting on and off, it's high time I got to some roots.
  • SnTsMum
    SnTsMum Posts: 90 Member
    I used being pregnant as an excuse to not watch what I ate.
  • SkinnyShadow
    SkinnyShadow Posts: 106 Member
    I think what really did it... was that I was broke, and I mean like, surviving on blackberries broke, for about 1 & 1/2 years. I was literally starving every day. I was in a bad place - abusive relationship etc. When I finally got out of that situation, I ate, and I ate and I ate. It's like I get this panic feeling like, when I start eating my body's like "quick, shove as much as you can in you cause you're not going to get any more!!"
  • rmesta
    rmesta Posts: 13 Member
    Now - Working on it... Then emotional eater as a kid always chubby, 2 kids -mommy weight, illness - fatigue - limited activity.
  • ruthnor
    There are so many reasons I'm not even sure I know where to begin.

    When I was a kid, I hated "healthy" foods, mostly vegetables, and my parents eventually gave up on trying to feed them to me because I was so unbending. And they never tried to stop me from eating too much junk food. I got to eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted for my entire childhood/teenage years. I'm not trying to blame my parents, necessarily, but they definitely enabled me.

    So, because of that, I'd always been overweight. I never thought of trying to change it because it was just part of my identity. The only way I lost weight was pretty much starving myself when I was 13, so I gave up on that after about a year and continued eating whatever I wanted. Like many people, I ate my emotions. And, like most teenagers, I had a lot of them.

    I always feel embarrassed when people share their reasons for weight loss like this because even when I was gaining SO much, I never hit the breaks and went "woah, this needs to change!" At 220 I only looked a little chubby, because I'm tallish and hold my weight well. But then it became 230, 240, etc. and I knew it was bad but had no idea how to change it. I just accepted it as part of who I was. When I finally hit 300, I was really shocked and horrified but still had no idea how to lose it other than starving myself. After maybe 4 years of living this way and yo-yo-ing around, I finally decided to make a change in my life and put serious effort into both losing weight and living a healthier lifestyle in general. And I'm so much happier for it. :)
  • manoahula
    Bad eating habits...when left to my own devices, I starve myself on some days and eat *way* too much on others. Without tracking what I eat, it's tough for me to find a balance.
  • tethomas73
    tethomas73 Posts: 249 Member
    I wish I could say baby fat but the baby is now 18. About 10 years ago I found out I had hypothyroidism. Not using that as and excuse because I also made bad choices when it came to food.. Growing up everything we ate came for the garden and my dad hunt and fish.. After High School I move to the BIG city. It was so easy to stop and grab a burger and fries.So that's how I gain my weight..